Shocking Live Blood Analysis After Vax – LOOK

This was posted on a social media site. We are expecting more Dark Field Microscope Images will be posted showing the CATASTROPHIC changes in the blood of people who have taken the deadly injection…which is NOT a ‘vaccine’ by ANY stretch. Here’s the text that was posted with this image.

I have a friend who is a Nutrition Microscopist. She is an expert in her field and has helped me immensely. She has many clients who took the so-called vax and asked them to come in for a free blood analysis. To her utter horror, this is what she saw. The top image is of completely healthy blood and blood cells before the ‘vax’ injection.

The blood cells changed drastically over the next few days.

The third picture (below) shows countless, foreign nano particles (white specks) that show up in your blood shortly after the injection. Your body can NEVER detox from this and eventually those nano particles will enter every cell in your body.

What this means, in short, is that you will never be the same and your health will be heavily impacted for the rest of your life…however short that may be. This is, without question, a crime of mass genocide against humanity.

Note the final picture just above, the fourth image, shows this person’s blood cells no longer being smooth and symmetrical. They are now covered with lumps and protrusions. This is an intentional world war on human blood. As Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and Dr. Luc Montagnier, and others, are saying, the injections will kill and will never stop killing.

Dr. Montagnier, perhaps the world’s top Virologist, projects the life expectancy of all who have taken the kill shot injection is only 2 years.

Remember the projections…only 99 million Americans will be alive by January 2025 …that’s just 3 and 3/4 years from now.

Also remember, all the top politicians and ‘name’ players such as Brain Dead Biden, Ho Harris Emhoff and arch fraud Tony Fauci…were given a blank saline injection…not the real shot. Fauci couldn’t even remember which arm he took the injection in the very next day…

See more here:

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Comments (24)

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    Mark Tapley


    What can be said for people who allow themselves to be injected with blood toxins for an imaginary, invisible fake virus that has never been purified, isolated nor identified? It is no wonder that that the Zionists make sure they control the media and so the narrative for all the live stock. After that it is easy to spread the allopathic germ theory lies and begin the blood toxin injections for all types of imaginary pathogenic threats.

    The Rockefeller Foundation founded the criminal CDC and launched big Pharma . Gates controls The WHO and is a heavy funder of VAERS designed to hide adverse reactions. The fake virus was planned decades in advance as shown in the video below. The second post contains information on many of the fake virus players including Black Rock and the Rothschilds who own Trump ( real name Drumpf). Donalds grand father ran opium and prostitution business. Donald was bailed out of his casino fiasco by the Rothschilds


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      Charles Higley


      The sunny side of this national and world experience is that those who understand the scam, and did not get the jab, also have been able to learn what works best against the flu season and its salad of viruses—they are all coronaviruses. I was very ill February 2020, stayed home and recovered just fine.

      I already took two multivitamins plus minerals every day, but I have since upped Vitamins C and D (Vit D to Dr. Fauci levels (8000 units) and zinc and magnesium. For decades I had a cold or flu once or twice a winter. Now, I am going on 17 months with nothing at all. The magnesium eliminated muscle cramps I used to get regularly.

      Also, it is nice to know that HCQ and ivermectin and even a cheap inhaler can be great help if you do get ill. But, if you take decent zinc (I do 50 mg/day), and/or zinc and vitamins C and D are up from regular daily doses, these therapeutics should not be needed.

      As a biochemist, I was appalled to learn that the daily Vit D in multivitamins (about 400 units) is only enough to prevent ricketts and not allow a full vitamin effect. Fauci takes 20 times that. My 97 year old father-in-law was hospitalized from tripping on a rug and broke a bone and while he was there, they dosed him with 50,000 units of Vit D for five days.

      I read a few years ago that one of the goals of Agenda 21 (its Codex Alimentarius) is to alter our diet ( meatless and vegan) and also declaring vitamins to be toxic and thus heavily regulated. A malnourished people is a sheeple population with no energy to rebel from government oppression.


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        Mark Tapley


        Greetings Charles:
        The vitamin C molecule is very similar to the glucose molecule and is easily crowded out by carbohydrate in the system. Take vit. C during the day away from carbs. Eat a high protein high saturated fat diet with no vegetable (seed) oils which become rancid and cause inflammation. 70% of people who get cancer are low in D3. I also recommend supplementing with B17 which prevents the deficiency disease of cancer.

        As we get older we lose muscle, the most important organ. Do weight bearing exercise. Everyone regardless of age, should be able to get up from sitting flat on the floor without using their hands elbows, arms, into a standing position. If you can do this you are pretty much guaranteed 5 more years.


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    Joe Biden is a Cocksucker and Camel Toe has a stinky set of Piss Flaps


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      judy Ryan


      Mikes comment should be deleted!


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        Mark Tapley


        Hello Judy:
        You are right: It is really just adolescent vulgarity with no substance. There are very good reasons to oppose both fake parties in the two party facade that staged the recent phony capitol riots but this type of stupidity accomplishes nothing.


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        jamie cronin


        Leave Mike alone….


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    Roger Higgs


    This reported blood effect would be laughably simple to verify by simply repeating the procedure. Until then I’ll remain skeptical.


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      denis dombas


      Roger,so it looks like you took that poison and are sceptic now because you have no choice?


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        Terry Shipman


        I haven’t taken the shot for many reasons, including the fact my doctor recommended against it because of my history of previous blood clots. Nevertheless it would be very simple to attempt to duplicate what this article describes. It is a hallmark of REAL science to attempt to duplicate a previous finding.


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        Roger Higgs


        Wrong, Denis.

        I’ll never take the poison; never even had a flu shot, or taken regular meds of any kind (I’m 67).

        Covid is a United Nations (WHO) fraud. I wrote this yesterday …

        But, like any other scientist, I’m skeptical of this particular unsubstantiated report that the vaccine drastically alters blood cells. If this effect is genuine, it will be easily and quickly verified, and I’ll happily become a believer.

        Maybe you’ve seen my postings on that other United Nations (IPCC) fraud, ‘man-made’ global warming? This one, for example, has 27,000 viewings …

        Question everything.


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          Craig H


          I agree, independent verification is needed. If this is true it should be easily verified. (No poison for me either, regardless) Also, LOVE your post on “Global Warming” – I would add that plastics should be transitioned to hemp (something that actually breaks down in the environment)


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      I believe the first two images are normal red blood cells, just the focus is different. The final image seems to show typical acanthosis of several cells (projections with knobs). Just google it and you will see many conditions cause this change in red blood cells. It is just serendipity, of course, that the cell with spikes and knobs resembles depictions corona viruses.
      You would have to take the individual’s blood just before the jab and hold it for the same number of days and treat it in the same way as the blood sample taken after the jab and compare. And of course, replicate, replicate.

      Dark field microscopy and other techniques of examination of live cells are valid techniques; the problem arises with the “analysis” part of “live cell analysis.” Kary Mullis on You tube talks about his PCR procedure being a valid and useful one, but it is misinterpreted when used as a PCR test of viruses causing disease…PCR “analysis,” if you will.

      So, I do not agree with this article. I think it is the kind of information which could be used to discredit legitimate arguments against the current Covid narrative. I view the official narrative as causing a panic surrounding a combination of the War of the Worlds broadcast in the 1930’s (Marians taking over New Jersey), the Salem witch trials, and the hysteria surrounding AIDS (when I lived in San Franciso, a young man collapsing on the street would have to wait for EMT’s in hazmat suits to care for him). Human capacity for uncritical panic hasn’t changed in many thousands of years.


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        “War of the Worlds” : Halloween evening, 1938, Grover’s Mill, NJ. My folks listened to the broadcast from the other side of the country. Scary, especially if you tuned in after the disclaimer was given that it was a radio play.


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        Roger Higgs


        Thanks Rad1. Great comment.

        “So, I do not agree with this article. I think it is the kind of information which could be used to discredit legitimate arguments against the current Covid narrative.”

        That’s spot-on.


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        Gigolo Joe


        I agree with you about the damaging potential of this article to critics of this operation.
        Interesting you should mention the War of the Worlds broadcast. I have no way to back this up, but it is my belief that the WOTW, now understood to be a government psyop, was not an experiment to convince people of an alien invasion, it was an experiment in the power of peoples deference to media authority. The real purpose was to gauge people’s gullibility in a different regard. They were media psyops.

        I can’t find the source, but there was data on how many people heard the broadcast, how many believed it, the time it took for the story to spread, etc.. It seems with the WOTW, almost nobody believed the “invasion” was real, but after a week of newspaper stories, nearly the whole country believed that a large number of people had believed the invasion was real.

        I am of the opinion this was the real purpose of the Milgram and Stanford prison experiments as well. Milgram featured participants who were laughing as they “shocked” the participants, because the screaming was so comic, the setup so absurd, they had become “in” on the joke. I question how much of the “prison” experiment actually happened beyond whatever garbage is on film.

        It now makes sense Rockefeller et al would be more interested in testing the power of the media. I think it was firmly established by the 1960’s just how sadistic ordinary people can become. Such experiments may have already been carried out clandestinely, but Milgram and Stanford amount to stunts.


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      Herb Rosr


      Hi Roget,
      I too am skeptical. Wouldn’t this change also occur in SARS-1 vaccine? Wouldn’t it show up in the test animals and volunteers? Surely they would be doing blood test during the development, testing, and routine diagnostic tests where these changes would be evident. I certainly hope it is false.


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        Mark Tapley


        Hello Herb
        Probably fake images. What they refer to as virology is full of theories presented as facts such as the spike proteins and all the fake viruses that have never been purified isolated nor identified. They just stick a name on them and pretend they exist. Nobel Prize winner and PCR inventor Mullis on the video below explains that the AIDS fraud was created by Fauci and Gallo and brought in billions. Stephan Lanka has even proven that viruses do not exist but are merely broken proteins and cellular debris as Cowan shows in his tissue sample photos. I believe the reward is up to 1.5 million Euros for proof of viral existence.

        The trials are all under big Pharma mafia control and they are immune from any liability. All of this network including the CDC and WHO was created by the Zionist Rockefeller’s and is now in the financial clutches of Gates and the WEF elite. These criminals have been faking viruses for years. It only makes sense to manufacture fake vaccines to go with them as they did with the man made polio and Fauci’s Swine flu which killed over a hundred children. and caused permanent narcolepsy seizures in thousands of people. The more bat soup, lab created, bio weaponized, chipped, hype that is rolled out the further off course people stray from the fact that there is no real sample of the alleged pathogen but only a computer generated fragment of an imaginary non existent virus. The livestock are lining up to be injected with another blood toxin for another imaginary, invisible pathogen. Just like always,


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    It seems obvious that this should be repeated a couple of times as it is so simple to do that it would hardly qualify as science. If it is true then it seems that there is something that would bear investigation


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    If this is true it follows along other reports concerning what people who took the jab are experiencing. Misshapen RBC’s is called poikilocytosis. One of the causes listed is low iron. Jab recipients are reporting that magnets are sticking to them. No small injection could cause this by itself, but if the iron in the blood is now collecting in an area it can respond to magnetic fields. Since the iron is collecting then it is not being made into the RBC’s as it should be which can cause the pointy RBC’s. This will cause the person to suffer from low oxygen.


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    I do agree that more research needs to be done on this, and a timescale in case the scells ‘settle down’ – but it is disconcerting.
    i keep to a good vitamin, i have upped my vitamin D to 4000iu and 200 k – and 1000mg vitamin C, i have zinc in the vitamin, i have read that too much zinc is not good for you and about 15mg is ok – i gather zinc is more useful for the older person (my 90 year old mum takes more) but it’s difficult to find the right level of any vitamin on the search engines these days, all have their own view of how much to take!


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    Is this referring to the mRNA drugs and/or RNA?


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    I would like to believe the above photos are real, but it seems to me that many conditions could cause blood cells to go wacky. What exactly are the small white spots? Nano particles are extremely small and there seems to be a great number of them.

    In any event, there certainly needs to be an explanation, and not from crooked pharma, as to what does in fact happen to blood cells after these injections. This is just another nail in the coffin of pretend safe gene altering/reprogramming therapies and what they are really going to do to a person’s immune system. Until we get independent (non-pharma, non-fauci and non-CDC/FDA) studies and true data, I will never buy into the common narrative from the vaccine terrorists.

    Then again, I have no plans to ever get another injection no matter how safe and effective these poisons might be.


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    Media Bias


    This site + article is classified as ‘Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category’

    The burden of proof is on the person with the extraordinary claim, however I will try and list some of the many reasons why I don’t think this has any connection with reality

    #1 is no source is cited, that image could be anything or come from anywhere. It just says “a social media site” which we all know is hardly a bastion of scientific integrity
    #2 is the obvious political and inflammatory rhetoric that accompanies it
    #3 is “nutritional microscopist”… that’s not really a thing

    Even if we assume that the message was genuinely posted to a social media site and not a complete fabrication, even if we assume that that really was the accompanying text, even if we generously grant that those are pictures of people’s red blood cells that were genuinely taken by the person referenced in the text… that’s still someone with no formal medical training making unscientific and clearly externally motivated judgements about


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