Several challenges to the Big Bang Hypothesis
There are several challenges to the Big Bang Hypothesis, three problems are addressed in a article.
One (1) particularly nagging feature of the Big Bang Hypothesis is the presumption that several of the lighter isotopes could only have been produced by Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN). Specifically, conventional wisdom is that Deuterium (D) is only due to BBN.
However, from the work by Prodanovic & Fields (2003) and F. Scherb (2009):
“D is not only destroyed in stars, it is also synthesized in the atmospheres of active stars (Prodanovic & Fields 2003). In several cases, production of D in the sun has been detected when solar flares occur.”
Digging further into the work of Prodanovic & Fields, we have their paper: Nonprimordial Deuterium Production by Accelerated Particles.
The specific reaction is n + p —> D + a gamma ray emission. Gamma radiation is not observed across the broad solar surface, only from solar flares.
This conclusion is further buttressed from recent work by NASA’s Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope:
Furthermore, it is known from the Rosetta mission to comet 67P/C-G that the trace amounts of water on the comet was more heavily comprised of D than terrestrial water. The obvious source of such D is due to the solar wind.
Scherb’s paper not only describes the presence D in solar flares, but Helium-3 as well.
Certainly energetic protons ( plasma hydrogen) are available in abundance within stars, but what is the source of energetic neutrons ? The neutrons could be obtained from Beta decay of protons, but the resultant neutron would be at lower energy levels.
The obvious source of high energy neutrons as well as Helium-3 would be from nuclear fission within the sun.
All of this is consistent with the work of M.a. Padmanabha Rao regarding U235 fission in solar flares as well as fission observed in Neutron Star mergers (kilonovaes).
Several astronomers have determined that the principal source of the very heaviest r-process elements ( including the fissile Transuranics) come from Neutron Star mergers. Neutron Star mergers are also accompanied by short gamma ray bursts (GRB). Moreover, like the simultaneous destruction and production of Deuterium in solar flares, Neutron Star mergers exhibit “fission cycling”.
Returning to the point regarding Helium-3 as a product of fission, Herndon and Hollenbach (2001) took their observations of the ratio of He-3 to He- 4 in spreading ridge basalts to make the case for the GeoReactor.
Moreover, the presence of Carbon 14 in deep Earth regions are likewise explicable by the existence of the GeoReactor — refuting the work by Charles Keeling and the putative “Seuss Effect” (1979). To his credit, Keeling acknowledged that he had insufficient information about deep ocean presence of Carbon 14.
As final points, the formation of homochiral biochemicals due to “fission tracks” ( E. Hejl, 2017) as well as gamma radiation from fission providing the activation energy in tholin formation and the nuclear geyser model proposed by Ebisuzaki and Maruyama (2017) we have a much fuller explanation for many natural phenomena. Both features point to life forming within the planet, protected from the radiation bombarding the Earth’s surface.
This sub-surface start of life is more fully described in “The Fourth Source. Effects of Natural Nuclear Reactors” by Robert J. Tuttle. His explanation for Carl Sagan’s Faint Young Sun paradox is particularly informative.
Conclusions: The “Science isn’t settled”. In fact, a new Lysenkoism has engulfed the halls of Science. Skeptics muzzled, new findings suppressed, data manipulated, and even legal threats leveled at non-conforming thinkers. A new Dark Age is upon us, driven by political and monetary interests.
Update (Jan. o1, 2019) The author kindly adds the comments offered on the above from the eminent scientist, M.A.Padmanabha Rao, PhD(AIIMS) who writes:
Richard Cronin wrote: “Scherb’s paper not only describes the presence D in solar flares, but Helium-3 as well”.
Dr Rao writes: Solar spectrum measured by Woods et al in the following paper did not show any Deuterium. Woods et al reported Helium lines. Atomic Spectra available from NIST do not agree with the wavelengths of Helium lines. Please peruse the following paper.
M.A.Padmanabha Rao,Discovery of Sun’s Bharat Radiation emission causing Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) and UV dominant optical radiation, IOSR Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR¬JAP), Volume 3, Issue 2 (Mar. – Apr. 2013), PP 56¬60,
You raised a question, what is the source of energetic neutrons? The neutrons could be obtained from Beta decay of protons, but the resultant neutron would be at lower energy levels.
Dr Rao writes:: I go by Nuclear Physics that I learned. 235Uranium fission is one of the neutron sources. Why ignore nuclear physics and try to explain on the basis of fusion?
Richard Cronin wrote: “The obvious source of high energy neutrons as well as Helium-3 would be from nuclear fission within the sun”.
Dr Rao writes: On the basis of Nuclear Physics, neutrons originating in the space owes to fission. Fission was found to take place in collision of neutron stars (my article in reserchgate). Helium-3 is not found among 153 solar lines that I have identified. All the 153 solar lines are due to beta, gamma or characteristic X-ray energy from fission fragments. Please peruse my paper mentioned below, 2013)
M.A.Padmanabha Rao,
Discovery of Self ¬Sustained 235¬U Fission Causing Sunlight by Padmanabha Rao Effect, IOSR Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR¬JAP), Volume 4, Issue 2 (Jul. – Aug. 2013), PP 06¬24, |
You said, Returning to the point regarding Helium-3 as a product of fission, Herndon and Hollenbach (2001) took their observations of the ratio of He-3 to He- 4 in spreading ridge basalts to make the case for the GeoReactor.
Dr Rao writes: Please peruse the Article:
Helium gas does not exist in sun’s atmosphere – my challenge to astrophysicists’S_ATMOSPHERE_-_MY_CHALLENGE_TO_ASTROPHYSICISTS
Richard Cronin wrote: All of this is consistent with the work of M.a. Padmanabha Rao regarding U235 fission in solar flares as well as fission observed in Neutron Star mergers (kilonovaes).
Dr Rao writes: Please review your opinions on the subject matter in the light of above discussion.
Further References:
- Discovery Of 235uranium Fission Taking Place in Collision Of Neutron Stars Cause Gravitational Waves And Electromagnetic Radiations
For the first time, explained that key role of Gravitational waves preceding beta, gamma and X-ray emissions with energy higher than that of gamma rays. Unfolded that gravitational waves heading solar radiation forms a link with earth’s gravitational field and generate heat and Sunlight within 10 km height above earth.
- Definite evidences on 235- Uranium fission taking place in Supernova.
- No evidence of Fe or He-II in solar spectrum, so no fusion on Sun Astrophysics relies on the theory of fusion, evolved in an era, when existence of neutron is not known
- The first identification of Black Holes by M.A.Padmanabha Rao, PhD (AIIMS)
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M. A. Padmanabha Rao
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Mr. Richard.F.Cronin said, “Scherb’s paper not only describes the presence D in solar flares, but Helium-3 as well”.
My comments: Solar spectrum measured by Woods et al in the following paper did not show any Deuterium. Woods et al reported Helium lines. Atomic Spectra available from NIST do not agree with the wavelengths of Helium lines. Please peruse the following paper:
M.A.Padmanabha Rao,
Discovery of Sun’s Bharat Radiation emission causing Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) and UV dominant optical radiation, IOSR Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR¬JAP), Volume 3, Issue 2 (Mar. – Apr. 2013), PP 56¬60,
You raised a question, what is the source of energetic neutrons? The neutrons could be obtained from Beta decay of protons, but the resultant neutron would be at lower energy levels.
My comment: I go by Nuclear Physics that I learned. 235Uranium fission is one of the neutron sources. Why ignore nuclear physics and try to explain on the basis of fusion?
You said, “The obvious source of high energy neutrons as well as Helium-3 would be from nuclear fission within the sun”.
My comment: On the basis of Nuclear Physics, neutrons originating in the space owes to fission. Fission was found to take place in collision of neutron stars (my article in reserchgate). Helium-3 is not found among 153 solar lines that I have identified. All the 153 solar lines are due to beta, gamma or characteristic X-ray energy from fission fragments. Please peruse my paper mentioned below, 2013)
M.A.Padmanabha Rao,
Discovery of Self ¬Sustained 235¬U Fission Causing Sunlight by Padmanabha Rao Effect, IOSR Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR¬JAP), Volume 4, Issue 2 (Jul. – Aug. 2013), PP 06¬24,
You said, Returning to the point regarding Helium-3 as a product of fission, Herndon and Hollenbach (2001) took their observations of the ratio of He-3 to He- 4 in spreading ridge basalts to make the case for the GeoReactor.
My comment: Please peruse the Article:
Helium gas does not exist in sun’s atmosphere – my challenge to astrophysicists'S_ATMOSPHERE_-_MY_CHALLENGE_TO_ASTROPHYSICISTS
You said, All of this is consistent with the work of M.a. Padmanabha Rao regarding U235 fission in solar flares as well as fission observed in Neutron Star mergers (kilonovaes).
My comment: Please review your opinions on the subject matter in the light of above discussion.
Further References:
1. Discovery Of 235uranium Fission Taking Place in Collision Of Neutron Stars Cause Gravitational Waves And Electromagnetic Radiations
For the first time, explained that key role of Gravitational waves preceding beta, gamma and X-ray emissions with energy higher than that of gamma rays. Unfolded that gravitational waves heading solar radiation forms a link with earth’s gravitational field and generate heat and Sunlight within 10 km height above earth.
Definite evidences on 235- Uranium fission taking place in Supernova.
No evidence of Fe or He-II in solar spectrum, so no fusion on Sun Astrophysics relies on the theory of fusion, evolved in an era, when existence of neutron is not known
The first identification of Black Holes by M.A.Padmanabha Rao, PhD (AIIMS)
M.A.Padmanabha Rao,PhD(AIIMS)
Robert Beatty
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Other reasons for big bang doubt are less esoteric and include:-
Galaxies are apparently moving apart which conflicts with our understanding of gravitational attraction.
The start point involves elements of time, mass, and energy which are generally incomprehensible.
The concept of “Dark Matter” is inferred to explain astronomical sightings of visible matter, but remains a hypothetical construct.
Our understanding of gravity is quite deficient, yet gravity must represent a critical element for understanding any universe evolution theory
Richard F. Cronin
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Thank you, Mr. Beatty. You are correct about my approach as rather esoteric, but I was trying to trace back how comet 67P/C-G and the proportions of Deuterium detected there. Obviously, the sun (or stars) can produce Deuterium and it by no means needs to be primordial. Again, thank you your input.
Robert Beatty
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Richard, you may be aware of my work which suggests the Oort Cloud and associated comet masses may have had a narrow passing close to the Sun early in their formative stage.
Page 71, Figure 20.5 – Oort Cloud Formation
Could these close encounters explain the several chemical anomalies you have highlighted?