Shock Study: COVID Jabs Killing 9 out of 10 Babies in First Trimester

New research published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) has found that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” are not even close to being safe for pregnant women like the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) claims they are.

Dr. Simon Thornley, a senior lecturer at the University of Auckland, and Dr. Aleisha Brock, also from New Zealand, say that a re-analysis of the data clearly shows that pregnant women should not be getting injected for the Fauci Flu.

It turns out that miscarriages during the first trimester are as high as 91 percent in women who take the jab. The original data that was used by the federal government to authorize the jab for pregnant women in the first place clearly shows this.

Based on this data, the New Zealand researchers calculated a range of 81.9 percent to 91.2 percent spontaneous abortions in women who get injected for the Fauci Flu before 20 weeks gestation.

“We question the conclusions of the Shimabukuro et al. study to support the use of the mRNA vaccine in early pregnancy, which has now been hastily incorporated into many international guidelines for vaccine use, including in New Zealand,” the researchers wrote.

“The assumption that exposure in the third trimester cohort is representative of the effect of exposure throughout pregnancy is questionable and ignores past experience with drugs such as thalidomide. Evidence of safety of the product when used in the first and second trimesters cannot be established until these cohorts have been followed to at least the perinatal period or long-term safety determined for any of the babies born to mothers inoculated during pregnancy.”

Pfizer says small print admits that data does not support jabbing pregnant women

In an attempt to defend itself, pharmaceutical giant Pfizer noted that the fine print on its website does admit that the latest available data on its jab being “administered to pregnant women are insufficient to inform vaccine-associated risks in pregnancy.”

The CDC, on the other hand, is claiming ignorance. According to its researchers, there are not any obvious safety signals associated with jabbing pregnant women, so the green light was given to authorize them in this demographic.

“We are aware that some of the data has been used to calculate a higher rate of miscarriage,” the CDC claimed when it first authorized the jabs for use in pregnant women.

“This is not an appropriate calculation based on the data available because more than 1,000 pregnancies were ongoing, and their outcome data was not available at the time of the report. About 10–25 percent of known pregnancies end in miscarriage. CDC experts will continue to study the effects of COVID-19 vaccination on pregnancies and closely monitor any safety concerns.”

The CDC is doubling down in defense of the shots, claiming the miscarriage risk is well within the “range” of what is considered to be acceptable. The agency also says that the “benefits” of getting injected while pregnant far “outweigh any known or potential risks.”

With few exceptions, the CDC says that all pregnant women should roll up their sleeves and take the jab at warp speed. It is still pushing the narrative that not getting the jab increases the risk of “fatality or severe outcome” should one test “positive” for Chinese Germs.

“No one should be taking that poison,” noted one commenter at The Epoch Times about how these injections are unfit for any human body, pregnant or otherwise.

See more here:

Bold emphasis added

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    Richard noakes


    I have an article which says that pregnant women who get the vaccines have a 91% chance of losing the kid before it ever gets to be born and i have another article which says healthy babies which are born, die within 24 and 48 hours after birth from heart problems, something never seen in hospitals before.
    The answer to vaccines is don’t have them at any cost, but if you have, next time you get symptoms of a cold, do this and make it hard for the vaccine makers to kill you off:
    Covid Crusher: Mix one heaped teaspoon of Iodine table or sea salt in a mug of warm water, cup a hand and sniff or snort the entire mugful up your nose, spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If sore, then you have a virus, so continue morning noon and night, or more often if you want, until the soreness goes away (2-3 minutes) then blow out your nose and flush away, washing your hands afterwards, until when you do my simple cure, you don’t have any soreness at all, when you flush – job done. Also swallow a couple of mouthfuls of salt water and if you have burning in your lungs, salt killing virus and pneumonia there too.
    Gargling, using saline solution or tablets is a waste of time, because they deal with Covid in the body and not the virus in the head, where it is at its most vulnerable – how silly such an easy thing to destroy, is left to become the bio-weapon which kills you.
    I have been doing this for over 27 years and not one person has died from this simple cure, or been injured from it from those I have been able to pass it on too, myself included – 100% Effective!!.
    The Iodine in the salt kills Coronavirus or the Flu, in the nasal passages of the head and flushes out the escutcheon tubes to the ears, the brain stem and the brain bulb, so no long Covid either – dead Coronavirus = no Covid in the body ever and the salt water provides a protection over the surfaces where Coronavirus and the Flu like to breed – pour a bit of solution on a flat surface and see how it dries – what viruses hate, because it murders them, kills them dead.
    Irrespective of if you have been vaccinated or not, do my simple, free cure and avoid further booster shots if you can – or better yet, don’t get vaccinated at all – the vaccines kill, one way or another and horribly too, sooner or later and then we get around to those Nanobots and other things in the vaccines (shudder).
    Odd that a long swab up the nose to test for a Coronavirus, is later treated with vaccines in the body for Covid with ARR Efficiency rates of 1·3% for the AstraZeneca–Oxford, 1·2% for the Moderna–NIH, 1·2% for the J&J, 0·93% for the Gamaleya, and 0·84% for the Pfizer–BioNTech vaccines ACCORDING TO The Lancet and Doctors For Covid Ethics and booster shots now lasting for just 2 months, with Covid being at least 98% efficient in killing you?
    I have to wonder how effective the shots really are for kids – RRR 90.5% effective means less than ARR on the above efficiency rates?


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    Boris Badenov


    Don’t use tap water, use distilled water or Reverse Osmosis, nuke it a bit, warm is better, NOT hot it HURTS. Neilmed makes a bottle that works well, fill with distilled water, add a packet of salt, shake, nuke, rinse. I’ve used iodized salt for quite a while, a few grams in the bottle, about 1/4 tsp if I remember correctly.


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    Dr Dennis


    With all the hysteria finally beginning to slow, lets all take a deep breath and realize that 95% of the American public made it through this supposed “pandemic” without any more elaborate medicines (since any prescriptions were banned by Fauci and his toadying minions) than NyQuil and Robitussin with plenty of Vitamin C and D…


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