Steep Rise in ‘Mental Illness’ in Children Linked to Vaccines
A steep rise in mental illness diagnoses among children may be covering up vaccine side effects, say independent researchers.
Recently, a BBC news story raised concern about the rapid rise of reported mental health problems among children (May 14, 2018) with ‘Sharp rise under-11s referred for mental health help.’ The story ran:
“Data obtained by children’s charity the NSPCC shows that schools in England have made a total of 123,713 referrals for specialist help since 2014-15. But more than half of these came from primary schools. The youngest child referred for help was three years old….The statistics also reveal that one-third of those referred to Child Adolescent Mental Health Services (Camhs) were declined help.”
But, according to independent medical researchers like, Alicia Cashman (who also holds a Masters’ degree in Health & Physical Education) such mental health misdiagnosis is being increasingly associated with certain poorly-developed and regulated vaccines, that display eerily similar symptoms.
The BBC article admits that many children labeled ‘mentally ill’ at GP surgeries are then being assessed by Child Adolescent Mental Health Services (Camhs) and found to not to be mentally ill at all. But what is the real cause of this alarming rise in the number of children with physical symptoms so similar to mental illness?
Alicia Cashman and other researchers believe they have the answer. Cashman reveals she learned from personal experience just how poorly trained and led are general practitioners on certain ‘exotic’ diseases now more prevalent in modern global lifestyles.
Cashman explains:
“I run a website and a physical support group for those suffering with MSIDS (multi systemic infectious disease syndrome) which is a much more appropriate name than Lyme Disease as few have “just” Lyme anymore but a hodgepodge of pathogens, making our cases far more complex than most regular GP’s believe.”
There is rising concern our over-worked and time-poor GP’s are simply succumbing to pressures to follow outdated and inappropriate protocols rather than expose the real villain [badly regulated vaccines]. Even daring to raise ANY question about the safety of vaccines renders you liable to being “anti-science.”
Sin Lee, a pathologist and scientist working on Lyme disease for several years laments that any and all such, “scientific debate is limited and tightly controlled.” Lee says:
“Some 380,000 Americans were infected with the tick-borne spirochete in 2015, leaving 20,000, by conservative estimates, with unresolved joint pain, cognitive lapses, fatigue and other problems. Another 232,000 are estimated to be infected annually in Western Europe. Many suffer because of a poor test and delayed diagnoses, issues that have been largely dismissed in mainstream journals.”
According to Mary Beth Pfeiffer, an investigative journalist writing the book, “The First Epidemic,” which is about ticks and the diseases they carry, scientific debate on tick borne illness is tightly controlled by a self-serving scientific cabal.
Cashman and other researchers lay the blame squarely at the doors of authoritarian government bodies (such as the Infectious Diseases Society of America). Their “guidelines” hold such sway over medical doctors that they have essentially become totalitarian rules.
Consider the case of one frequent international traveller, John Blohm. He was a charter airplane pilot until a mysterious disease made it impossible for him to fly. Neurologists did meticulous work-ups and found nothing wrong, despite the fact that Blohm couldn’t hear or see right, suffered from exhaustion, extreme dizziness, bouts of fever and chills, tremors, and what he refers to as “lightning-bolt” zaps of pain.
“I spiraled downhill for years,” says Blohm. “The doctors referred me to psychiatrists and I began to think I was crazy. A Mayo Clinic specialist accused me of malingering and said I should go back to work.”
After seven years, Blohm did some research and realized his symptoms were typical of Lyme disease, a tick-borne bacterial infection.
Shockingly, Lyme disease is now one of the fastest spreading infectious diseases in the world, and is almost twice as common as breast cancer and six times more common than HIV/AIDS.
Alicia Cashman and pathologist, Sin Lee concur about the under-reported epidemic of Lyme disease:
“I am greatly concerned over what I see in the scientific community at large. We post articles on this issue as Lyme/MSIDS patients are already marginalized due to the highly polarized illness they unfortunately have. Due to collusion, fraud, and scientific deceit of the worst kind, patients are accused of Munchausen syndrome by proxy, MUS (medically unexplained symptoms – another moniker describing mental illness), and of fabricating disease.” (see here) Thankfully, more and more is coming out on the severe nature of this illness but many remain in the dark.”
Doctors Hounded to Conform
Cashman has found evidence proving that doctors who go outside the lines are hunted down, fined, or are required to take education courses. She found:
“Doctors are required to have oversight in their office, and many have lost their licenses. My own doctor has paid upwards of $50K to protect his practice. [see here] I highly recommend the documentary, “Under Our Skin,” as it shows the mismanagement of this disease and the drivers behind it.”
Because it’s the insurance companies that come after them, LLMD’s (Lyme literate doctors trained by ILADS – who know what they are doing) do not accept insurance. Cashman notes:
“My husband and I have paid upwards of $120K for the two of us over four years of treatment. BTW: Treatment for this is typically in the YEARS not days or months and requires many different drugs and modalities.”
Scientific and Corporate Fraud
The sad reality is that the vaccine industry is a huge cash cow money-maker for pharmaceuticals investors. Profit motives can easily outweigh ethics when shareholders’ interests are paramount. It is all too convenient to turn a blind eye to the real causes of many diseases such as Multiple sclerosis, ALS, Lupus, Chronic Fatigue, Cancer, which may well have a Lyme disease link.
Just consider what happened in 1998 when the FDA approved a new recombinant Lyme vaccine, LYMErix™.
This OspA vaccine was in the end the very thing, the very fungal antigen, the very TLR2-agonist (structure equaling function), that caused the New Great Imitator outcomes of MS, ALS, Lupus, Chronic Fatigue, Cancer, and more. In short, the ‘cure’ may be worse than the disease.
LYMEerix vaccine was manufactured with ‘outer surface protein A’ (OspA). OspA is fungal and therefore has an immunosuppressive effect – causing post-sepsis syndrome. People injected with this vaccine were effected similarly to those bitten by a tick which injects spirochetes (toxic fungi). Ironically, this vaccine was making people sick with the exact thing it was supposed to prevent!
Why would the Lyme cabal purposely market a Lyme vaccine that resulted in such harm? Patents and profits.
In order to get the vaccine to market, they have to show the vaccine will create antibodies to produce a certain level of protection. It is only when these lipids are exposed (OspA) that the immune system will see them and cause an immune response.
Another concerned expert, Dr. Stricker states:
“I find it highly intriguing that the push here, and always, is for a vaccine; not a cure, not helping patients with pain, not making care accessible and affordable. Just in creating a new cash-cow.”
“Falsify some data, throw out those volunteers, and do whatever you have to do to make the data fit the scientific narrative,” says Truthcures activist Beaux Reliosis.
Alicia Cashman writes:
“This is the sort of thing we patients and the doctors who dare to treat us deal with continually. We are fighting a system that is inherently deceptive and does not look out for public health in the least. Most of the people sitting on the CDC panel have patents on the Lyme vaccine and test kits making them completely biased & unsuitable for their job.”
As a consequence of ignorance and misdirection it is all too convenient to tag patients as mentally ill when their symptoms should be recognised as due to the very vaccinations given to our young to protect them.
Alicia Cashman runs the Madison Lyme Support Group (Wisconsin). Link:
Other useful links:
Ken Hughes
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All quite possible of course, but there’s another angle to this problem. With the closing down of all the mental institutions in the UK and the emergence of the application of psychiatry as “care in the community”, there is a growing industry in mental health which has a voracious appetite for new customers. We see this almost daily in news reports of companies, institutions and other organisations “failing to provide proper mental care” for their employees.
To support this growth in the mental health “industry”, there is a growing section of carers who are not trained or educated as psychiatrists, such as counsellors and the like. Psychiatrists themselves are notoriously unreliable in their diagnoses and I quote the chair of DSM 4 (fourth diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders), Allen Francis, –
“Psychiatric diagnosis still relies exclusively on fallible subjective judgments rather than objective biological tests”.
Clearly, we cannot expect even this frighteningly low level of diagnostic competence from all these new “sub-carers” in mental health and this surely rings alarm bells.
Clearly the system is now open to pressures to diagnose mental illness or problems when in fact, there are none.
The question I have is “Where are the Quality Assurance systems needed to ensure good management of this industry, to protect the public from over-diagnosis of mental disorder?” As a professional Engineer, I have contributed much over my lifetime in the way of ensuring accurate designs and solutions that safely and cost effectively produce the desired results. I see no equivalent procedures in psychiatry.