Shifting Away From Big Pharma Health Paradigm
In the latest episode of our second season of “TRUTH” with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Kennedy interviewed Dr. Zach Bush who specializes in internal medicine, endocrinology and hospice care with a focus on the microbiome as it relates to health, disease and food systems.
Kennedy and Bush covered a wide range of topics, including:
- the crucial role of inflammation in disease
- how glyphosate disrupts the gut microbiome
- the widely misunderstood history of the polio virus
- Pharma’s takeover of the federal regulatory health system
All “Truth” episodes can be found on Children’s Health Defense’s social media, and on Children’s Health Defense’s channel found on Peeps TV, a network on Roku. Roku is accessible from any Smart TV and can be purchased separately for older TVs. Read more at **** PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX.
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Tony Warren
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I am not one for judging sources, however Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has a a long history of misunderstanding science and making political points for so doing.
Suddenly, we find ourselves imagining that he has somehow gained understanding of the scientific method because he now meets a different set of cognitive biases that more conservative people are prone to.
I will listen and read with an open mind but I think we should all take what he claims with a grain of skeptical salt.
Tom O
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Did you make your comment before or after watching the video? Did you even bother to watch the video? Say what you want, but he makes more sense than you just did. The bulk of the video is the scientist he is talking to, and the points the man made are pretty astounding. I would seriously recommend that you and everyone give it a watch. I think it is worth your time. Of course if all you want to do is put down Kennedy, that’s certainly fine since everyone is entitled to an opinion, even if it is questionable.
James McGinn
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TW: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has a a long history of misunderstanding science
JMcG: There is a very strong bias in science along the lines of models that are simple enough to be comprehensible to the dull-witted public and that otherwise have the appearance of credibility by way of support from some kind of “expert.” A consequence of this is that much of what appears credible. The only way to get to the truth is to deal with the details. You, obviously, don’t get this.
James McGinn / Genius
Solving Hydrogen Bonding of Water
Carbo Bigfoot
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It is a shame that Kennedy has a voice box deficiency and the video has audio issues. Unfortunately that makes the video unwatchable. .Also the doctor talks to fast and he should have used charts or PowerPoint slides.
I agree with Tony that I can’t dismiss his war on Climate Skeptics and politicizing science on alleged chemicals.
I’ve used Roundup for 30 years without issue following manufacture’s directions. as a degreed Chemical engineer I dispute its toxicity at the levels that exist in the environment and breakdown routinely. .
Tom O
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In other words, you didn’t actually bother to watch the video either, right? Yes, Kennedy’s voice is difficult to understand in ways, but I have a 40% hearing loss and I had no problem listening to him. As for Bush, I didn’t find him difficult to follow, though my 76 year old hearing did miss a few things I am sure. The sound quality? There wasn’t any problem with it for me, so I have to assume that you chose not to listen because you have a different point of view about glyphosate. You may be degreed in chemical engineering, but his points were based on his degree in medicine and understanding of the bio-system. I have read enough about Roundup to know that if I will side with anyone over it, it will be someone that is more concerned with quality of life, not on weed control. And I won’t use anyway since it has always proved ineffective in suggested strength.
Carbon Bigfoot
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I’ve read all the literature on exposure to Glyphosate and by my own 30 year exposure experience led me to the conclusion that when used correctly, that Roundup was not the threat that it is pointed out to be. And no I don’t own Monsanto or Bayer stock. Sorry about your hearing loss and you should be grateful that your comprehension is in tack. But I suffer from Anomic & Expressive Aphasia with its limitations as a result of three strokes ( Parietal Infarcts). It does not limit my critical thinking skills just the speed of processing information. I suggest you might expand your knowledge of my disability— We retired ChE’s dealt with a vast array toxic substances in our past work. As a sponge I have studied the 5G and EMF effects on the body because I belief all of 27 year exposure to electronics and dirty electricity these caused my multiple comorbidities. You see we engineers are scientists first. I site Joe Olson’s engineering/scientist capability to look beyond the failings of a variety of pseudo experts that opine on this website.
Tom O
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Then you probably shouldn’t be knocking what the doctor said if you didn’t hear it. We all have our crosses to bear. Until you know what the man was talking about, you are just expressing an opinion, just like I am. You have issues, fine, your position still revolves around your position on glyphosate, not your ailment. My position still revolves around the fact I personally found Roundup ineffective and useless as delivered, and I have seen enough evidence that says it isn’t in man’s best interest. I’ll leave this at that.
The doctor’s point was that there is a microbial connection to what is damaging our health. glyphosate causes issues within the gut flora that then affects the immune system. That was his professional opinion. His position also is that proper soil biology grows food that heals our illnesses. Yes, you can consider him different. Probably naturopathic. Or if you read other articles, he believes in the terrain theory of illness not the germ theory. From that point of view, a disruption in the natural terrain creates disruption in human health over time.
As for EMF and 5G, I won’t disagree with you. I have always considered the rise in the use of RF spectrum as part of the reason for the rise in disease in the human body – make that any body.
Herb Rose
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Hi Tom,
I’ve used Roudup for years and found it great for killing dandelion, thistle, inkberry, and other hard to kill weeds in the garden. There are some weeds it doesn’t kill but I will continue to use it
The problems arouse when farmers sprayed it on their food crops to kill mature grains and prevent the grain seeds from falling of the plants before harvest.
I still use Sevin for insect control despite what happened in Bhopal India (sabotage).
Jerry Krause
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Hi Fellow,
Flies, mosquitoes, DDT, Malaria
Have a good day, Jerry