Should We Trust our Government’s Computer Climate Models?

Study: People with less political knowledge think they ...

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This article contains an extensive collection of links on the subject of computer climate models, useful for readers’ future reference.

The first thing to know about general circulation models/ global climate models (GCMs) is that they’re all government products, created by a small closed clique of govt.-funded lifers controlled by the globalists centered in the U.N.

The UN’s politician-run Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC ) is an octopus of kept scientists, academics, journalists, and politicians, so no wonder they all closely track each other while all being wrong, with all 103 official models being off by over 2 sigma in the warming direction.

No surprise, they all try to reduce the gigantic atmosphere to a grid of elements, often 100,000, and lamely try to use supercomputers to advance the elements in time via patchwork physics.

Some models are based on parameterization not equations because the physical phenomena take place in a smaller volume than the elements, which brings up the question of how they initialize all the elements, namely, by taking a small motley collection of data points and interpolating.

Too bad, they all buy the carbon dioxide (CO2( anthropogenic global warming (AGW) hoax, with subroutines that automatically throw the models off in the direction of global warming, causing them to overestimate it and diverge from reality.

But that doesn’t bother the IPCC, but rather pleases it so that the climate agitprop octopus can go to work with climate alarmist stories to make the cash registers ring. It’s pure GIGO – garbage in, garbage out.

Oops, there’s one that doesn’t track the others because it discounts the fake warming effect of CO2, and it comes from Moscow.

In short, climate modelers aren’t climate scientists, they’re overpaid gamers.Scientist who claimed 'end of scepticism' on climate ...

In 2017 American climatologist Judith A. Curry (photo, right)  published the report “Climate Models for the Layman”, concluding that global climate models (GCMs) are “not fit for the purpose of justifying political policies to fundamentally alter world social, economic and energy systems” for the reasons that:

“GCMs have not been subject to the rigorous verification and validation that is the norm for engineering and regulatory science”;

“There are valid concerns about a fundamental lack of predictability in the complex nonlinear climate system”;

“There are numerous arguments supporting the conclusion that climate models are not fit for the purpose of identifying with high confidence the proportion of the 20th century warming that was human-caused as opposed to natural”;

“There is growing evidence that climate models predict too much warming from increased atmospheric carbon dioxide”;

“The climate model simulation results for the 21st century reported by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) do not include key elements of climate variability, and hence are not useful as projections for how the 21st century climate will actually evolve.”

Of course the IPCC community tries to demonize Curry along with all others who tell truth to power, but that’s their problem, since they’ve been destroying their credibility by their own closed-minded bigoted intolerant tactics.

Judith Curry confuses laypeople about climate models

Judith Curry – Wikipedia

‘Uncertain’ Science: Judith Curry’s Take On Climate Change

The basic reason that IPCC-backed GCMs are always wrong is their attempt to push the hoax that atmospheric CO2 doesn’t just help the rest of the atmosphere cool the Earth’s surface after the Sun heats it, but somehow sends the heat back down and actually heats it up, in violation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Here’s a quote straight from NASA’s Web site:

“The natural greenhouse effect raises the Earth’s surface temperature to about 15 degrees Celsius on average – more than 30 degrees warmer than it would be if it didn’t have an atmosphere. The amount of heat radiated from the atmosphere to the surface (sometimes called ‘back radiation’) is equivalent to 100 percent of the incoming solar energy. The Earth’s surface responds to the ‘extra’ (on top of direct solar heating) energy by raising its temperature.” – NASA Earth Observator Climate and Earth’s Energy Budget (Climate and Earth’s Energy Budget)

Any so-called climate scientist who doesn’t disavow this moose hockey isn’t fit to shine shoes in a subway, and should give their degrees back and find another more useful career like pipefitting or hairstyling. Yet the fake field of “climate science” is going gangbusters, hitching its wagon to IPCC’s star as it rakes in billions and has its sights set on trillions.

No surprise, since it’s pushing a blatant scientific hoax the IPCC has long had a stranglehold on academia and academic journals, closing off outside input in their cozy kept world of true believers in so-called anthropogenic global warming (AGW), whose incomes are under IPCC control.

It’s pure corruption of science for political motives with the goal of foisting world govt., as proved by the way they jump to use the models to predict climate Armageddon way out decades ahead even though they have been patched over and over just to keep up with the past, worse than models of the stock market.

The only way to make progress now would be to throw all the models out and start over with new basic principles, and keep Marxism and its social justice out of it.

DR TIM BALL MUST READ : Environmentalism – Evidence Suggests It Was Always And Only About Achieving World Government

Science’s Untold Scandal: Professional Societies’ Sell Out on Climate Change | PSI Intl

The real skinny on today’s climate models is that due to the influence of the IPCC, funding for climate scientists has ballooned into the ballions, er, billions a year.

Since there is no money in real climate research, which takes years sometimes, to get their piece of the pie now every climate scientist finds it easier to model some piece of the climate with a computer program, which doesn’t have to produce any real information but pays well per hour.

On top of that, if they can get more powerful computers authorized to run their models, they can hope for pay increases. And what’s really nice is that no matter how far off the models are, they never lose their jobs and just keep getting treated like sacred cows.

Flawed Climate Models

The great failure of the climate models

Can Climate Modelers Be Serious?

IPCC Climate Modeling Opens Door To ‘Fake Conclusions’ | PSI Intl

Computer modelling of future climate | PSI Intl

New Climate Models: Even More Wrong | PSI Intl

Climate Models Have Not Improved in 50 Years

Gavin’s Falsifiable Science

Mistakes made by the Consensus

Updated Analysis Shows Climate Models Continue to Predict Too Much Warming

CMIP5 Model Atmospheric Warming 1979-2018: Some Comparisons to Observations

It’s Time To Move Beyond The Toy Models that Guide Climate Policy

Computer models of global warming proven wrong

The latest generation of climate models is running hotter—here’s why

Paper praising models’ predictions proves they greatly exaggerate

Explaining the Discrepancies Between Hausfather et al. (2019) and Lewis&Curry (2018)

NEW RESEARCH – NATURAL VARIABILITY NOT CO2 EXPLAINS SEVERE WEATHER from droughts, floods, hurricanes DECLINING since 1961. “Cooling, Not Warming, Leads To Weather and Climate Instability.”

Putting Climate Change Claims to the Test

GOLDSTEIN: Feds scrapped 100 years of data on climate change

Global Temperature Increases Are Lower and Slower, Says New Study

After 30 years of failed climate politics, let’s try science! – Fabius Maximus website

Climate Change Prediction Fail?

Climate change odds much worse than thought

Climate Change That Ignores History

Failed Serial Doomcasting

German Environmental Cofounder Calls Climate Movement Hysterical, Overhyped

NASA: ‘Not Confident’ We Can Model Clouds | PSI Intl

Let Experience be your Guide to Climate Science

New Satellite Data Confirm Real World Temperature Cooler Than Climate Models

Overheating Climate Models

Climate Models Are Running Red Hot, and Scientists Don’t Know Why

Spotty coverage: Climate models underestimate cooling effect of daily cloud cycle

Top-Level Climate Modeler Spills the Beans on the ‘Nonsense’ of ‘Global Warming Crisis’

Climate models agree things will get bad. Capturing just how bad is tricky

Climate sensitivity in light of the latest energy imbalance evidence

If Climate Scenarios Are Wrong For 2020, Can They Get 2100 Right?

Stop Using Inadequate Climate Models For Policy Making

Understanding The Great Climate Model Scenario Debate | PSI Intl

An obvious solution to the climate policy crisis

NASA, NOAA’s Latest Climate Scare Based On Intentionally Flawed Data | PSI Intl

CLINTEL Manifesto Blasts Climate Scaremongering

NEW RESEARCH explains why climate models all fail in their projections. Greenland is expanding not melting. . Coffee, ski resorts and sea level rise are latest to fool the warmists. Greenhouse gas theory becomes pseudo science as a result..

Climatologist Dr. Tim Ball Sets the Record Straight on the Deliberate Deception to Demonize CO2

‘There is no climate emergency,’ hundreds of scientists, engineers tell U.N.

“GLOBAL WARMING MODELS COLLAPSE,” Predictions fail without exception. Climate fears are political not scientific.UN IPCC admits that climate models fail.

Climate Models vs Observations: 2019 Update (

No surprise, on Dec. 4, 2019 just as the U.N. COP25 climate change conference was underway, some IPCC cage hen scientists incl. Zeke Hausfather of UCB, Henri Francois Drake and Tristan Abbott of MIT, and Gavin A. Schmidt of NASA Goddard Inst. for Space Studies announced their new paper “Evaluating the performance of past climate model projections”, claiming that the fox is guarding the hen house, er, the people who spent their careers making up computer climate models (CCMs) on the govt. dime have retrospectively cleared them of all errors. They give themselves away with the soundbyte:

“There are two basic factors that contribute to the accuracy of a model’s projections. The first is physics – how various biophysical systems like the ocean and atmosphere respond to external radiative “forcings” like carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. That’s the stuff we expect climate scientists to get right.”

Scientists have gotten predictions of global warming right since the 1970s

There Is NO Climate Emergency!

Climatic Effects of Manmade Carbon Dioxide | PSI Intl

Why Do People Want to Refute Climate Change?

Paul Noel’s answer to How are millennia, ages or eras worth of inference made about global warming with perhaps two centuries of data?

Skip Reith’s answer to How can a smart person like Ben Shapiro not believe in climate change?

Read my Quora articles to go deeper into the facts:

TL Winslow’s answer to What is more accurate description of what is happening to the world weather systems? Is it Global warming or Climate change?

TL Winslow’s answer to Where is the evidence that seems to persuade people that carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is not causing global heating?

TL Winslow’s answer to What makes global warming such a complicated concept for people to understand?

TL Winslow’s answer to How much does the Sun contribute to global warming?

TL Winslow’s answer to Do any of you feel climate change isn’t real? Why?

Learn how to prove that the CO2 greenhouse warming theory is a fake physics scientific hoax with ulterior political motives by reading my free online essay:

TLW’s Two Cents Worth on Climate Change


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Comments (4)

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    The models are all wrong because they add radiation from the atmosphere to solar radiation and then use the sum in the Stefan-Boltzmann Law to determine surface temperatures. Professor Claes Johnson proved that cannot be done years ago. There is no published experiment anywhere that supports such a contention. It would violate the laws of physics and no physics text says it can be done.


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    Andy Rowlands


    I would venture all climate models are wildly inaccurate, with the exception of the Russian INM ones, which mirror the observed temperatures, therefore they are accurate. When we cannot forecast the weather even a few days in advance, trusting climate models that predict 50 or a hundred years into the future is in my view gross stupidity.


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    Anyone who looks at climate change objectively would have to include the natural variability to at least some degree. If you are only going to use a single driver of the temp.(co2) you can only get erroneous results. To say that co2 is the only driver of the climate is like saying as long as there’s sand it’s a beach. The world would be covered in beaches if this were true,garbage in garbage out.


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    Climate Heretic


    Three answers to “Should We Trust our Government’s Computer Climate Models?”:

    1) No
    2) GIGO Garbage In Garbage Out.
    3) None of the climate models have been verified or validated. Until such time that they are then read point 2 again.
    Climate Heretic


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