Should We Fear 5G’s Mass Rollout?
As of February 27, 2019, 226 scientists and medical doctors (qualified as PhD, Professor or MD) have signed an appeal for an urgent moratorium on 5G technology.
5G is generally seen as the fifth generation cellular network technology that provides broadband access. It is being rolled out at breakneck speed and with little, if any, rigorous testing on health impacts.
So, should we be concerned? Martin Sichel provides some background:
2G, 3G and 4G uses between 1 GHz to 5 GHz frequencies. 5G is even more dangerous because it uses much higher frequencies, between 24 GHz to 90 GHz. To give you some comparisons, a microwave oven cooks food using 2.45 GHz, and the US Army’s microwave crowd control weapon heats people’s skin from a distance using 95 GHz.
It should be re-iterated that no pre-market safety testing of 5G and the Internet of Things (IoT) has ever been required despite research studies that have documented adverse biological effects in humans and animals resulting from exposure to the higher millimeter wave frequencies that 5G and IoT will utilize in conjunction with the frequencies already in use.
International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP)
The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) issued draft Guidelines on 11th July 2018 for limiting exposure to electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields (EMF) (100 kHz to 300 GHz). The guidelines are inadequate to protect humans and the environment, as they only protect against acute thermal effects from very short and intense exposure. They do not protect against cancer, reproductive harm nor effects on the nervous system, although the preponderance of the peer-reviewed research has found adverse effects from chronic exposure at intensities below the ICNIRP limits.
In May, 2011, the World Health Organization’s cancer agency, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), concluded that radio frequency radiation in the frequency range 30 kHz–300 GHz is a “possible” human carcinogen (Group 2B). However, the ICNIRP ignores this as well as the increasing evidence in recent years for carcinogenicity.
Scientist working in the field of EMF and 5G safety demand the development and adoption of new medical guidelines that represent the state of medical science and that are truly protective of human health and the environment. The scientists and medical doctors, selected to review the scientific literature and propose new radio frequency radiation safety guidelines, must be free of conflicts of interest including direct and indirect ties to industry.
Current cell phone safety regulations are based on a premise that is now arguably false: cellphone radiation can cause harm only by heating tissue. The existing FCC/IEEE and ICNIRP public safety limits and reference levels are not adequate to protect public health. Indeed, by there own admission the ICNIRP guidelines for safety limits of man-made radiation have not been updated since 1998.
More can be seen at:
Public Health England
Public Health England (PHE) main advice is that the guidelines of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) should be adopted and there is no convincing evidence that exposures below the ICNIRP guideline levels cause adverse health effects. I would challenge the rhetoric of PHE.
As of February 27, 2019, 226 scientists and medical doctors (qualified as PhD, Professor or MD) have signed an appeal for an urgent moratorium on 5G technology. This appeal has been written and signed by independent experts working in the field. It notes that research has convincingly confirmed serious health risks from RF-EMF fields from wireless technology.
It goes on to state quite plainly that the current ICNIRP ”safety guidelines” are obsolete: All proofs of harm mentioned above arise although the radiation is below the ICNIRP “safety guidelines”. Therefore new safety standards are necessary. The reason for the misleading guidelines is “conflict of interest of ICNIRP members due to their relationships with telecommunications or electric companies undermine the impartiality that should govern the regulation of Public Exposure Standards for non-ionizing radiation …To evaluate cancer risks it is necessary to include scientists with competence in medicine, especially oncology.”
The Government continues to support research on this topic including the ongoing International Cohort Study on Mobile Phone Users (COSMOS) which aims to conduct long-term health monitoring of a large group of people to determine if there are any health issues linked with long-term exposure to radio frequency energy from cell phone use. The COSMOS study will follow approximately 300,000 adult cell phone users in Europe for 20 to 30 years. The Study of Cognition, Adolescents and Mobile Phone studies (SCAMP) and Mobile Telecommunications and Health Research Programme (MTHRP) are other studies which receive a combination of government and industry funding and link back again to the ICNIRP and ARE THEREFORE BIAS.
Does Public Health England consider that the potential for harm caused by chronic, long-term, mandatory exposure of the majority (or even all) of the UK population – including vulnerable groups such as pregnant women and children to a technology which the UK Government describes as “experimental” – is not scientifically plausible but uncertain? Or, does it consider that it is not morally unacceptable?
10,000 peer-reviewed studies. Multiple international appeals. Doctors and scientists declaring that research has convincingly confirmed serious health risks. Alas, the advise received from PHE by the Scottish Government is misleading and frankly fraudulently and designed to protect the telecoms industry.
Ask your self this, of the 10,000 scientific paper that say the exact opposite of the safety concerns of RF and 5G have PHA investigated just 1{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117}. Answer absolutely not because to do so would contradict the dangerous advise given to government and public and thus prevent unrolling of 5G. Why have Brussels banned 5G if it is meant to be so safe?
For more information:
Advisory Group on Non-Ionsing Radiation – AGNIR
PHE advises us that there is no convincing evidence that Radio Frequency radiation (which radio, television, mobile phones, smartphones and 5G all use) has any adverse health effects on either adults or children.
This advice is based on the recommendations of AGNIR (Advisory Group on Non-Ionising Radiation) which produced a report in 2012 on the safety of Radio Frequency radiation. The report stated that there was a lack of “convincing” and “conclusive” evidence for any adverse health effects. It was like giving a blank cheque to the telecommunications industry to move on into the higher frequencies, without any heed for the consequences.
Far from being independent, AGNIR has a high proportion of members with blatant conflicts of interests and their report distorted or simply left out of account evidence that should have compelled them to reach the opposite conclusion to the one they arrived at. In a forensic analysis of the report, the environmental health researcher, Sarah Starkey, makes it clear that only a wilful disregard of the available scientific evidence could explain its internal contradictions and apparent incompetence.
Health and safety simply do not feature in Government thinking, despite a veritable mountain of literally thousands of research papers demonstrating adverse health effects, which continues to grow at the rate of roughly 350 per year.
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified radio frequency fields from cell phones as possibly carcinogenic to humans. IARC interprets the classification as meaning there is limited evidence showing radio frequency carcinogenicity in humans and less than sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in experimental animals.
We have a direct challenge to the IARC report in the article “ICNIRP’s Refusal to Reassess Cell Phone Radiation Exposure Guidelines after US National Toxicology Program Studies Show Clear Evidence of Cancer in Experimental Animals”
National Infrastructure Commission (NIC)
The National Infrastructure Commission, whose 2016 report “Connected Future” forms the basis of current Government policy, pushed the vision of UK falling behind other nations and urged the government to ensure that the new digital infrastructure is fully in place by 2025.13 The NIC report repeatedly points out that the rewards of the “connected future” are to be measured in billions of pounds worth of revenue.
The mind-boggling amounts involved are well exemplified in a recent estimate that the global media industry alone stands to gain $1.3 trillion from 5G by 2025, not least because 5G will “unlock the potential of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR)”. We don’t have to wonder at the motive to unroll 5G but what about the health and environmental costs?
The telecoms industry doesn’t need to win the scientific argument about safety, but simply keep the argument running indefinitely by producing studies with results that fail to verify, or even better contradict, the research that does find adverse health effects.
Nevertheless, the impression is maintained that there is no scientific consensus (as born out by the summary document produced by PHE in the attachment), and so there are not sufficient grounds for action to be taken. Needless to say, this suits government just as much as it suits industry.
Independent Research of RF & 5G
I would encourage MPs to look at just a small sample of the independent research carried out on dangers of man-made RF and specifically 5G. This problem won’t go away until there is an open debate in parliament and a legal remit to tackle the telecoms industry. Unfortunately the government has been wrongly advised and is complicit.
To get an idea of just how much more radiation we are being exposed to compared with 10 years ago, we are getting a quintillion times as much radiation – that’s 1 with eighteen zeros! See first video:
Independent research has concluded the detrimental and lethal affects to biological life bathed in toxic fields of EMF 24/7 generated specifically by 5G. The telecom industry have counter-acted to health concerns of 5G by publishing “fake” reports on its safety. The government as a regulatory body should be able to see through this with impartiality.
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