Season’s Best Wishes to All Our Readers!

All at Principia Scientific International (PSI) would like to wish our readers a very ‘Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!’

2021 saw us all endure continuation of the political insanities inherited from 2020. But the signs are there that the sleeping majority are finally awakening and we can overcome the madness. Despite media silence, mass protests in major world cities are occurring with greater frequency, plus key legal victories show that justice will be done against rampant medical and political corruption.

Be assured that in 2022 PSI will not be relenting in our defense of the traditional scientific method and will be greeting the New Year with all our usual zeal and tenacity.

Above all, we hold fast to our principles that we all are entitled to live out our lives in peace and without interference from those who would wish us harm.

As Truth prevails and the lies spun about the ‘deadly virus’ continue to unravel, families and friends will readily reconcile their differences and put aside the misunderstandings. Be generous in spirit in forgiving those who doubted you. And next time you are considering giving a gift, please keep us in mind, too.

Yours, as always.

John O’Sullivan and the PSI Team.

Please Donate Below To Support Our Ongoing Work To Expose The Lies About COVID19

PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

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Comments (15)

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    Hi all.
    Yesterday’s breaking news on the JPost was the announcement of the second booster shot for Israelis. That is the fourth Shot.

    That is 4 months (August) after the first booster.

    The gift from all this is many of us have learnt how best to manage the common cold.

    Hallelujah. Matt


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      Andrew Pilkington


      Hi Matt,

      I personally know a local Healthcare Worker who, just yesterday (23rd), had her 3rd injection and, within hours, Alex Belfield (aka. “The Voice of Reason”) confirmed that they have started taking bookings for the 4th, down in Nottingham, for March 2022. Sadly, some may always remain stubborn, when it comes to the Truth 🙁
      Now, video evidence from the vile vials, confirms the presence of nano/micro technology in these so called “vaccines” along with Graphene Oxide and a host of other self-moving organisms and technology.
      Made my bloody skin crawl, watching the contents moving under the microscope.
      The details and the video footage were released by “La Quinta Columna”, for anyone interested. Shared to FB’s Group “Worldwide Awakening” also, if you prefer?

      All the best, Matt and Merry Crimbo.


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    Ken Hughes


    Thank you for this John, I wish you and your team a very merry Xmas and a prosperous and happy new year.


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    May God bless John O’Sullivan and his team for their courage in trying to warn humanity, and just for telling the truth!


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    Hello and Happy holidays to you and yours. Thank you for all that I have read here every day!
    And for that, may God bless you and the team.
    My He add even more courageous writers in scientific fields of climate, astronomy ,medicine ,law, economics ect!
    Perhaps The truth will prevail, light over darkness.
    Oh that we never digress into another dark ages of superstition and ignorance!
    As the Gutenberg printing press’ first project was the Holy book, my that which is published here on the pages of your online printed page, work to spread understanding and enlightenment. Helping your readers to be free from fear and fake news.
    ” For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.”
    Season Greetings !


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    Joseph Olson


    PSI contributor, Dr Arthur Viterito has refined his geothermal climate forcing hypothesis. I met Dr Viterito at the Heartland ICCC-9 Lukewarmist Love Fest in Las Vegas, July 2014. His initial research showed correlation of Pacific seismic activity and the Nino/Nina temperature changes. Due to the Sierra and Andies mountain ranges, these effects were mainly on the west coast of the Americas. Further study of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, the AMO, this seismic forcing had a direct effect on Arctic sea ice, and Earth albedo. Here’s his hour long discussion of “Mid Ocean Seismic and Temperature Correlation”


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      Herb Rose


      Hi Joseph,
      To me this looks like a theory in search of supporting evidence rather than a theory trying to explain evidence. First, water is not a greenhouse gas, holding heat on the Earth, but a mechanism where heat is absorbed at the surface of the Earth by evaporation and then transported to the top of the troposphere where it is released by condensation. Next el Nino is a recurring phenomena that occurs when the focal point of the sun moves from the Northern Hemisphere to the Southern Hemisphere (hence its name) while seismic activity is random and could not produce a periodic event. What is this warm surface current he shows circulating around Antarctica? Where are the warm equatorial currents in the Atlantic and Pacific? Why does he omit the considerable seismic activity that occurs along the east coast of Asia in the western edge of the ring of fire? The reality is that the surface of the oceans are warmer (due to the absorption of solar energy) than the deep water absorbing geothermal energy. I don’t buy it.


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        Hi Herb and those who can read and choose to.

        El Nino does fully manifest at Christmas but the mechanism is begun earlier.

        The oceanic currents either side of the equator flow from East to west from where there is dispersal at the Western accumulation area.

        Along the equator are “pressure release” reverse currents flowing from West to East, both surface and subsurface. If one was to block, or inhibit, or apply opposing pressure to these “pressure release” subsurface reverse currents the pressure is then released by upwelling that displaces the Coral Sea and surrounding warm water pool and drives that pool to Western America.

        What most likely drives the initial reversal is Spring tides which occur in spring and autumn and some unusual currents along West Coast America that slow the West to East “release valve” currents.

        Occasional lunar forces could slow the Sub Antarctic current through Drake Passage which would drive a stronger East West current inhibiting the “release valve” currents or a combination of intense weather systems drive a stronger Northward current along the West Coast Southern USA that eventually turns Westward and partially overrides the west East flowing sub surface “pressure release” current.

        Fishermen and Surfers living well South of the equator on West Coast South America probably understand the mechanism but no one has ever asked them.

        You’re still my mate. Matt


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          Herb Rose


          Hi Matt,
          You know that I believe that it is the rotation of the Earth and inertia of water that causes the equatorial currents. In the Atlantic this current strikes the coast of Brazil and is converted into the Gulf Stream providing a continuous circular flow of water. It the Pacific there is no redirection and the current is partially blocked by the islands of the Philippines and Indonesia forming a pool of hot water. The radius of the Earth at the equator is 22 km greater than at the poles which means there is a mountain of water where gravity forces currents of cooler water beneath the pool of hot water to flow eastward. IMO it is the gravitational force from the sun directly over the equator combined with the centrifugal force of the spinning Earth that causes the surface westerly floe of the warm water. It does not happen every year because the temperature of the surface water must become hot enough to cause the equatorial current to flow under the pool where the partial dam of the islands forces it up pushing the hot pool of water east.


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            Hi Herb.
            The Cromwell Current is the subsurface East to West river that I refer to as a “pressure release” mechanism.
            The equatorial counter current is the mechanism for carrying the Coral Sea warm water pool to the Americas.

            Many studies (oceanic buoys monitored by satelites etc) suggest El Nino is driven by trade wind reversal.
            I suggest the sea surface temperature reverse is what drives the equatorial wind reversal.

            I need to ponder oceanic Kelvin Waves a little more.

            Herb, there could be parts of your understanding and parts of mine contributing to reversals.

            Have a merry Christ mass. Matt

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            Hi Herb.
            The Cromwell Current is the subsurface East to West river that I refer to as a “pressure release” mechanism.
            The equatorial counter current is the mechanism for carrying the Coral Sea warm water pool to the Americas.

            Many studies (oceanic buoys monitored by satelites etc) suggest El Nino is driven by trade wind reversal.
            I suggest the sea surface temperature reverse is what drives the equatorial wind reversal.

            I need to ponder oceanic Kelvin Waves a little more.

            Herb, there could be parts of your understanding and parts of mine contributing to reversals.

            Have a merry Christ mass. Matt

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            Hi all.
            I have described the direction of the Cromwell current back to front.
            The second error I have made since ”56.

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    Happy Christmas John Sullivan and same to all the readers of this superb website.


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    Twila Tharp


    Thank you John O’Sullivan and your team for your ongoing pursuit and establishment of free speech.


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    Andrew Pilkington


    Thank you, John. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your colleagues, too. Families too, of course. All the best 🙂


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