
A new term to describe the pathology caused by the Spike Protein in both the COVID virus and the mRNA so-called COVID “vaccines”

There are now over 3,000 published papers on the adverse effects of the so-called COVID “vaccines” and thousands more papers on various aspects of COVID-19 and its treatment.

An excellent scientific review of the pharmacology and damaging effects of the Spike Protein produced by the mRNA so-called “vaccines” has just been published by Parry et al (17 Aug. 2023) and contains 253 references.

However, for others who are not inclined to delve deeply into the scientific literature, I have summarised just a few of the many important points from this paper (below).

· Spikeopathy: A new term to describe the toxicity of the spike protein from both the virus and the so-called COVID “vaccines”

· The claim that the COVID “vaccines” saved millions of lives (14.4 million to be precise) is based on the false premise that these injections prevented infection and transmission. We know this claim is a fraud but it continues to be repeated.

· The spike protein produced by the COVID-19 so-called “vaccines” is pathogenic ie it causes disease in its own right – it does not need the virus. Spike protein is found in blood clots and in thrombotic vessel walls.

· The biodistribution of the lipid nanoparticles containing mRNA in the injections is widespread, going to all tissues and organs, in contrast to the SARS-CoV-2 virus which has a more limited distribution in the body thus, the “vaccine” presents an increased pathogenic threat as compared to the virus.

· The lipid-nanoparticles themselves are inflammatory and this is a mechanism of toxicity.

· Nobody knows the long-term safety of these COVID so-called “vaccines”. They could have intergenerational adverse genetic effects.

· Spikeopathy is due to inflammation, thrombogenesis and tissue damage and results in adverse effects on multiple organ systems including cardiovascular (eg. heart attack, stroke/blood clotting), neurological (eg. dementia, Bell’s Palsy etc) and reproductive systems (miscarriage, foetal death).

· Repeated booster COVID-19 injections appear to induce tolerance and may contribute to recurrent COVID-19 infection and “long COVID”.

· The Spike protein produced by the COVID “vaccines” is, in itself, toxic.

· The so-called COVID “vaccines” are defined by the FDA as “gene therapy products” which present a special category of risk.

· The mRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” were developed under the control of the US Department of Defense and under special emergency legislation (which meant the normal safety tests did not need to be done).

· Normally, natural mRNA is highly unstable. The mRNA in the COVID injections differs from normal RNA is that it is designed to be more stable. The pathogenic spike protein can persist for months.

· The mRNA so-called COVID “vaccines” have produced levels of serious adverse events not seen previously with conventional vaccines.

· For the weeks 51 and 52 of 2022, the NSW government data document nil hospitalisations and 6 deaths for unvaccinated persons but 141`5 hospitalisations and 82 deaths in known vaccinated persons. These data do not support the claim the COVID “vaccines” saved millions of lives. The degree of harm caused by the novel gene-based vaccine technology might then outweigh any benefits.

· Certain lipid nanoprotein constituents used in the gene-based “vaccines” were never approved or evaluated for safe use.

· Subclinical myocarditis produced by the Covid “vaccines” may be the underlying cause of sudden death in youths and middle aged adults.

· The spike protein has prion-like characteristics (induces the misfolding of other proteins) which may be responsible for Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease and other neurological diseases.

· Autopsy studies have shown that fatal cardiac disease (heart attack) appears to be due to spike protein and not the COVID-19 virus.

See more here substack.com

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    I’ve stated it many times in here, “the conversations never advance”.
    More circular garbage about meaningless covid bullshit. 3 years and the conversation still hasn’t evolved into intellectual property rights or patents.
    What a joke.
    Anyone still reading garbage like this is simply an idiot.


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