Since 1999 Five ‘Flu years’ Saw More Deaths in UK than 2020!
A careful statistical analysis of the UK’s National Office for Statistics (ONS) excess death rates from 1999 to the end of 2020 reveals that five of those years showed higher rates of mortality than the so-called deadly pandemic year of 2020.
Let me start this report with the following statements:
- The ONLY legal and factual evidence that a person has died is a Death Certificate which has the name, the date, the time, and the cause of death of that person and signed-off by the doctor who witness the death
- The ONLY legal and factual evidence of the Annual Death Numbers are based on the number of Death Certificates that have been recorded and deposited at the central database administered by the National Office for Statistics, ONS, and could be accessed at
- The fact that the annual Mortality Rates of 2020 are lower than the Mortality Rates of 1999 and early 2000’s proves that the Covid-19 virus is just another flu which kills fewer people than the pandemic of 1999
The Office for National Statistics, ONS, at, has just released the excel spreadsheet with Total Weekly Deaths numbers (all ages and causes) for 52 weeks of 2020, which enables direct comparison between historical Annual Deaths rates with the Covid-19 affected 2020:
The Total Weekly Death numbers represents number of the death certificates that include All Ages and All Causes on a given week, while the Annual Deaths for 2020 represents the sum of the weekly deaths.
Please note, that contrary to the BBC reporting that the weekly deaths rates recorded in 2020 ‘have not be seen in living memory’, the weekly Total Deaths between w-21 (May 22) (yellow) and w-52 have been lower than the ‘Flu peak w-2’ (yellow) at 14,058 deaths!
An internationally accepted standard to calculate Deaths Rates:
Deaths Rate = Annual Deaths/Population*1000
allows a direct comparison between different years of the same country and a direct comparison between Death Rates between different countries for a given year.
If we look at the annual deaths for 2020 at 604,045 vs 1999 at 541,690 while ignoring the population numbers, one will conclude that 2020 recorded 62,355 more than in 1999. However, the population in 2020 was 67,886,011 million, while in 1999 was almost 10 million less and once the correction factor was applied it turns out that the 2020 year’s mortality rates move from the top spot to the sixths:
If one looks at this report in terms of percent cent text vs percent table and graphs, it becomes truly clear that when one deals with the data which comes from the same ‘clean’ source, i.e., not contaminated by the numbers that are being calculated, it really does not need much explanation or discussions.
For example, if one asks a question like, how do we explain that the death rates of 1999 are higher than those of 2020, a simple and unequivocal answer is that more people have died in 1999, per 1000 people, than in 2020!
Or, if one asks the question like, what about all those Covid-19 numbers, all those home-imprisonments for 68 million, shutting the whole of the UK economy and making people afraid to leave their houses? The simple answer is – Do ask the prime minister or his scientific advisers to explain to UK population the following facts:
- The mortality rates between 1999 and 2003 are higher than in 2020, and yet people of UK have survived all those years, prior to 2020, without being denied the basic human right to move and travel freely
- The fact is that the annual deaths rates cannot be calculated without knowing all the 52 weekly total deaths and yet not only one, but three lockdowns have been forced on all of us, without the government knowing what the final annual deaths will be! It must follow that the government was making decisions sole based on the computational models that as we see now, have zero percent accuracy
The question that the government must answer is to explain how much longer will this frenzy and charade about Covid-19 will keep going, knowing very well that the undisputed fact based on the number of deaths certificates that have been issued in 2020 are less than those issued in 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003????
Plea to all those who read this report: please go to the and download the excel spreadsheet for weekly mortality in 2020 for safe keeping, just in case that the link to ONS mysteriously disappears!
About the author: An award-winning scientist with a PhD in a relevant field, over 20 years of professional experience and long-standing PSI Senior Fellow.
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Thankyou for showing the true facts on the deaths over the years and how the government wiith the fraud on the fiqares, it is killing people lockdowns and experiment covid vaccine PLEASE SEND YOUR FINDINGS TO DEL BIGTREE ON HIGH WIRE ON BITCHUTE AS HE IS EXPOSING THE LIES TO HIS HUNDREDS OF FOLLOWERS AND OF COURSE DAVID ICKE WHO IS ALSO EXPOSING THE CORRUPION Thankyou once again this new world order has to be stopped as humanity is doomed love and light
Ken Hughes
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‘and don’t forget, the death rate for 2020, includes all the extra deaths caused by the lockdown themselves. So, if we had never locked down, it would be even less!
Mick Carroll
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Valid point exacerbates the depth of lies given by the government , press and media.
Steve Costello
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Thanks for this very useful review with clear teaching illustrations. I would suggest that for professionalism and credibility purposes you not put an exclamation point in a title headings going forward. It is difficult for me to pass this along to my more skeptical critics. Keep up the great work! ?
Nick Green
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I understand that the percentage elderly population has increased since 1999. Theoretically that should mean a further increase in annual deaths currently. But still the figures are lower than previous years.
Indur Goklany
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Why don’t you, in your report, provide the link to the precise datasheet from ONS on your report. That way your readers don’t have to sift through the zillions of ONS pages go locate it? I will check back. Thanks.
Leo Biddle
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I couldn’t agree more. Within my life there have been many years with higher all cause mortality; but never a hint of these insane over reactions. Thank you for sharing
Graeme Mochrie
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Just a quick check. Current ONS data are for England and Wales, was the data in 1999 only for England and Wales, of for the whole UK?
Ian Grindey
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Thank you for this information. I would like to point out though that your statement “number of deaths [sic] certificates that have been issued in 2020 are less than those issued in 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003” is incorrect.
The number of death certificates issued, from your own figures, is clearly larger in 2020. The death rate (as % of the pop) is, however, lower.
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I’ve just had a look through this and had a few questions.
2020 is still listed as ‘provisional’. Is this your understanding or are there final figures somewhere?
You quote UK population but your death figures appear to be england and wales? This would effect the mortality rate.
I found the ‘finalreftables’ (upto 2019) for deaths and crude death rate, figures are different to yours, which I figure you have taken from the weekly reports and summed them ? There is a difference between the finalreftables figures and the weekly sum of each year .. not worked out why yet.
Years of worse mortality rate not including 2020 still seem to be in the same order so immaterial i figure. I also noted that 2020 weekly death rates was 53 weeks starting 3jan2020 ending 1jan21. You included first 52 weeks leaving out week 53. What was the reasoning here?
To calculate 2020 rate correctly we need England and Wales population estimate.
Mick Carroll
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If new vaccine, as yet tested thoroughly, is mandated (as I predict it will be) vaccinate teachers first then kids can get back to school and parents can get back to work. The lockdown can be abandonned if people use a degree of common sense and consideration and Marshal Law can be terminbated. Normal life can return. Mick from Hooe.
Mick Carroll
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Whilst I appreciate the gravity of the situation portrayed regarding ‘less Deaths by all causes’, I wonder IF the stats included Scotland back in the late 90s and early 2000s as Scotland was regarded as part of the UK at that time. Scotland has now segregated itself from ‘England and Wales’ so the stats might be inaccurate. With that said, I’m also of the strong opinion that this current Wutan Flu has been entirely exaggerated and incredibly mismanaged by the Government and so called Expert Advisors. To the detriment of the population and the ruin of our country’s long term economy. Mick Carroll (Hooe TN33)
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Anyone who focuses on deaths is missing the point. Admissions and impact on the NHS is what drives government policy. Another flu or not, the impact of Covid on the NHS is real and undeniable. Even though we have been in lockdown since Jan 4th, the NHS situation is tenuous at best, and it will remain so for a few weeks to come. This government has no credibility with me, because they spout more BS than a herd of male cows with diarrhoea. However just image what would be happening if Boris followed your advice and did not lockdown in Jan – maybe we would be redirecting people needing hospitalisation to the EU?
Alex cumbers
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Exactly, and while we’re at it, why is the author’s name not displayed or links to additional data provided? Tighter lockdowns applied at the right time / duration have more chance of working effectively. Do we really think that professional statisticians can’t take into account population size when calculating excess deaths. see:
David Hughes
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Unfortunately, this data is not independently verifiable. I checked the ONS website and cannot find this dataset.