Senator Ben Luján Secures Motion In Support of US National Labs
U.S. Sen. Ben Ray Luján (D-N.M.)… [urged] the Congressional conferees of the Bipartisan Innovation Bill to support National Laboratories and the Department of Energy. Following the Senator’s speech and consideration by the Senate, Luján’s bipartisan motion was passed.
[Text] of the Senator’s remarks as prepared can be found below:
The Senate-passed US Innovation and Competition Act includes nearly $17 billion to support research, development, and supply chain support at the Department of Energy national laboratories, including key technology areas, such as high-performance computing, advanced energy technologies, artificial intelligence, quantum information science, and advanced manufacturing. The House bill also includes robust support for our national labs.
This strong investment is critical to maintaining and strengthening U.S. competitiveness and security – especially as global R&D expenditures rise in these transformative industries.
Our National Labs are a research crown jewel, and countries like China are taking notice of our progress. In fact, China is working to build out their own national lab network modeled after our DOE labs. Inaction would leave the U.S. at risk of being rapidly outpaced. . . .
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Jacque Millard
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Just what we need is more govt controlled labs. What ever happened to scientists and universities doing research for real reasons instead of to get taxpayer dollars to study what they are told to research how about some real science for a change. Climate models don’t have anything to do with real life. Go outside and see if the weather is what you think it should be. Stay away from social media and see if your neighbors believe that the people who live there are racist or not. For gods sake quit letting the powers that be tell you there is no problem with the shortages and supply chain when ok can’t get bread. Le s study lots of things that have no intrinsic value while not making sure that the kids in school have food and demtal care. Let’s worry about the sysems that affect our everyday lives not ideological wannabes in big tech let the big tech support itself for a change these ite me listed here should not be paid for by peons like me. I don’t think that advanced AI is going to make a spot of difference in my life unless it makes me redundant them they wont want me around anyway. Quantum computing might mean a lot to a physicist but I have trouble using what I have. So this just another way to scam money. Write your congressman and let them know how you feel. And if they don’t listen don’t vote for them!!!
Mark Tapley
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National Labs. Lets see, is that where they conducted the Manhattan Project for the fake nukes, promote the fake viruses, study the effects of the fake climate change and are working on their fake mission to Mars? 17 billion is a lot of money to promote fake programs like “Green Energy” and the WEF’s digital open air prison system. I have a novel idea. Instead of laundering the money through the insider network, just leave it in the pockets of those who earned it. I bet they can find something to do with it other than run fake virus psy ops and fake wars.