Scientists: Dishonest or Afraid?

Scientists: Dishonest or Afraid?

Source: AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

The absolute worst case of professional incompetence and dishonesty is in the area of climate science. Tony Heller has exposed some of the egregious dishonesty of mainstream environmentalists in a video he’s titled “My Gift To Climate Alarmists.”

Environmentalists and their political allies attribute the recent increase in deadly forest fires to global warming. However, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service, forest fires reached their peak in the 1930s and have declined by 80% since then.

Environmentalists hide the earlier data and make their case for the effects of global warming by showing the public and policymakers data from 1980 that shows an increase in forest fires.

You might ask: “Who is Tony Heller? Does he work for big oil?” It turns out that he is a scientist and claims to be a lifelong environmentalist. From what I can tell, he has no vested interests. In that respect, he is different from those who lead the environmental movement, who often either work for or are funded by governments.

Once in a while environmentalists reveal their true agenda. Ottmar Edenhofer, lead author of the IPCC’s fourth summary report released in 2007, speaking in 2010 advised:

“One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. Instead, climate change policy is about how we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth.”

U.N. climate chief Christiana Figueres said that the true aim of the U.N.’s 2014 Paris climate conference was “to change the (capitalist) economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution.”

Christine Stewart, Canada’s former Minister of the Environment said: “No matter if the science is all phony, there are collateral environmental benefits. … Climate change (provides) the greatest chance to bring about justice and equality in the world.”

Tim Wirth, former U.S. Undersecretary of State for Global Affairs and the person most responsible for setting up the Kyoto Protocol said:

“We’ve got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.”

Climate scientists claim that rising sea levels are caused by man-made global warming. Historical data from the tide gauge in Lower Manhattan shows that sea levels have been rising from about the time when Abraham Lincoln was president to now.

Heller says that sea levels have been rising for about 20,000 years. He points out that anthropologists believe that when the sea level was very low people were able to walk from Siberia to North America.

Hot weather is often claimed to be a result of man-made climate change. Heller presents data showing the number of days in Waverly, Ohio, above 90 degrees. In 1895, there were 73 days above 90 degrees. In 1936, there were 82 days above 90 degrees.

Since the 1930s, there has been a downward trend in the number of days above 90 degrees.

If climatologists hide data from earlier years and started at 1955, they show an increase in the number of above 90-degree days from eight or nine to 30 or 40. Thus, to deceive us into thinking the climate is getting hotter, environmentalists have selected a starting date that fits their agenda.

Not all scientists are dishonest and not all news reporters are leftists with an agenda. But one wonders at the deafening silence where there’s clear, unambiguous evidence. For example, if ocean levels have been rising for some 20,000 years, why do scientists allow environmentalists to get away with the claim that it’s a result of man-made global warming?

Why aren’t there any reporters to highlight leftist statements such as those by Edenhofer, Stewart and others who want to ride global warming as a means to defeat capitalism and usher in socialism and communism?

I would prefer to think that the silence of so many scientists represent their fears as opposed to their going along with the environmental extremist agenda.


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Comments (12)

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    Joseph Olson


    Under Ronnie RayGun feral government funding for climaclownology was $20 million per year. Big Bush ramped that to a billion per year, Slick Willy upped it to $2 billion per year. There is ZERO private sector demand for these useless climaclownology puppets. If any become “woke” and speak out, they all lose their degrees and funding stream. Hence the Luke LITTLE Warmists, controlled opposition, fake skeptics and tepid debaters.

    “Spencer Sorcery on Magic Gas” > FauxScienceSlayer(.)com


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    jerry krause


    Hi Walter and Readers of Walter’s essay,

    I disagree with you all who claim that mainstream environmentalists are being dishonest. No they are only being logical.

    I recently met Michael Clarke, a very brilliant man, because I had written an essay, posted here on PSI. ( The focus of this essay was NASA image of the Arctic Circle which had been based upon observations (measurements) made from one of their satellites. And I had not seen (read) the word—albedo—plainly printed below the image of NASA’s data. So I had made a monumental ponder which Michael did not see as he informed me, and any PSI readers, about the black hole centered in the NASA’s image of the data observed Finally my blunder was acknowledged (,.

    Michael and I had begun a private email conversation in which he shared his experience and logic with me and I tried to share the absolute importance of observation in science to him. The result was that Michael and I had a parting of agreement.

    My point in this tale is that Michael bases his beliefs upon what he logically reasons. He does not try to deceive me or anyone as he writes what he believes on the basis of his logic.

    The Greek philosophers, as they logically reasoned that the earth stood still as the rest of the universe revolved about the earth, were not trying to deceive anyone. They were just better debaters than the other philosophers of their time who reasoned (on the basis of their logic) that the earth rotated about its axis as it (the earth) orbited about the sun.

    Have a good day, Jerry


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      Hey Jerry, these people know the truth. It was discovered in the climategate emails. So yes they are dishonest.


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        jerry krause


        Hi Chris,

        Yes, there are dishonest scientists, in more arenas than just the atmospheric sciences, who have tried to advance their careers by totally making of data from the start. But, if you have made what was a ‘honest’ mistake, are you going to admit it once you discover it to advance your career? I cannot answer this question for you. And I have no career to advance, so I have no problem admitting my mistakes.

        Have a good day, Jerry


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          Hi Jerry.
          At our age we do not make mistakes, we just have sudden and inexplicable paradigm shifts.

          Tail waggin’


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            jerry krause


            Hi WhoKoo,

            Or may we believe every factoid we read.

            Have a good day, Jerry

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      Geraint Hughes


      They are both dishonest and afraid. Afraid that they are being found out and will be held culpable for their fraudulent crimes that they commit.


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    The climategate emails gave the game away.

    Been downhill all the way for them.


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    “Dishonest or Afraid? “ you ask, well some are just very dishonest, but many are dishonest and afraid — they know AGW ,‘Climate changeâ„¢’, Global Weirding , Climate Crisis is nonsense but they’re afraid of loosing there ill-gotten jobs, with it’s over-generous pay, and many material extras like trips to exotic locations, a comfortable retirement income, etc.
    So many other scientist are fooling themselves (and attempting to fool everyone), and they don’t even realize that they are assisting some very nasty people in ensuring so many people will become impoverished, will suffer, will die prematurely — and all because these scientist will not look at the big picture, will not study the climate history of this planet, or how people (and the biosphere) suffered but survive through so many much worse episodes in the past. A past when the climate was so much warmer or so much colder than today.
    There is no Climate Crisis, CO2 levels are well within natural limits and the planet is not overheating. On this beautiful planet we don’t know what the true number of different species are so how can we estimate if we are loosing more than usual of them?

    Hubris and ignorance is driving this mass hysteria about a Climate Crisis, it’s not a true scientific process.


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    Dave P


    Morality is defined by life.
    What is good for life is Moral
    what is detrimental to life is Immoral.
    Coercion of any kind is immoral!

    All governments are coercive therefore they are Immoral!
    I.E. Governments ARE BAD FOR LIFE !!!!!!!!!

    Western governments are also the biggest arms dealers globally! and collectively responsible for 100s of years of death and destruction via warring campaigns.
    The US in particular is responsible for over 40 Coup’s in south America alone over the past 100 years, not to mention the global policing policy that it has assumed as its role.
    All governments operate in a clandestine manner with many of their operations and agendas hidden from view. This lack of transparency and evasion of the freedom of information is clearly evidenced – take your pick – Climate-gate email scandal, Edward Snowdon, Wikileaks etc. or the existence of CIA, FBI, Mi6 etc
    Government controlled media and most mainstream broadcasting falls into this category too since social engineering is the agenda and the media the tool!

    How is it possible that people put any faith in government at all ?
    It seems Stockholm syndrome pervades.

    Good article
    Thank you


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    jerry krause


    Hi Dave,

    Civil people have to have governments to protect them from evil people. Or, do you propose there were no evil people in the world before the United States of America was discovered and founded by the recent Europeans a few centuries ago?

    Have a good day, Jerry


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