Side Effects Take Away Fantasy Dream of Being the Opposite Sex

I recently had a parent tell me her teenage son was starting his “gender journey” to achieve his fantasy of becoming a girl

This almost certainly means taking feminizing hormones in the post-pubertal state where endogenous testosterone is naturally high as he is developing into a normal man.

I wondered what the side effects he would be experiencing as he and his doctors attempt to go against mother nature.

Santos and colleagues published a detailed analysis of the impact of hormonal therapy when initiated mainly during the teenage years.

Participants (n = 114; ages 18-62 years; median age 24.0 (21.0 – 33.0) years) included transgender adults residing in Portugal who were undergoing or had undergone hormonal therapy for at least one uninterrupted year.

Participants completed an original questionnaire. A total of 89 percent had side effects.

The table in the figure (blue for original boys, orange for original girls) shows mood swings and other significant side effects that could be debilitating for a teenager who should be focusing on school, dating, sports, etc.

It should come at no surprise that the “gender journey” for young persons results in the human body becoming physically sick in 89 percent.

Other studies have shown an increase in the burden of psychiatric disease and elevated risks for death from suicide, homicide, and other causes.

Many states are passing legislation to shut down harmful transgender medicine programs so our kids can return to normal life and not be threatened by this dark time in medicine.

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Header image: Hexall Health

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