Secret Science Link Between COVID19 Fakery & Global Warming

COVID-19 ‘secret science’ dirty tricks are exposed over the safety and efficacy of hydroxychloroquine (+ zinc, Z-pac) as a reliable prophylaxis/treatment.

During this pandemic we are seeing in play the same tried and tested dirty tactics relied on for three decades by governments to fool us over the ‘climate crisis.’

Methodology: co-opt, bribe, threaten and coerce select scientists to concoct evidence to fit a government globalist UN narrative; rely heavily on computer models and ensure key data/coding is kept secret. Assure the public that the consensus view of the ‘leading experts’ supports the government narrative. Deploy a compliant media to act as gatekeepers so only the approved narrative is broadcast. Defame and de-platform critics (realists) and defy FOIA requests. Resort to the courts to chill dissent.

Professor ‘Lockdown’ Ferguson never released his ‘secret science’ computer code for independent analysis. Just like Professor ‘Hockey stick’ Mann, he runs away from public accountability over gross incompetence/intentional fraud.

Ever since President Trump revealed hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) as the key ingredient of a ‘game-changer’ treatment for the pandemic the globalists, corporations and ‘prestige’ journals have been disparaging.

But as growing empirical evidence from doctors ‘in the frontline’ emerged backing Trump’s claims all assets were deployed. ‘Leading’ academies, experts and journals quickly activated to appear in the media to decry clear cut positive evidence from grassroots doctors and scientists about HCQ.

In recent weeks the world has witnessed the mainstream media – in cahoots with Big Pharma and globalist co-conspirators – rush out warning us all against using HCQ. We have been told this medication is “ineffective“, if not downright “dangerous“!

Instead, only certain (expensive, money-spinning) drugs are being recommended even when studies reveal such treatments are “no better than a placebo.” [2]

Yet HCQ appears on the World Health Organization list of approved medicines and regarded as one of the safest and cost-effective medicines known.

But even the WHO last month contradicted itself by suspending HCQ clinical trials on ‘safety grounds’ and just look at how the FDA issued “warnings on chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine after deaths and poisonings reported.” [1]

The immediate life or death risks from a pandemic play on public minds more urgently than a distant danger from human emissions of carbon dioxide. So it is no surprise that this medical fiasco is reaching a climax sooner. On June 03, 2020 Breitbart reports:

“The World Health Organization has resumed its medical trials on hydroxychloroquine Wednesday, the same day a new study says the drug doesn’t prevent coronavirus.

WHO paused the tests May 25 so they could undergo review by the Data Safety Monitoring Board.

“On the basis of the available mortality data, the members of the committee recommended that there are no reasons to modify the trial protocol,” WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said during a briefing Wednesday.

Media briefing on #COVID19 with @DrTedros— World Health Organization (WHO) (@WHO) June 3, 2020

More than 3,500 patients in 17 countries were enrolled in clinical trials of hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 treatment. But a study of 15,000 patients published in the Lancet last month said taking the drug doubled the risks of dangerous cardiac side effects that could lead to death.”

Thanks to that junk science Lancet paper,  The WHO, globalists and their friends in Big Pharma were able to bad mouth the HCQ treatment that President Trump and medical doctors using it had calleda gamechanger.’

The Lancet this week performed a U-turn on the problematic study. As we reported (June 03, 2020) with ‘Lancet Issues Major Disclaimer On Anti-HCQ Study‘:

“Until the data has been audited, The Lancet issued the following “expression of concern” regarding the study.

“Important scientific questions have been raised about data reported in the paper by Mandeep Mehra et al,” reads the “expression of concern” from The Lancet.

“Although an independent audit of the provenance and validity of the data has been commissioned by the authors not affiliated with Surgisphere and is ongoing, with results expected very shortly, we are issuing an Expression of Concern to alert readers to the fact that serious scientific questions have been brought to our attention. We will update this notice as soon as we have further information.”

-The Lancet”

A Second Junk Science Study Now Trashes HCQ Treatment

But yesterday (June 03, 2020) another apparent junk study, this time from the University of Minnesota which claims it found that hydroxychloroquine doesn’t help patients prevent COVID-19 infections.

The Minneapolis Star Tribune reports:

“The randomized trial — results of which were published in The New England Journal of Medicine on Wednesday, found that 11.8 percent of people taking the drug became infected with COVID-19. Of those not taking the drug, 14.3 percent became sick, which researchers consider statistically insignificant.

“While we are disappointed that this did not prevent COVID-19, we are pleased that we were able to provide a conclusive answer,” Dr. David Boulware, lead author of the study, told the Minneapolis Star Tribune.”

It is no wonder that medical professionals are expressing anger and dismay at how the media and authorities are presenting to the public a false perception of this entirely safe drug, relied on worldwide for 75 years, as the most dangerous tool of quackery.

The Lancet study and the latest offering from the New England Journal of Medicine again demonstrate all too clearly how so-called top international journals cannot be trusted to provide quality peer-reviewed science.

Of important note is that such ‘studies’ are not clinical studies but rather a data dredging exercise of electronic garbage-in-garbage-out permutations of medical records – data tortured till it conforms to fit a pre-selected narrative. GIGO deployed by way of computer modeling malfeasance.

The big giveaway is that the data relied on is ‘proprietary’ and thus ‘not available’ for independent scientists to examine. In other words, all such ‘studies’ are premised on secret science. Hide the evidence and hide the fraud.

As it has been with global warming for the past three decades, politicians yet again claim they are being ‘led by the [secret] science’ about the novel coronavirus pandemic. Another ‘global crisis’ whereby when the ‘science’ is government-funded and not open to public scrutiny.

Ask yourselves: who funds Lancet? Who funds these studies? Follow the money!

One scientist at Imperial College, London was a key player in bringing down the world economy over a flu virus. One scientist at Penn. State University was the cornerstone of claims humans are “dangerously” altering our climate.

You will find that it is the same modus operandi – Professor Neil ‘Lockdown’ Ferguson (photo, above) is the pandemic equivalent of global warming’s Professor Michael ‘Hockeystick’ Mann (photo, above). I believe both men have let their political activism guide their decisions strongly tied to the UN.

Just as with Michael Mann, Prof Neil Ferguson’s computer model is shredded by experts. Mann refused to show his r2 regression numbers to the court in the Mann-v-Ball court case, which would prove whether he acted incompetently or intended fraudulent malice. I believe no one has yet examined the Ferguson r2 data.

Dr Tim Ball famously said that Michael Mann “belongs in the state penn, not Penn. State.” I’d suggest a new mantra for Neil Ferguson: “Lock up Professor Lockdown!

Watch this space because I am willing to bet that Professor Ferguson will decline to comply with any freedom of information (FOIA) request to release his secret science to independent analysis.

Both men relied on dubious computer modeling that confounds reality and points to either gross incompetence or a criminal intent to commit mass deception and fraud at great human cost.

The wider public needs to wake up. Do some research. Maybe read up on the Mann-v-Ball 8-year, multi-million-dollar ‘science trial of the century‘ if you want to understand how politicians who say they simply “follow the science” are, in fact, invariably the paymasters and controllers of the science they claim to follow.

Dr Mann chose to lose his lawsuit (plus one million dollars he still hasn’t paid) to my friend and colleague, Tim Ball rather than show his secret science in court.

All is kept secret because if shown to the public the evidence would likely trigger riots in the streets over such wanton corruption and fraud.



About the author: John O’Sullivan John is CEO and co-founder (with Dr Tim Ball) of Principia Scientific International (PSI).  John is a seasoned science writer and legal analyst who assisted Dr Ball in defeating world leading climate expert, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann in the ‘science trial of the century‘. O’Sullivan is credited as the visionary who formed the original ‘Slayers’ group of scientists in 2010 who then collaborated in creating the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory plus their new follow-up book.

PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

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Comments (11)

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    The parallels between the two hoaxes are also evident with both the media and the sheep.

    (Has anyone heard when Michael Mann is due to be released from the State pen?)


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    Al Shelton


    Thanks John for this article. Excellent..
    I have sent it on to many friends and some politicians.


    • Avatar

      John O'Sullivan


      Thanks, Al, much appreciated.


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    Although the subject of both (AGW & cv pandemic) is dire you still managed to raise a chuckle in this well written piece!
    A matter of semantic preference!
    The parallels extend well beyond the AGW & CV pandemic. The current geopolitical landscape is based upon this well practiced and honed meme and is transforming while the distractions take precedence!


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    John O'Sullivan


    Thanks, Dev. If only more of the public would wake up and see these international ‘crises’ are all smoke and mirrors to subjugate and depopulate.


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      I agree fully. Sadly It seems more pain has to be experienced to illuminate – and you should take stock in that your energy is not wasted!


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    Robert Beatty


    Well said John,
    I am sure you are right. It seems the common thread is the UN which is the vehicle to make this all happen. There are several rich individuals set on reducing population numbers for ‘the good of the world’. Just not them!
    It appears to fit into a pattern where many the big companies support ‘climate change’ and are cooperative with ‘lock down’. Top management appears to be captured inside a collegiate echo chamber.
    We are going through a traumatic historic period effecting a majority of the world’s population, which I figure will come to a screaming halt when the next cooling period descends on Earth, in the not too distant future.


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    John O'Sullivan


    Thanks, Bob, I tend to agree!


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    Mikkel Kaastrup


    Thank you. Great article…I’ve thought the same myself.
    For John O’Sullivan: If you read this: Have you thought about the possibility of British citizens, esp. business owners of directing a claim of compensation against Professor Lockdown?
    If it can be proven:
    1) That the British lock-down policy caused them economic loss (this one should not be difficult)
    2) That the policy was a result of the professor’s advice to the British government (shouldn’t be difficult either), and
    3) That his advice was given in bad faith (here is the problem, of course)

    Then under Danish law – which employs criteria for economic responsibility that I think are quite parallel to those used under Common Law – the professor would be personally liable for the lossses of said businesses (of course, the British government might be co-liable).

    Now, it is unlikely that the professor can actually pay the damages he has caused (unless he has a good personal insurance!). But maybe the institution he works for is also co-liable and has a good insurance.

    But such a case has a wider interest than just about compensation for the damages. It is the attention the media would give it that is interesting (compare with Australian professor Peter Ridd’s case) and the things – facts – that could be proven or compelled during such a case, that are interesting.

    My knowledge of the Common Law and the procedures of the English judicial system is too limited to ascertain the chance for winning the case – and the cost of litigation. But I imagine that many, many businesses would be willing to “pool in” and give say £500 in case costs, if for nothing else, then for the satisfaction of seeing Professor Lockdown sweating for the damage he has caused to so many people. He RICHLY deserves it.


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      John O'Sullivan


      Thanks, Mikkel, I do agree that there ought to be some kind of a legal remedy for what Professor Ferguson has wrought on the country. It is a very good question that needs to be addressed by a specialist lawyer. In his (former) capacity as a government adviser I suspect he may enjoy either qualified or full immunity under English law. More likely it is the UK government which is accountable, as they relied on his junk science several times in similar instances over the years and each time he proved an utter failure.


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    Mike Cross


    The fact thatr there is such a conspiracy against HCQ confirms the corruption of the science and the only objective that is obvious is financial, as trillions are at stake for a worldwide vaccine. The less obvious and more frightening objective is a massive interim death rate particularly in the 3rd world followed by an a forcibly applied and possibly deadly vaccine a la Jiudy Mikovitz revelationary work.
    The compulsion will be achieved via mobile APs/monitoring = total surveillance a la CCP.
    I am convcinced that early onset tailored doses HCQ with vital zinc supplementation would have prevented most deaths by avoiding ICU/ventilation = euthanasia. As an 80 yr old in their at risk group due to being ex prostate radaiation therapy, would be happoy to take same, I aready take zinc, vit.D3 and natural vit. c


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