Scientists Describe Rare Syndrome Following Covid ‘Vaccinations’

The Defender’s Big Pharma Watch delivers the latest headlines related to pharmaceutical companies and their products, including vaccines, drugs, and medical devices and treatments

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New York Times reported:

The COVID-19 vaccines were powerfully protective, preventing millions of deaths. But in a small number of people, the shots may have led to a constellation of side effects that includes fatigue, exercise intolerance, brain fog, tinnitus and dizziness, together referred to as “post-vaccination syndrome,” according to a small new study.

Some people with this syndrome appear to show distinct biological changes, the research found — among them differences in immune cells, reawakening of a dormant virus called Epstein-Barr, and the persistence of a coronavirus protein in their blood.

The study was posted online Wednesday and has not yet been published in a scientific journal. “I want to emphasize that this is still a work in progress,” said Akiko Iwasaki, an immunologist at Yale University who led the work.

Committee Hears Testimony on Bill to Ban mRNA Vaccines for 10 Years

KTVB reported:

Senate committee members heard arguments on a bill that would place a 10-year pause on administering mRNA vaccines in Idaho on Monday but did not take a vote. Sen. Brandon Shippy, R-New Plymouth, brought the bill and presented it with a slate of out-of-state physicians, many of whom have been linked to anti-COVID vaccine groups or identified as spreading misinformation.

Shippy’s bill, SB 1036, calls for a pause on delivery of vaccines or any therapy that uses messenger RNA vaccine technology, which is used in two vaccines against COVID-19.

Shippy named the bill for Doug Cameron, a Hammett rancher who became paralyzed in 2021 following a severe blood clot. Cameron, in speaking in favor of the bill, told committee members Monday he received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine; this shot does not use mRNA technology and is no longer authorized for use in the U.S.

mRNA Vaccines Show Promise in Pancreatic Cancer in Early Trial

NBC News reported:

Personalized mRNA vaccines show promise as pancreatic cancer treatment, a phase 1 clinical trial published Wednesday in Nature found.

Fewer than 13 percent of people diagnosed with pancreatic cancer live for more than five years, making it one of the deadliest types of cancer. That is, in part, because around 90 percent of cases are diagnosed when the disease is already advanced.

Pancreatic cancer cells also spread to other parts of the body much earlier on than in other cancers, which typically spread only when the original tumors are large. The disease typically doesn’t cause symptoms until later stages and there isn’t a routine screening for this cancer, such as a mammogram or colonoscopy.

All Generic Drugs Are Not Equal, Study Finds

MedicalXPress reported:

Generic drugs manufactured in India are linked to significantly more “severe adverse events” for patients who use them than equivalent drugs produced in the U.S., a new study finds. These adverse events included hospitalization, disability, and in a few cases, death.

Researchers found that mature generic drugs, those that had been on the market for a relatively long time, were responsible for the finding. The results show that all generic drugs are not equal, even though patients are often told that they are, said John Gray, co-author of the study and professor of operations at The Ohio State University’s Fisher College of Business.

“Drug manufacturing regulation, and therefore quality assurance practices, differ between emerging economies like India and advanced economies like the United States,” Gray said. “Where generic drugs are manufactured can make a significant difference.”

Mass Polio Vaccination Campaign to Continue in the Gaza Strip

UNICEF reported:

The emergency polio outbreak response in the Gaza Strip is continuing, with a mass vaccination campaign scheduled from Feb. 22 to 26. The novel oral polio vaccine type 2 (nOPV2) will be administered to over 591,000 children under 10 years of age to protect them from polio.

This campaign follows the recent detection of poliovirus in wastewater samples in Gaza, signaling ongoing circulation in the environment putting children at risk. Pockets of individuals with low or no immunity provide the virus an opportunity to continue spreading and potentially cause disease.

The current environment in Gaza, including overcrowding in shelters and severely damaged water, sanitation, and hygiene infrastructure, which facilitates fecal-oral transmission, creates ideal conditions for further spread of poliovirus. Extensive population movement consequent to the current ceasefire is likely to exacerbate the spread of poliovirus infection.

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    …”The COVID-19 vaccines were powerfully protective, preventing millions of deaths.”…believe that monstrous lie at your own peril.


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