Seriously, CDC Has a Web Page on ‘Zombie Preparedness’!

In case you thought the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention couldn’t get any crazier, look at this page from their official website and be prepared for puzzlement.

Yes, this is real. The CDC now boasts it is readying America to tackle a wave of braindead, malcontents bent on biting your bits (but we don’t think they mean BLM or Antifa).

In the first paragraph it admits it is all about trying to reach a wider variety of audiences. [1]

The mind boggles! It reads:

“Wonder why zombies, zombie apocalypse, and zombie preparedness continue to live or walk dead on a CDC web site? As it turns out what first began as a tongue-in-cheek campaign to engage new audiences with preparedness messages has proven to be a very effective platform. We continue to reach and engage a wide variety of audiences on all hazards preparedness via “zombie preparedness”.”

Is this really tongue-in-cheek whimsy or perhaps a subtle warning for the anticipated adverse reactions to the multi-million-dose rushed through COVID-19 vaccine roll out, which many independent scientists and medical professionals predict may kill and cause more permanent damage than the novel coronavirus it was intended to thwart.

On top of that, Moderna even admits their own COVID-19 vaccine is actually an ‘operating system‘ – do we really want our vaccinated bodies becoming remote controlled?

The CDC advice continues on their next page, ‘Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse‘ [2]

“Better Safe than Sorry

So what do you need to do before zombies…or hurricanes or pandemics for example, actually happen? First of all, you should have an emergency kit in your house. This includes things like water, food, and other supplies to get you through the first couple of days before you can locate a zombie-free refugee camp (or in the event of a natural disaster, it will buy you some time until you are able to make your way to an evacuation shelter or utility lines are restored). Below are a few items you should include in your kit, for a full list visit the CDC Emergency page.”

The CDC may or may not be hinting about a new threat from a plague of vaccinated zombies. But we at Principia Scientific International can cite sound scientific reasoning for why you may want to avoid letting any venal vaccinator pollute your bloodstream with these poisonous potions.

For example, here’s some sobering links to help you decide:

Study: Dangerous Nano-Particles Contaminate Most Vaccines

UK Government Expecting A Flood Of COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries

Doctors Urge CDC To Explain Painful Side Effects Of COVID-19 Vaccines

‘This Is Not A Vaccine, It Is Irreversible Genetic Modification’ Say Doctor

What Vaccine Trials?

The Injection Fraud – It’s Not A Vaccine

Doctors See Red Flags In Suspicious Pfizer Vaccine Study

STUDY: Flu Vaccine Raises Risk Of COVID Death

Pfizer COVID Vaccine Trial: Older Adults Suffering Bad Side Effects

Bill Gates Admits COVID Vaccine Changes DNA, Now Doctors Rebel!

There you have it, folks. Laid out in plain view and don’t expect the zombies to show respect for your mask or social distancing rules either.  As we advise readers; never take anyone’s word for it. Do your own research and …. ‘Stay safe’ out there!



About John O’Sullivan John is CEO and co-founder (with Dr Tim Ball) of Principia Scientific International (PSI).  John is a seasoned science writer and legal analyst who assisted Dr Ball in defeating world leading climate expert, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann in the ‘science trial of the century‘. O’Sullivan is credited as the visionary who formed the original ‘Slayers’ group of scientists in 2010 who then collaborated in creating the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory plus their new follow-up book.

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Comments (2)

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    Joseph Olson


    being A ZOMBIE, is just a mRNA jab away (although Labour and DNC are natural zombies)


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    Steve C


    I think I’ll have to visit that page. I feel as though I’ve walked into a Zombie Apocalypse every time I go into town these days, seeing all the sad, scared people cowering behind their germ recyclers. Very timely.


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