Snake Venom and COVID-19

I want to start off by stating my embarrassment that I have devoted a couple of hours assessing the snake venom hypothesis, similar to many of my colleagues, here, here, here, and here (who I suspect spent less time than I did which is why I am embarrassed).

But I might as well share the fruits? of my time spent assessing the Watch the Water “documentary” lest it go to waste.

First off, I have never met Dr. Brian Ardis and know little of his previous (and from what I have heard, credible) work in calling attention to one of the most fraudulent and corrupt saga’s in U.S Public Health history, that of our agencies ensuring that the completely ineffective, somewhat toxic, and outrageously profitable remdesivir be infused into almost every arm of every hospitalized American patient with COVID for almost 2 years now (by propagandized, hypnotized, and/or cowardly infectious disease specialists across the country. Go IDSA!)

The problem is that Dr. Ardis went on some highly watched podcasts this week espousing novel (and I assume untested amongst his colleagues, yikes) theories that COVID is equivalent to snake venom and that remdesivir is actually snake venom plus a bunch of stuff about snake venom, er, I mean COVID, being released in water sources (this latter part I will just ignore as I don’t think that Dr. Ardis meant that as being the most important part of his theories – see how gracious I am?).

Since those theories were broadcast, many people in my orbit, many supporters of the FLCCC, and many patients in my practice have reached out, asking what I/we thought of these theories and what our take on this stuff was. I suppose it is only natural because I believe many people trust our opinion and judgement on medical matters and scientific topics.

So I figured I owed it to those folks to give them some of my impressions of the soundness of the many statements made by Dr. Ardis, someone whom I mean no disrespect to, but whom I believe I am allowed to disagree with professionally, just as I have on occasion when speaking with and discussing matters with my newest colleagues and friends like Drs. McCullough, Mallone, Cole, Urso, not to mention the times in COVID when Paul Marik and I have argued the veracity of various insights we were developing.

I watched his interview with Stew Peters and 1.5 episodes with Mike Adams, and the following are my impressions of the many statements he made if interested:

  1. He talked about diaphragmatic paralysis as the cause of respiratory failure in COVID. Wow. Not starting well. Zero basis for this as paralysis is not the pathophysiology of respiratory failure in COVID. I know of not one reported or published instance of diaphragm paralysis in COVID death (there might be one, but I have never seen a patient die of diaphragm paralysis in COVID and I have cared for hundreds).
  2. He accused doctors in the hospital of giving patients medicines like morphine, precedex, fentanyl etc in order to “suppress (or stop, cant remember) their breathing.” Oof. This hurts. Although this is technically correct, the wording is both inappropriately accusatory and unnecessarily sensationalistic because we instead routinely use those medicines to make patients comfortable and synchronous with the ventilator, certainly not with the primary or sinister intent of “stopping breathing”. The use of these medicines in such situations have been standard ICU and anesthesia practice for decades for patients requiring mechanical ventilation due to innumerable indications and causes. Lastly, ICU practice has been slowly evolving for decades now to use as little of those medicines and for as short as duration as possible, mostly in a vain attempt to avoid causing ICU delirium in our critically ill patients. To express this view of this practice betrays a defamatory and near total ignorance of the care of a patient in advanced respiratory failure.
  3. To say that the most common day of death in the hospital is day 9 and relate this to be the cause of the cumulative dose of remdesivir is bizarre – average day of death has no meaning when a third die in less than 4 days, a fifth die between 5-8 days, and the rest die beyond 9 days. .. remdesivir was not around until May 2020 and I saw people die the same way both before and after remdesivir and people dying of COVID in the hospital are usually on vents for many many days. Although I agree that remdesivir is a fraud with known toxic side effects, they are not so discernible or as common as he claims. We would have seen a huge rise in the deaths of the hospitalized after remdesivir.. which we did not, in fact, hospital mortality started going down with improved care practices (avoidance of the idiotic “early intubation” protocols of many academic medical centers) plus the standard use of corticosteroids (at a corrupt low dose – more on that later) in late spring/early summer 2020.
  4. Claiming that it is wrong that the CDC monitors water for outbreaks because it is too late to detect them at that point shows ignorance of the fact that many studies have shown it to be a valid technique for predicting outbreaks prior to rises in documented cases. The suggestion that they are putting snake venom in the water I already promised above that I will just ignore.
  5. “They were banning and punishing doctors for using monoclonal antibodies.”I know of not one instance of “banning or punished doctors” for using monoclonal antibodies as he claimed. Yeesh, instead, we have been fired, letters have been sent to medical boards, and medical boards and insurance companies have investigated us.. but that was for “off-label” prescribing of highly effective repurposed drugs, not NIH and FDA approved or EUA approved drugs. Getting increasingly worried as this is just the first 15 minutes of the Stew Peters episode.

Now, lets transition to the main theory he espouses, that SARS-CoV2 largely acts as a snake venom and that remdesivir is also made from snake venom. As to the first part of this theory, there is a bit of truth there because there is indeed a short sequence of RNA coding for amino acids that make up a part of the receptor binding domain (RBD) portion of the spike protein that is identical to snake venom.

Problem with calling COVID-19 snake venom: this ptotein sequence is just a small part of one protein of the 29 made by SARS-CoV2 when it replicates. This does NOT mean the virus came from a snake but it does have a little snake venom protein in it. Why it is in there who knows, I suppose I can ask Fauci or Baric or Daszak or the Chinese Military the next time I run into one of them. Starting from here though, I am getting worried about where this is going.

It is true however, and important to recognize, that this part of the spike protein RBD may potentially make it antagonize nicotinic receptors, a pathophysiologic mechanism which is one of many exhibited by snake venom. This mechanism does indeed cause macrophage activation and cytokine storms via the antagonism of nicotinic receptors.

Although we all know that the ACE-2 receptor is how the virus enters and replicates, it is possible that the nicotinic acid receptor antagonism could indeed play a role in making people so ill. So, it has some snake venom like properties and suggests nicotine and other nicotinic acid agonists may have a therapeutic role. May have one. But that is as far as the science will get you.

Problem is that the spike also has sequences which encode proteins identical to staphylococcus toxin so the following theory could equally apply to someone claiming “they” are sickening us with staph. But he goes way beyond the nicotinic receptor hypothesis and on to very strange places as follows:

  1. Saying that the virus/venom and/or remdesivir venom causes pulmonary hemorrhage. Problem: I have not seen one case either pre-or post remdesivir roll out although it is listed as a complication of snake bites and as an adverse events of remdesivir. But it ain’t happening beyond maybe a rare case in the hospital. We are now leaving planet Earth I am afraid.
  1. Saying the the virus/venom and/or remdesivir/venom causes ARDS initially. It does not. COVID (and those with COVID and treated with remdesivir) all have a condition called “organizing pneumonia (OP)” (never described in snake bites). ARDS only happens in end-stage disease as it is the final stage of all lung injuries like when OP progresses if untreated or under-treated, which I have well-argued previously is the proximate cause of all deaths in hospital due to the corrupt low dose used in the RECOVERY trial. My paper on organizing pneumonia being the predominant and primary lung injury in COVID is here, can even be read by a layperson (except for the lung pathology section). Approaching 50,000 feet from earth’s surface.
  2. “Remdesivir is freeze dried snake venom.” This statement is supported by the argument that an adverse event of remdesivir is multi-organ failure, and snake venom causes multi-organ failure, thus remdesivir is snake venom. Ugh. Very very few patients die of multi-organ failure in COVID, the vast majority actually die of single organ failure (respiratory failure), and occasional kidney failure. Although it is true that late stage sepsis (a complication of progressive severe COVID) sometimes causes multi-organ failure but for many/most, they die simply of lung failure. Once the lungs have been irretrievably damaged, multi-organ failure ensues (shock, kidney failure, liver failure) but that is part of the dying process in most patients dying in ICU with end-stage acute critical illness. I saw no clinically discernable difference in how patients died pre- or post remdesivir rollout and as an ICU doc I see a lot of dying. Approaching stratosphere (which may be before or after 50,000 feet, too lazy to look it up).
  3. He reports that “Elevated phospholipase A2 enzymes were found in COVID patients” from one study of patients in both Stony Brook, NY and Banner Hospital in Arizona. It is true that this enzyme has properties similar to snake venom. It helps in viral killing but in excess amounts can cause cell injury and multi-organ failure. But to argue that the fact that all the hospitalized patients who die in COVID get remdesivir means remdesivir is snake venom enzyme and that this explains the elevation of this enzyme in these patients thus remdesivir is freeze dried king cobra venom. Whoa. He fails to note that the patients in this study were from January to November of 2020 while Remdesivir was not approved via EUA until May 2020. Again, I saw no difference in how patients presented and died pre or post remdesivir rollout, er, I mean snake venom rollout. Further, this enzyme can be elevated in multiple other critical illnesses like sepsis. I really should turn around now and land the spaceship back on planet Earth.
  4. He cites a paper where they studied the genetic sequences of snake venom specific toxins and that these 19 toxins (before I forget, he happily stated that the fact there are 19 venom specific toxins is why COVID started in 2019), cause cardiovascular dysfunction, muscular paralysis, nausea, blurred vision, and systemic effects such as hemorrhage. He then shows a diagram from the paper which lists a bunch of ways that these venoms damage the body, things such as coagulation, anticoagulation, tissue damage, sudden shock, muscle damage, dizziness/headache, neuromuscular paralysis and systemic hemorrhage. I have to note that most of these injurious pathways.. do not happen routinely (or at all) in COVID. In fact, I can only endorse hyper coagulation and headache from that list and… nothing else. Strikingly dis-similar to a snake bite. Spaceward.
  5. He then focuses on this sentence from the paper; “kidney injury is among the most common and most serious symptoms of cobra envenoming”. He then states that someone said to him “we have never seen such frequent kidney injury with a respiratory virus”. He again links this to remdesivir, not knowing that we saw LOTS of kidney injury before remdesivir. Like lots. I even postulate that it may have been occurring less after remdesivir as the other variants came out because in that first wave in 2020, tons of patients were landing on dialysis but less so after. Also, I have never seen blood clotting like I did in the first Wuhan strain in 2020. Clotting became less severe and less prevalent with successive variants (but still a problem, just not like the first wave, that was insane with young people dying of massive pulmonary embolisms and right heart failure in ER’s). Clotting is an issue with some snake bites and is an issue with COVID. Does not mean they are the same disease, just that both are bad news. I would get COVID over a snake bite any day. However, I will give him some support to say that the first variant of that virus that leaked (or was leaked) out of that lab.. caused clotting like I have never seen, similar to some, but not all, snake venoms as most cause blood thinning and bleeding.
  6. He then cites another paper studying snake venom genetic sequences and that it was published in 2005, which he says was the “same year” as SARSCoV1 despite the fact SARS1 was in… 2003. He then says that gave “them” 15 years to plan/make this virus.. without evidence tying those researchers to anything.
  7. He then cites another paper (Nature Medicine’s “Extrapulmonary manifestations of COVID-19”) to talk about how papers from China reported that kidney injury occurred in 0.5% to 29% of patients but that in the US, much higher rates were reported – i.e. 37% in one paper with 14% requiring dialysis and that this is because in the US we use remdesivir in all hospitalized patients and China does not. Ugh. The US paper citing the 37% incidence of kidney failure was published in May 2020 (by a former colleague).. before Remdesivir was in use. Should I keep going? Fine I will.
  8. He then notes that an author of the Nature Medicine study.. is a consultant to Gilead. This was a pathophysiology paper, had nothing to do with therapeutics but he argues that because it describes “every single side effect of remdesivir”, that this consultant to Gilead put all those side effects in the paper to “hide” the fact they are caused by remdesivir so that “the doctors would think they are being caused by the virus and not remdesivir.”Again, all this pathophysiology was well known in COVID patients, before remdesivir. This is exhausting.
  9. He then connects Gilead with Genentech because of a guy from Genentech who was one of many authors in the paper on the phospholipase enzyme elevations. Genentech has patents for chemotherapies which have snake venom in them and Gilead bought two plants from Genentech and their employees became Gilead employees. True. Relevance?
  10. He states that since remdesivir comes in a little vial that is a yellow white tinted liquid, this is consistent with it being snake venom. Although many intravenous solutions can have similar appearances, I suppose it is possible they are all snake venoms?
  11. He then shows a paper which states that venom phospholipase is the key factor in tissue injury. I don’t think he knows what tissue injury is as it generally refers to soft tissue (skin/fat/muscle) necrosis which we don’t see in COVID, either before or after remdesivir. Then he shows the section of the paper where they administered crude cobra venom in the lungs of mice and the lungs hemorrhaged. He then states that everyone who dies in the hospital has edema in their lungs (which is not the same thing as hemorrhage). Problem: one thing COVID patients do not have is pulmonary edema or hemorrhage.. until the very last stages nearer death when they get ARDS – it is initially a dry lung inflammation in the form of OP and it can go on for weeks before ventilation/death.
  12. He and Adams then veer into the strange coincidence that the caduceus symbol for medicine has two snakes entwined around it. True.
  13. He then veers into a tangent about a guy who wrote in Feb 2020 in the WSJ about how important the naming of the pandemic is… and how all the different entities in the world, in their naming attempts, all had the word virus in it. And that the word virus has a historical latin definition of “venom”. And that corona means crown, and when you think of a crown you should think of a king, and that is why remdesivir is “king cobra venom”. I am not making this up.
  14. He then states that we need to treat every COVID patient as if they were suffering from a snake bite which may be the least unsound proclamation because, as above, there may be a role in using nicotinic acid agonists. But literally claiming that COVID-19 illness is identical to what happens to snake bite victims shows he has never taken care of either.
  15. He then finds a mention of an institute in Costa Rica which got SARS COV2 proteins from China to inject them into horses to make plasma antibodies as a treatment. He emphasizes that this institute specializes in extracting venom from snakes to make anti-venom, something they have been doing for 50 years. Ardis lights up about the fact they got “venom” (he doesn’t call it proteins like the article does) from China to make “anti-COVID venom”, just like they do with snakes.
  16. He then finds a paper that reports in the title that there were two crises in 2019 – one of rises in snake bites and rises in COVID and that there was a huge uptick in need for anti-venom in 2020.. He then wonders “I thought we were all locked down” in response to the paper stating that 350 snakes bites were reported in Texas in 2020 which was a 40% increase from 2019. Yup.
  17. He then finds a paper that suggest some snake venoms could be helpful in combatting or treating COVID which he is not surprised about because some snake venoms cause blood to thin, and some to clot, so the perfect antidote for the snake venom in COVID would be a different and opposing snake venom. Exactly.
  18. He then shows a paper showing that Merck and Pfizer see an anti-venom future market growth outlook and that Pfizer’s lisinopril is partially derived from snake venom. Damning.
  19. He then finds that in the Pfizer EUA for Paxlovid, it says that it inhibits cysteine protease from the “PA clan proteases”.. and the document also mentions that PA clan proteases are also found in.. wait for it… snake venom, and then it mentions what I mentioned in the first paragraph above that there is a snake venom like sequence in the spike protein RBD RNA. And that snake venoms interfere with the clotting cascade. Pfizer wrote they found this association of a paxlovid mechanism with a venom is “interesting” such that it softly suggests a therapeutic role.. who knows but we have already been over this.
  20. He then talks about how smokers were a small minority of hospitalized patients and that it is because the nicotine blocks the toxic effects of covid by being an agonist to the nicotinic receptors antagonized by “snake venom” mentioned above. This statement is plausible as a hypothesis as above.. but then it is followed by “the venom gets into your brain and paralyzes your diaphragm and your oxygen drops”. Yikes. I am a specialist at diagnosing diaphragm dysfunction.. and have not seen one case in COVID.  He then mentions that everyone with COVID in the world needs nicotine. Again, this may not be unreasonable given the “possible” protective effect of smoking…but to claim this so confidently based on just theoretical, in-silico and a paucity of observational data is highly problematic due to smoking being confounded with numerous other risk factors and that some studies have shown smoking to not be protective in COVID. And apparently he is now selling a combination product of compounds which can be agonists at those nicotinic receptors. Why not?
  21. Because king cobra makes the blood thin and a remdesivir side effect is blood thinning.. that is why remdesivir is made from king cobra venom. Sure.
  22. Then he finds a paper which mentions that the pseudouridine that is incorporated into mRNA vaccines makes it more stable.. as this was discovered when they found a higher resistance to hydrolysis by enzymes from snake venom and spleen. Interesting. But relevance?
  23. He then goes into (which is kind of interesting) the fact that mRNA is apparently well preserved in snake venom, and many scientists have been studying why this is and taking advantage of this “preservative” to do other experiments with both mRNA and with PCR testing of proteins in snake venom. Interesting. But relevance?

I spent way too much time above to see if his statements/argument had any face validity. Within ten minutes he had already uttered several devoid of any. Yet I kept going because I was asked.

I think that had he simply come up with a hypothesis or evidence as to why there are amino acid sequences identical to bungarotoxin in the spike RBD RNA, that would have been fine and is a great question for Fauci and the Wuhan lab.

This is taken from a long document. Read the rest here:

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Comments (52)

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    I think Dr Brian is unto something. We should further investigate his claims, and do some more research into it because it kind of make sense…viruses do not cause disease, it must be a poison…


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    Mark Tapley


    More fake stories from the MSM medical operatives to cover the fact that there is no virus. Snake venom is not toxic when drank as the stomach neutralizes it. The venom like the poison “vaccines” needs to be injected (like snake fangs do) into the blood stream. The global elite’s pushing the covid 19 repackaging of the old AIDS scam with a new fake test, deadly Remdesivir, ventilators and poison injections, don’t care what fake story the simps buy into, as long as they believe in the fake virus.


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      If this were so, drugs made from snake venom, like lisinopril, would be useless and ineffective.


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      Snake venom is not non toxic if swallowed, I have treated many of my dogs snake bites and when you suck the wound to get the venom out, yes i do that and it does help, it makes your lips numb. I do not know the effect if you would swallow it, i have not done that. I treat them with homeopathics and herbs and supplements and they have all recovered very well.

      It is much more dangerous injected into the blood, like anything else, but I would not say it is non toxic. Something interesting I noticed is that many people have had problems with severe hot flashes after being exposed to the bio weapon, but it is not menopause. One of the homeopathic ingredients to treat these episodes is lachesis, which is the homeopathic form of bushmaster venom.

      I like that Bryan submitted a hypothesis, and was obviously following divine intuition in his comments, this is how you receive information from the “aether” it is not linear, but comes in bursts of ideas like he has had. WE can all participate in this actual scientific method and explore together the ramifications of this information, which I think need to be further explored.

      It takes a lot of courage to put yourself out there, and no one has the right to throw stones. I think there is truth to this theory, we just need to figure it out.

      This is how i see our circumstances right now. We have this big black bag in front of us. It has all of the information regarding this scam and agenda of very evil entities. They are all in pieces, and we can not see them, but we can reach in the bag and withdraw a piece of this puzzle. Because we are not privy to the origins we are working blind. We all have information we can collaborate on and slowly put the puzzle back together. God bless everyone who is working to solve this puzzle, let us be compassionate, supportive and helpful to each other. The evil ones can not defeat us if we are truly working in harmony, and that is when God can come in and help us.


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    Geraint Hughes


    Can snake venom be turned into an effective aerosol agent?


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      Yes. Snake venom is turned into a noxious aerosol agent every time Mark Tapley speaks. This is observed to be a phase change from that which he writes.


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        Mark Tapley


        Hello MattH:
        Yeah, that made a lot of sense. Any more wisdom for us, dumbass.


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    Saeed Qureshi


    The COVID-19 virus story seems to have found its match with snake venom theory. Wonderful! Let the experts defend their fake COVD-19 story with the story from snake charmers.

    Such a debate would have never happened if the virus had been clearly defined (isolated) and tested with a validated test. So please, COVID-19 experts, describe the virus/COVID-19 clearly measurable with a validated test. Otherwise, venom theory is as valid as the COVID-19 story.


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi Saeed,

    Had almost made the mistake of making a comment before I researched whom Dr Bryan (Brian?) actually was. After I came back you had made your comment. Which caused me to refresh my memory about Dr. Pierre Kory; who, I found had made the mistake of claiming ivermectin would prevent covid. When he knew from experience that ivermectin was only part of an inexpensive treatment of a unknown disease with ‘drug’ which had long been used in humans for other reasons. Therefore, there was a history which seems to have been forgotten by many others beside Dr. Kory.

    And it seems we have forgotten about the ‘common cold’ for which seems generally accepted is cause by a virus. However, I have noticed that the ‘common cold’ does not seem so common during the past two years. But I believe we know that few people have ever died because of only a common cold or something different like the ‘common flu’ which didn’t commonly kill people.

    So, Saeed, thank you very much for trying to keep us aware that about this disease, which does kill people, we basically KNOW nothing except how to sometimes successfully treat it. Which treatment in the USA is not being allowed by our government as being backed by the medical profession whom do not know as you point out again and again.

    Have a good day, Jerry


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      Mark Tapley


      Hello Jerry:
      You are truly gifted at obfuscating interminably while saying nothing. Obviously drilled in over decades of academic petrification.


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    Brian James



    VAERS data released Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention included a total of 1,226,314 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 26,976 deaths and 219,865 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and April 8, 2022.


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    Frank S.


    Its odd that after devoting a lengthy posting bashing Dr. Ardis (including links to other bashers) and accusing him of profiteering off cures and remedies, Kory features a link promoting the sale of his own book. Hippocrates or Hypocrisy?


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi Frank S.,

    Thank you for advertising Dr Kory’s book to be published in June 2022. I almost missed this. About this book I read: “Big Pharma and health agencies cry “Don’t take ivermectin!” A media storm follows. Why then, does the science say the opposite? Ivermectin is a dirty word in the media. The drug has been derided and declared useless. Doctors have earnestly recorded pleas asking those afflicted with COVID-19 not to take the drug. But why?”

    Dr Kory, in his book, tries to refute those doctors who ignore what has occurred elsewhere.

    “The War on Ivermectin is the personal and professional narrative of Dr. Pierre Kory, the co-founder of an expert group of physicians’, and his plight to alert the world of his group’s identification of ivermectin as a highly-effective, life-saving, widely available generic medicine with an obvious ability to end the global pandemic.” And you hypocrite, Frank S., seem not have the courage to even share your full name so I can research who you might be and what you might have done.

    Have a good day, Jerry


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      Frank S.


      Jerry Krause, Please do not comment on, or about, my posts in future.


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        Jerry Krause


        Hi Frank S.,

        Is your comment due to the fact I complimented you for advertising Dr. Kory’s future book?
        PSI editors allow you to make comments wherever you chose, so why do you (a commenter) try to tell me what I should not do?

        Have a good day, Jerry


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    Denise L McComb


    Wow, you now look completely bought and paid for. A total big pharma whore.


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      Mark Tapley


      Hello Denise:
      When we consider that just in 2022 Pfizer and Moderna are expected to make over 120 billion in profits from tax payer money dumped on them. That buys lots of snake venom, variants, lab made, AED, gain of function, spike protein, bat soup bull shit to distract the goyim from the fact that there is no virus. This medical fear and control campaign has been going on now for over a hundred years, since the dozen “safe and effective” blood toxin injections peddled by the Rockefeller Foundation generated 1918 flu.


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      Jerry Krause


      Hi Denise,

      When I Googled your name I could find any information specific enough to possibly identify you. So I Googled myself and found the same that I found for you. However, I found if one Googles–Jerry l Krause, Scientist–you will find a couple links. Which you follow the PSI link and its links there should be no mystery who I am and a little bit about what I have written (or done).

      What can I include with your name so I can learn a little more about you?

      Have a good day, Jerry


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    Mar Tapley


    Hello Jerry:
    In a comment above you just got through thanking Saeed for his information in which he basically said that covid does not exist. Now you are back recommending the old cattle dewormer as treatment for this nonexistent disease. Seems you don’t know your left hand from the right.


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      Jerry Krause


      Hi Mark,

      When I research your name I find it is the name of a fictional character. Hence you must be a hypocrite, as Frank S. seems to be, who does not have the courage to even share a last name so I can research who he and now you, might be and what you might have done. I will have to check to see who Denise might be. PSI Readers need to know the character of the authors whose comments they are reading.

      Have a good day, Jerry


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        Mark Tapley


        Hello Jerry:
        I find it amusing that you would bother doing a search on yours truly. There are probably several characters running around with the same name. Unlike most commenters that use aliases, I believe that you should stand behind your comments with your real name as I have always done. You can find me roaming around on Bitchute once in a while. I believe in following the example of the great American patriot and rebel John Hancock. If I write it, I put my real name on it.

        I have posted the link to a comprehensive video about the snake venom fakery for those who want the whole story. As I have stated all along. First before any other issue is examined relating to the alleged virus, it first must be determined that the virus (or in fact any virus) exists and then, its ability to be transmitted must be proven. Neither of these criteria have been met. And you Jerry with your continual posturing about Agassiz, Galileo, Newton, Feynman, Einstein etc. should have known this. Perhaps you have been taking too much of your highly recommend cattle dewormer.


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        Mark Tapley


        Hello Jerry:
        The snake venom issue is entirely bogus as was shown in the video I referenced to you. Ardis is another disinformation agent along with almost all the others. There is no covid 19 and snake venom is not part of the toxic mixture in the fake vaccine nor is it in drinking water as Ardis claims. Every detail of Ardis allegations are covered, even showing the molecular structure of what Ardis claims. It is all false. Several researchers including those in Spain, Germany and in U.S. have all shown the main component of the “vaccines” to be graphene oxide with other nano particles of unknown origin. Any time there is a government psy op. there ar a multitude of fake stories to confuse the herd so that people just stop paying attention. That is the intent.


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          lesco brandon


          Hi Mark, I have looked into a few theories, including Ricardo Delgado Martin’s work uncovering the graphene oxide component in these gene therapies. I think that the lipid “envelope” (positively charged) is of huge potential concerns, too, as per Bhakdi’s latest claims. As for the snake venom, before you outright reject the posibility of that, too, playing some role you may want to watch the following clip that has the first look at some proof, still not sure whether it’s conclusive, but it’s a start –


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            Mark Tapley


            Hello Brandon:
            Have not had a chance yet to watch video you referenced but upon seeing this theory presented by Stew Peters and this Dr. Jane Ruby it immediately reminds me of the great patriot Patric Henry’s quote:
            “I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided, and that is the lamp of experience.”
            These two disinformation agents have peddled every fake story out there as are many other operatives including long time Zionist operative Alex Jones. When ever the government (elite parasites) push an event wether it be a fake war in Ukraine, 911, WMD’s, climate change, moon landings, fake shootings or whatever, there are always fake stories thrown out to confuse the goyim so they will abandon all questioning and return to the “official” narrative.

            Ardis has even claimed that snake venom is being put in the drinking water and like all dis information agents continually references patents, all based on Insilco (imaginary) genome fragments, while also continually referring to the mRNA spike protein in which there is not legitimate study (and there should be a mountain of them) as to their function.

            The snake venom issue including the molecular structures of the components claimed to be used by Ardis and other disinformation agents are covered by Dr. Cowan and biologist Mike Donio in the link below. We have to go back to the beginning in order to understand the present. There are no viruses, and pathogenic transmission has never been proven in 150 year of trying. The germ theory fraud of allopathic medical fear mongering has been used widely by the Zionist syndicate to not only make trillions of dollars for the insiders but also as a medical weapon of fear and control in order to condition the livestock to look to the wonderful government authorities to guide them into their self imposed prison. Everything the global elites do depends on lies and deception, now enhanced by the WEF mission of submerging the plantation livestock into the finkncialised, militarized virtual reality struggle. In effect an open air prison where we will all be the “Palestinians of Gaza.”

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    Globalists are trying to inoculate as many people as possible so that their great reset aka depopulation 2030 plan work. Hospitals in USA are refusing life-saving Ivermectin. Get Ivermectin therapeutic


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    Greta Blakeslee


    Stew Peters,
    Whatever possessed you to bring a deep State operative onto your site? If you don’t want people to question your credibility, quit playing both sides of the fence.! ???????????


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      @greta.. who is the Deep State operative? Ardis??


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    Pfizer researchers comment on Paxlovid –
    Pfizer files EUA application for Covid-19 drug Paxlovid

    It [PF-07321332] inhibits cysteine protease from the PA clan of proteases that play a coagulant role as they are involved in the blood clotting cascade.
    As a cysteine protease inhibitor it may disrupt coagulation and have blood thinning qualities leading to predisposition to internal bleeding.

    Several snake venoms also belong to the PA clan proteases and interfere with the blood clotting cascade.
    This is interesting in light of the presence of neurotoxin motifs that were noted earlier in the SARS Covid-2 sequence related to snake venom neurotoxins.


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      Jerry Krause


      Hi Mark,

      Checked out what I consider the link to which you referred. And only found a comment similar to what you have written here at PSI. And I do not listen to videos an hour in link. Especially when it is not you speaking, which I considered your comment implied you had done the video.

      Have a good day, Jerry


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        Mark Tapley


        Hello Jerry:
        All I said is that I had linked a video. It is Dr. Tom Cowan and a bio tech scientist who researched all about the Dr. Ardis snake venom fraud. If I somehow indicated I was involved it was not intentional. The snake venom issue has done what it was intended to do, which was to sidetrack the herd from the two primary issues as I mentioned previously. I again link this video for those trying to find it:


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          lesco brandon


          Cowan and Kaufman are brilliant at the whole virus isolation and purification proof. They seem to be proponents of the Bechamp school of terrain theory, which I am starting to believe more as each day passes. They obviously reject the snake venom theory, but that is perfectly fine. They never really come up with their own concrete theory as they are there to debunk the whole viruses are real paradigm, which I think is super important. They seem to believe in this disease being a manifestation of some kind of toxins that the human body may at some point be exposed to; hence, why we need to investigate Dr Tau Braun (the originator of the synthesized venom peptide theory – he believes in an aerosol delivery mechanism of some sort) and Dr Ardis and their hypothesis. Science needs to kick in and politely disprove the venom enzyme theory, simple as that. As for Cowan and Kaufman, whom I think are legends, they need to keep doing what they are doing as they are the sanity checkers that any of the germ theory brigade need to get by, and which none have yet to do so. So Ardis, professor Ffloyd Chilton (see and Tau are worth hearing their input in this discussion without dismissing them as nutcases from the get-go; because they have a plausible theory, as plausible as the graphene and radiation poisoning combo.


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            lesco brandon


            Hi again,

            I will at some point today watch that vid you referenced in your response to my other post above – thanks for the link 🙂 That Dr Ruby vid I posted has the work of a South African blood expert, of some kind, shown, which is why that proof is worth looking at. When a hypothesis is espoused then it is the job of scientists to employ their skills in obtaining primary observable data to prove or disprove the validity of said claims, which this South African researcher appears to be attempting to do. Tau Braun is an interesting person to listen to in the venom theory space as he was involved in dealing with counter-intelligence agencies, among others. Tau wrote a letter to the FBI, one of its directors, almost two years ago putting forth the venom theory, so there are people that have been playing with this idea from the very beginning. Like I said, I don’t know if I believe the venom theory yet, or how it would be implemented (aerosol, potable water, etc.), but I am open to anything at this stage as I know that these evil globalists and their handlers will go to any measures to achieve their commie objectives. The reason why I am entertaining the venom thing is primarily because I listen to the likes of Stefan Lanka and Andy Kaufman and have looked at 30+ FOI requests from governments around the world requesting viral isolation proof adhering to Koch’s postulates……..this is why I am starting to think that this is a toxin, which the spike protein itself is, among other toxins that may be present in these gene modification concoctions. I mean, why not spike protein, graphene oxide and synthesized venom peptides? Ardis, if anything, appears to be very meticulous in joining the dots, meaning that he shows articles, reports and papers that relate to each of his claims – the people really running the show, and it sounds like you know exactly who they are so I won’t need to say it here, are experts at obfuscation and misdirection to keep us, the goy as you put it, dumbed down in a perpetual mentally compromised state. Thanks again for the link 🙂

            P.S. Maybe Tau and Ardis are putting out misinformation (even worse if it is disinformation) that is getting peoples’ attention diverted resulting in false narratives, or maybe it is good to get people thinking outside of the current “narrative box” as it will encourage alternative analyses that may lead to any number of different potential causes to be investigated, in addition to the venom thing.

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      jake feisel


      Have done a significant amount of follow up research on Dr. Ardis’s own research and found very little to disagree with. I have also followed articles that disagree with Dr. Ardis and found those in disagreement have mis quoted a great deal of the information that he has uncovered. Seems to me that pride and chosen ignorance is playing a fairly large part in these disagreements and putdowns, my advice to these deniers would definitely be to take yourself out of the picture and look at the evidence in an unbiased manner and leave your pride at the door but for God’s sake look at it as this is a global catastrophe.


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        Jerry Krause


        Hi Jake and Mark,

        I have claimed to be slow of mind, so it takes me time to first find good questions which need to be answered. I had composed a comment to post here but as I reread comments I finally saw a question to which I know I have no answer but to which an answer should be available.

        In “Dr. Ardis’s own research” did he, or anyone else, ever claim to even try to treat patients dying of Covid-19 with known snake venom? Doctor Kory and team have described their treatment in detail which have saved people dying with this unknown disease we term Covid-19. Until someone tells me who claims to have successfully treated actual patients dying of Covid-19 with snake venom; this, in my mind, remains the difference between Dr. Ardis’s research and what Dr. Kory and team have done.

        Have a good day, Jerry


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        Saeed Qureshi


        @ “ … but for God’s sake look at it as this is a global catastrophe.”

        Hi Jake Feisel:
        Would you mind defining and establishing with some data the global catastrophe? Please ignore the number of “cases” (test positives), which is now well established that they are not relevant to anything, just throws of darts. Thanks.


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          The global catastrophe was the mass hypnosis, the belief in contagion, “virus” functionality, masks, lockdowns, vaccines and general capitulation…along with the complete ignorance of factors known to be causative in disease.


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    Linda M


    After reading this article I can see Dr. Cory has a big ego problem! Where Dr. Ardis is being backed up by a lot of scientists on what he has found with the snake theory facts! Most medical doctors were not trained very much about vaccines and other dangerous drugs and believe that big pharma is always right. If one would research they would find out that the Rockefeller’s started the medical business in 1936, which makes a lot of people Rich! I totally disagree with Dr. Cory and the way he he trys to debunk Dr. Ardis information. Go to shift ( use a search engine) I use look for April 19 2022 archive and listen to this radio show. A holistic doctor and her husband do this show every tuesday evening from 9pm-11pm and in the show they give Dr Ardis a Thank You for bringing this out plus talk about the snake theory, they also talk about other lies we have been told!


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      Mark Tapley


      Hello Linda M:
      Ardis is peddling another fake narrative. There is no snake venom in then fake vaccine or the water. I linked video above that debunks all of Ardis ridiculous claims. Any time the the government is running a psy op there are always a bunch of fake stories thrown out to confuse the livestock. Some of them like this one are so farfetched that people begin to disregards everything and just accept the government’s “official” story. That is the purpose of all the propaganda.


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    I was admirer of Dr. Kory after his ivermectin research and fight, but now I absolutely do not share his opinion on the venom story, that not to say that I share my opinion completely with Dr. Ardis… My own opinions, everyone can read and follow up on it at:
    with 3 articles touching the BIOINFORMATICS of the Sars-CoV-2 spike genome:
    and todays’ post, the most shocking even to me, the author:
    We never know everything, we learn every day, and we need to change our views, when the things do not add up.


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    Regardless of whether it came from snake venom or a virus, the reality is patients were murdered by the treatment being given in the hospitals, not dying from the virus. I didn’t want to believe this was happening until I saw the attempted murder of my daughter. I say attempted because I was a nurse for 34 years and I recognized that things weren’t right and we got her out of there before they could kill her. It doesn’t take the entire staff to be in on the crime, it only takes one or two and the rest of the staff just assume the patient took a turn for the worse and are brain-washed with the propaganda fed by the media and hospital administrators. I won’t go into all the details, but let me say, my daughter refused the Remdesivir multiple times and was given it anyway, a violation of patient rights, they kept increasing her oxygen despite the fact her oxygen levels were stable and she asked them to turn it down and it became obvious they were trying to justify putting her on a ventilator. The doctor was charting false information in his daily notes , the nurses would let her go hours, sometimes 8-9 hours without checking on her and they intentionally deprived her of food. I stayed with her the first night, and the next morning when the day shift nurse came in, she told me I had to leave because she wasn’t allowed visitors. When I told her I wasn’t leaving because I was her Mother and her patient advocate, she called security who proceeded to threaten me and told me if I didn’t leave they would call the police and have me arrested. That’s when they were able to begin the reign of terror. That’s also why they won’t allow family members to be present. They don’t want witnesses to murder. But we texted and did facetime, and I monitored her labs and chart through MyChart and in the end saved her life.


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    DR. Ardis did not say that the sedatives were used to kill patients. That is a patently false statement by Dr. Kory. Ardis said they sedate the patients so they can thrust the ventilator into the trachea, which is exactly what happens. This is not a gentle procedure and often results in permanent damage to tissues of the area. Dr. Ardis cited the administration of Remdesivir as the fatal element in many so-called COVID deaths.


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    The snake venom thing is the sort of misinformation intentionally spread in the fringe to make fringe news sources, and those who read them, appear to be deranged. There are truths in fringe news sources that you will not find anywhere else, but when you close in on those truths, you will find the lies, misinformation and untruths are thick. The flack is heaviest when you are over the target.


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      I’ve certainly noticed that and dealt with it a lot on platforms such as substack, saturation of subversion.

      None of them (the paraded establishment/institutional “truthers”, you know which sort of asshats I’m talking about) can answer my questions or reply though, so maybe I’m on to something.


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    Why won’t pharma executives answer questions about their covid shot? Why do we have to speculate on what is going on with the shots? Can you answer that question Dr Kory?


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        Mark Tapley


        Hello MattH:
        Bhakdi and Mercola’s half truth are like Alex Jones in the fact that some of the truth is often worse than a total lie because of it’s insidious nature to believed whereas an outright lie is often easy to spot. I am not saying that Bhakdi is deceiving on purpose however in view of Mercola’s background it is hard to see how he could not know the truth that there is no virus. Until the over 150 health agencies worldwide provide written proof of the alleged SARS Cov2 and not just an Insilco (computer generated) genome fragment fantasy, then all else is just conjecture. When they deliver this proof (which they already would have it there were any) the next absolutely necessary step is to show in legitimate double blind placebo testing that this virus is transmissible. This has never been done with any pathogen but only with toxins. The blood toxin injection that Bhakdi elaborates on is built on the entirely fictitious notion that there is a real virus. This has not been substantiated (nor can it be) and therefore the injection is just like all the others before it, in that it is just another blood toxin death by injection.


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    Kristin L Ellis


    Why are young people dying after they have had the vaccine? The vaccine affects the muscles (heart), pulmonary, and blood. Personally, my youngest daughter, who is 24 years old works in the medical field and was mandated to take the death shot. As parents, we were scared and angry. She no longer works in the medical field where it is a mandate, but where they let you choose. After each shot she got deathly sick, vomiting, fever, headache, and heart racing. Today after 2 vaccines, and a booster, she has a dr. appt. to see a cardiologist because her heart is not right, it hurts to run. Praying for her health!! Ready to sue those who cause this harm to my child.


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      Mark Tapley


      Hello Ellis:
      Your daughter like most others in the health field took the blood toxin injection in order to maintain employment. They did this knowing it was a violation of their God given natural rights to live as sovereign individuals with self determination as to the what choices they make, including their own body. All of the health workers could have chosen to stand together and refuse this pernicious attack on their rights and wellbeing. They bent the knee so as not to lose their jobs. What they and millions of others should have considered is that in the long run if the people do not stand up for their unalienable rights then they will surely lose them all anyway,. The global cartel of elite criminals behind the fake virus, fake tests, fake vaccines, deadly CDC Remdesivir and ventilator protocol, depends on the peoples submission. And the more these global criminals get the more they will demand. Because these would be gods over the global plantation want us all dead and the more power we allow them to take, the worse it will be.


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    Rick Campbell Sr




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    Tom O


    I only read a small portion of this long article. Bad of me, but it didn’t take long to realize that this fine doctor spent “a couple of hours” on this, while saying he basically watched a “couple hours” of Ardis interviews. So, doc, what time did you spend researching if anything that Dr. Ardis said was true?

    It appears, you chose only to “blow it off” because it wasn’t something you believe. Well, I do the same thing, so I can’t say too much. BUT, I don’t try to pretend I have such a vast knowledge that when someone presents something novel, I can immediately disprove it in my mind.

    I DO do exactly that, but I call it instinctive and intuitive when I do that, and don’t lean on professional position, like somehow I am every bit as important as Dr . Fauci thinks he is. Is Ardis right or wrong? Did you attempt to prove or disprove anything that he said? Good question, since I didn’t bother to read most of your lengthy piece, but I am betting if you were going to, it would have been mentioned in the first few paragraphs. Glad you expressed your opinion, which, considering you didn’t show any attempt at research, is all this piece is.


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