Solar Panels On Swiss Dam Already Cracked After Only Two Years

It’s often how the green racket works: Conjure up some ‘green’ energy-producing pie-in-the-sky project, no matter how unfeasible it may be, propose it to technically illiterate bureaucrats – who permit and fund it with little hesitation – build it, and, after realizing it won’t ever work, abandon it and let the next generation deal with the mess

In the meantime, you will have earned a tidy sum of money.

The latest likely example of such a project is “Axpo in Glarus Süd”, described at Blackout News here:

“Solar panels at Muttsee dam fail after two years – solar plant not suitable for mountain use.”

The Swiss Axpo Glarus Süd solar project consisted of installing solar panels on a dam with ideal orientation.

It was heralded as a pioneering project and designed to last 20 years while providing ‘green’ power (at least in the summertime) to nearly 3,000 people.

But, as Blackout News reports:

After just two years, considerable problems are already apparent. Of the 5,000 or so solar panels installed, around 270 are damaged, reports the newspaper Südostschweiz.”

Solar panels in the harsh environment of the Swiss Alps? What could possibly go wrong?

Surely the builders and those approving the project had to have been familiar with extremely harsh winter conditions and massive snowfalls of the Swiss Alps, and that the system would never have a chance.

Obviously, no one cares much about reality anymore. The important thing, it seems, is to grab all that ‘green’ cash and make a stash.

Already, just two years in operation, 270 panels of the Muttsee project need to be replaced, and that is at an exorbitant cost.

Just check out the Axpo promotion video and take a look at the equipment needed to build the project. The helicopters, cranes, rigging, and this caliber of personnel aren’t cheap.

So far I haven’t found data on the project’s return on investment time.

Another embarrassing fact: “The full extent of the damage only became clear when the snow at 2,500 meters above sea level had completely melted,” reports Blackout News.

No one became aware of the damage until spring had arrived.

See more here climatechangedispatch

Header image image: Blackout News

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