So It Was All A Lie and They Knew It
A new study shows that face masks are not proven to prevent viral infections and carry possible harms to those who wear them. The peer-reviewed study from German researchers shows that there is a possible toxicity when wearing masks due to the constant exposure of carbon dioxide.
And yet masks were mandated for so many children. In one study “masks frequently led to breathing problems in 100 school children between 8 and 11 years of age especially during physical exertion.” The study shows that the medical community has long since known about the dangers of prolonged CO2 exposure.
The main points discussed in the video are whether or not masking prevents transmission of any virus not just COVID-19 since mask mandates where a huge part of society not too long ago. It also discusses whether or not there may be unintended harms especially in the more vulnerable categories of society.
Source: YouTube
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Russ D
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Masks DO NOT stop:
Cigarette smoke
Car exhaust
Food smells
Body odor
…but yet people believe that they stop a virus. That’s what you call a special kind of STUPID
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Yep… can you use those masks when taking asbestos out? Absolutely not so if it cant filter out asbestos then there is no way it can filter “viruses”.
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I did not need a study to know that masks cannot prevent inhaling or exhaling a pathogen of any sort. I also did not need a study to know that they restrict my ability to breathe properly. I have no idea why people have become so stupid in the last few decades but they sure have.
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N95 FFRs are made of non-porous material and protective only when securely fitted to a wearer’s face. They are designed to offer protection from large droplets and about 95% of small particles (0.3 microns in size). Individual coronavirus particles are smaller than this.
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“Face coverings and face masks” – “Face coverings will not protect you from getting COVID-19”.
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I was never mad about the masks. Never wore one unless I had to-to enter a store etc…. That said, name a better filter to identify the sheep during that scam? You can’t. People will lie all day about not getting that hoax “vaccine” now. But they can’t lie about having been seen wearing that dumb ass mask all the time.
Never let them forget it either! They are beneath humans. Some sort of soulless beings that inhabit empty lives while taking orders from a screen with moving pictures on it etc….
I can only hope the “vaccine” does what I suspect it will do to them. Cull the heard! The remaining, real humans with souls, will take it from there.
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I never wore one even when i went to 5 different hospitals. Not in a store..not anywhere..