Spanish Police Declare Resistance To Covid Tyranny and Corruption
Words from the front: Spanish Police declare resistance to Covid tyranny and corruption, state that they are united with Police forces across Europe
”We promised to protect and serve the people not the corrupt politicians. We feel very proud to be police but real police, not hit men of the government. Our association is in direct contact with members of security forces in Italy, Portugal, France, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, Germany, and Holland. We’re going to join together all of the police of Europe. We’re going to stop this.
The security forces and the armed forces are the key to all of this. We have to put ourselves on the side of the people, and turn our backs on the corrupt governments! We have denounced the Covid passport here in Valencia with our association. We’re going to demand responsibility from Señor Marlasca for the two states of emergency, and for using the police and the guardia civil to coerce the citizens. We don’t support that.”
This seems to be a critical development, and one we will keep close tabs on.
Thanks to Pélerine for this news tip.
Incidentally, Pélerine was selected as an outstanding reviewer of Robert F. Kennedy’s The Real Anthony Fauci by The Defender, linked here.
Congratulations Pélerine!
And congratulations to all the good police men and women of Europe, keeping your oath to protect, and risking your lives and livelihoods to do so. We salute your courage, and keep you in prayer.
See more here:
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The London Met police should do the same. As Mark Steyn has said the Met is now policing everything but crime. The latest is that they want to limit the information in Sue Gray report so that it does not influence them. Does this apply to all crime investigation now? Facts from witnesses are no longer required by the Met police.
very old white guy
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In the coming civil war the police will not escape justice.
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Now, while most people are destroyed they wake up…
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Coronistan you need 5 GCSEs to become a PO so it takes them a while to work things out. They might be late to the party but this is potentially a good news story, thank you PSI.
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One super problem as I see it is that almost all of the U.S.’s military has been vaxed… and probably most other “Free World” militaries. What happens when the armed forces wake up and smell the napalm and start threatening to revolt and go after the meanies who brought this on us? Will the meanies blackmail the military into obeisance by withholding any antidotes to covid, should any exist? Come on, Zelenko!
Brian James
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August 3, 2021 The observational study “Secret 16” on magnetism in vaccinated
For several months, Internet users have tried to highlight a magnetism that would be linked to the vaccine (“Magnet challenge”), with fanciful objects (phones, keys, scissors, “spoon-code” …) stuck on various areas of anatomy: arms, forehead, torso, back… among others!