Scottish Police to probe alleged fraudulent do not resuscitate forms
As revealled from numerous testimonies at the Scottish Covid inquiry the elderly and disabled (the latter regardless of age) were pressured to agree to DNACPR notices during lockdown with one witness speaking of a forged signature DNR form
Intriguingly, questioning the COVID narrative is one of many within the Scottish Daily Express online but still NOTHING in the mainstream print press or on TV where it matters most.
‘‘More than 6,000 fatalities due to the virus are being reviewed by the Crown Office, which is the biggest death investigation in its history.’’
Lawyer Aamer Anwar, who is representing the Scottish Covid Bereaved group said:
“My understanding is that any allegations of criminality, including DNR forgeries, will be looked at.” He described how the allegations pointed to a “cynical practice” which treated old people as “expendable.”
A spokesman for Mavisbank care home said:
“While it would not be appropriate for us to comment on the specific medical details of individual residents, it is important to note that DNRs are a medical decision taken by doctors. Care homes do not have the authority to make this decision.”
Gillian Grant testimony
‘Gillian claimed that she found her name in the signature strip of a DNR form for her grandmother even though she had never seen or signed it.’
“I had never given permission for the DNR and I am very shocked and upset that this has my name on it.” She insisted that the writing was “not my signature at all.”
Not mentioned in the Express article however was that Gillian’s gran was illegally placed on a DNR Nov 2nd 2020 (power of attorney also discarded) and soon after administered numerous end of life drugs including Midazolam.
She sadly died of ‘‘COVID’’ Nov 4th 2020.
I would suggest the evidence clearly shows this woman was euthanised.
Further details within Gillian’s statement read:
’’We were at no point informed that she was end of life and if we had been then why had we not been called to be with her.’’
‘From things I’ve read, Midazolam can reduce your respiratory rate and I don’t understand why they would have given her that? If somebody had told me it was Midazolam I would have said no.’’
‘It makes no sense tome whatsoever particularly as her oxygen saturation levels were going down it (midazolam) can only make it worse. They also could have sent her to hospital.’’
NB: Full write up available within my substack.
Getting away with murder?
Gillan’s statment reveals she was going to take legal action against the care home and wanted it closed down but was told the costs would be significant.
‘I had to drop the legal action because the advice was that it would cost me too much money to keep pursuing it. I feel upset by that because I feel it is unfair that they are getting away with something and that they have the money to get away with it.
‘I wanted that place shut down because I don’t think it is any better. I still know people who work in it, and it terrifies me. I know people who have been sent there recently and it terrifies me.’’
Peter McCormick vs Scots Gov and NHS
Back to the express article……
‘‘The Scottish Government has repeatedly said there was no change to DNR guidelines during the pandemic.’’
Here Peter testifies at the Scottish COVID Inquiry (as part of Independent care homes Scotland) on how he sent BACK blanket DNACPR notices for all his residents to the NHS!
‘‘In one of our homes we received DNACPRs for all of our reisdents that hadn’t already got one in place.’’
Operation Koper
Interestingly, the Chief Executive of Scottish Care Dr.Donald Macaskill stated it was Operation Koper which was most responsible for care homes refusing family visits during summer 2020.
‘‘Operation Koper was a DEADENING of flexibility and from my experience was the singular event which caused harm during the summer months to the care home sector.’’
I think you could make the case lockdown Mar-May 2020 the Gov/NHS and care sector were all complicit in removing family visits and ONLY when pressure from famlies to allow visits became evident the police ‘‘got involved’’.
This then allowed care homes to have yet another reason to restrict visitation rights with mangers in ‘fear of the consequences’. All of this was creating relentless harm to residents.
The reality is all ‘Covid’ deaths especially in care homes must be thoroughly investigated given the facts show those recorded during the Mar-May 2020 lockdown were on a presumed or suspected basis only, without any testing and often over the telephone by a GP (not that a ‘positive’ COVID test would be a credible cause of death anyway) and at the same time all vital healthcare support was removed from the most frail who were, no suprise, the ones dying in excess.
See more here
Header image: Matthew Harris Law
Some bold emphasis added
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