Scots Government Blame Failed CO2 Target on Cold Weather!
I’m not making it up, this is a genuine headline run by the on June 16, 2020…
THE FAILURE of the Scottish Government to meet its own climate emissions target –net zero by 2045– has been blamed on the “beast from the east” bringing cold weather to the nation in 2018, reads the opening lines of the article.
According to statistics published yesterday, emissions in the power sector from fossil fuels actually increased by 51 per cent to 2.6 gigawatts from 2017-2018, with overall source emissions rising 1.5 per cent over the same period.

Scotland’s Environment Secretary Roseanna Cunningham said the annual increase is “certainly disappointing” and stressed that the bar has been “intentionally been set to provide an extremely stretching pathway to net zero”.
Cunningham put the increase in emissions from 2017 to 2018 down to “changes to the national energy mix and freezing temperatures from the beast from the east during the early months of 2018” which led to “a rise in emissions from energy supply and heating use for buildings.”
She added: “While emissions reductions were seen in all other sectors including transport, industry and agriculture, during 2018 the overall effect was a 1.5 per cent increase and we expect a substantial part of that was driven by the cold weather.”
Oh what a twisted, illogical mess these poor environmentalists have gone and made for themselves. Rising carbon dioxide levels are delivering catastrophic heating, goes their rhetoric — yet CO2 emissions are rising because folks need to heat their homes in order to stave off the record cold.
If this warped ideology wasn’t restricting our ability to prepare for what’s really coming then I’d surely piss myself laughing.
In addition, it appears that 2019 and 2020 aren’t looking too hot for these delusional carbon-(the backbone of all life)-hating hippies either. Chilly conditions in 2019 have tossed another spanner into the works, and now, thanks to the COVID-19 debacle, the low emission plans for the cities of Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen and Dundee have all been put on hold.
Despite all of these major setbacks, the Scottish Government “remains absolutely committed to ending Scotland’s emissions contribution by 2045” with a 75 per cent reduction target by 2030.
Cunningham concluded: “Covid-19 means that our starting position has most definitely changed, but our ambitions have not. We are committed to delivering a green recovery from this pandemic.”
In other words, the BS goes on.
And will continue to go on.
Until the returning COLD TIMES render large parts of the mid-latitudes uninhabitable and people begin burning whatever the hell they can find to keep themselves warm (I recommend Greta Thunberg’s book, “No One Is Too Small to Make a Difference”).
History repeats.
Earth’s climate is cyclic, never linear.
And the next spell of GLOBAL COOLING is dawning in line with historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow.
Even warm-mongering NASA agrees, in part at least, with their forecast for this upcoming solar cycle (25) seeing it as “the weakest of the past 200 years,” with the agency correlating previous solar shutdowns to prolonged periods of global cooling here.
Prepare for the COLD — learn the facts, relocate if need be, and grow your own.
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We need greenhouses not wind turbines and solar panels.
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Good job they had all those fossil fuel powered generators. They would’ve had been in trouble if not. Anyone care to guess what the death rate would have been.
Brian James
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May 13, 2020 Greta Thunberg added to CNN’s expert coronavirus panel, Twitter erupts
An upcoming CNN town hall on the coronavirus pandemic will feature 17-year-old Greta Thunberg alongside a panel of medical experts.
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CO2 has nothing to do with temperatures and climate change.
It is the Sun warming our planet Earth.
All back to primary school education!
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CO2 is a very important life-elixer.
Without CO2 there is no life on the planet possible. Forget all the PR nonsense about CO2 reducing.
CO2 reducing is depopulation of the planet.
That is something even Kill Gates doesn’t like, no possibility anymore to make some extra cash?
The poor fellow.
Finn McCool
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Where I am sitting now was covered with almost a mile of ice 15,000 years ago.
Trains, planes and automobiles didn’t melt it away.
I always find it interesting to ask people what the they think is the percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere. The responses always astound me.
Anecdotally, most people I ask don’t know that Nitrogen exists.
I have had answers as high as 30% CO2.
Others think that 400 ppm is 4% and can’t be convinced otherwise.
Whose fault is it that the composition of the gases you inhale and exhale are mysteries to so many people?
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Hi Finn,
There was a Canadian “WeatherNetwork” questionaire a couple of years ago. The “consensus” of the viewers redefined the Earth’s atmosphere composition as follows:
N2: 39%, O2: 21%, CO2: 17%, H2: 16%, H4C: 4%, He: 1% and Ar: 1% (Even if the given values were meant in volumetric rather than mass ratios — Puff !;-)
To answer your ‘final question’: Poor Education<=>Effective Propaganda while the Truth lays deserted under the piles of the Great Greta Greatest Books.
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Hi Jako. That is the same question I attempted to answer below but one of us had a better education than the other. Spelling.
Finn McCool
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Now I get it, Moffin
There was me thinking you’d be on he Glenmorangie 🙂
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Hi Moffin,
I too got it now, thanks (I guess); I can see, the true genius shows in its bare-bone simplicity 😉
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Edgakayshone cistern’s folt. And nefarious allies.
CD Marshall
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Hi all sorry this is off topic but I have trying to find current TOA TSI data and I have not been able to find it anywhere. Does anyone have an explanation for why all the TSI data has been cut off at 2015?
I always get they ole comment, “the Sun is cooling why are we warming” yet I’ve seen no evidence the Sun is cooling. Since 2015 it has decreases by 2 W/m^2 which is in the range of error and can be discounted, also meteorologists have been stating we are in a Brightening overall because the global clean air acts have worked allowing more TSI to reach the surface which is claimed to be increasing total surface irradiance by 2 W/m^2 which would make both claims a nul set.
Our magnetic field is decaying, which has some scientific connections to increased warming and droughts and maybe an increase in total geothermal. On top of that solar flares are a “plus” to the overall TSI not the TSI itself. I’ve found some confusions in the fact that flares are associated with normal irradiance of the Sun. A hotter Sun can in theory, still not have many flares. Most of those flares are repelled in the upper atmosphere by CO2 and NO and as far as I can tell, do not necessarily influence temperatures on a long scale.
Any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated and any possible errors in my logic.
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Hi CD,
The surface of the sun emits the visible spectrum of light and longer wavelengths. X-rays and UV are emitted by solar flares. The visible light passes through the atmosphere without being absorbed and remains constant through the solar cycle. The x-rays and 95% of the UV are absorbed by the atmosphere and the amount of these wavelengths varies with the sun cycle..
The energy absorbed by the gas molecules create the ionosphere and split O2 molecules into oxygen atoms which produce O3 in the stratosphere and NO in the upper atmosphere.. If you check the composition of the atmosphere you will see that at an altitude of 100km the percentage oh N2 decreases and oxygen (in the form of oxygen atoms) increases (CO2 and argon are gone). The outer atmosphere consists of oxygen atoms, helium, and hydrogen.
It is x-rays and UV that heat the atmosphere while visible light heats the Earth’s surface, which is why it cools when solar activity decreases
CD Marshall
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Thanks Herb that answers part of the questions 🙂
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Scotland is completely lost in the UN fog.
As this article shows how as they are caught in the UN’s arbitrary definitions, end up talking complete nonsense in an attempt to hide the bleeding obvious — this failure was cause by over reliance on unreliable power providers. Unreliable power systems that are only sustainable and renewable by distorting the definition of sustainable.
Scottish sheeple led by the ignorant misanthropists.
Definitions of sustainable
sus·tain·a·ble (sə-stā′nə-bəl)
1. Capable of being sustained.
2. Capable of being continued with minimal long-term effect on the environment: sustainable agriculture.
1: capable of being sustained
2a: of, relating to, or being a method of harvesting or using a resource so that the resource is not depleted or permanently damaged
sustainable techniques
sustainable agriculture
b: of or relating to a lifestyle involving the use of sustainable methods
sustainable society
capable of being supported or upheld, as by having its weight borne from below.
pertaining to a system that maintains its own viability by using techniques that allow for continual reuse:
sustainable agriculture. Aquaculture is a sustainable alternative to overfishing.
able to be maintained or kept going, as an action or process:
a sustainable negotiation between the two countries.
able to be confirmed or upheld:
a sustainable decision.
able to be supported as with the basic necessities or sufficient funds:
a sustainable life.
All of the above definition indicate that fossil fuels devices and ICE powering of industry and transport can be deem sustainable!
Or the word salad that is the misappropriate and misused verbage that is utter BS that the lefty UN (soon to be One World Government, unless the sheeple awake) and their advocate follow.
Sustainable Development
Sustainable development has been defined in many ways, but the most frequently quoted definition is from Our Common Future, also known as the Brundtland Report:
“Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
Sustainability is the foundation for today’s leading global framework for international cooperation – the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Each of the 17 SDGs has specific targets to be achieved by 2030. The goals and targets are universal, meaning they apply to all countries around the world, not just poor countries. Reaching the goals requires action on all fronts – governments, businesses, civil society and people everywhere all have a role to play.
To find out more about the Sustainable Development Goals, explore our SDG Knowledge Hub – an online resource center for the latest news, original commentary from our experts, guest articles from key actors in SDG implementation, and a calendar of upcoming events related to the 2030 Agenda.
Sustainable development is in the news every day as the world copes with climate change, biodiversity loss, conflict and resource scarcity.
(From )
A definition straight from the leftist/communist bureaucrats’ handbook of morphable terms.
In a world of finite resources the open market ensures that man’s ability maintain resources is efficiently maintained. Only certain people have the knowledge, intelligence, and imagination to understand that continual advancement in technology is not limited by population or resources. For these people technology is an ever changing feast.
The rest of the misunderstanding many are just sheeple fearfully braying “we’ll run out of …” without knowing or understanding anything about market resource price and management. They do not even appreciate the joke at their expense which says “We had to move on from the stone-age because we ran out of stone.”