Satellite Photos Expose Climate Activist’s Lies
At Extinction Rebellion (XR) and Fridays For Future (FFF) rallies, speakers tell outright lies with the aim of trying to get the masses of people to stampede in mass panic and blind anger.
One of these activists in Germany is Carola Rackete, writes Michael Krüger here at Science Skeptical.
Rackete, the award-winning refugee rescuer and sea-vessel captain, has found a new field of activity: she is active with FFF and XR (the radicalized climate fighters who block streets and stick their bodies to things with superglue, or fly drones at airports) and block streets in Berlin and make speeches there.
Not long ago, Ms. Rackete made some astonishing climate claims before an audience in Berlin, as the following video (in German) shows:

But let’s do a fact check.
On the claim that Lake Chad and the Sahel are drying
Lake Chad on the southern edge of the Sahara is not drying out as a result of global warming but is once again growing and greening. Here are satellite pictures and water level data:
Desert regions have also become greener, such as the Sahel on the border with the Sahara, the Fertile Crescent, which stretches across Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran, and the former region of Carthage in North Africa, which used to be the granary of Rome.
These areas were already green and fertile in the climate optimum of the Holocene directly after the last ice age. From there, agriculture spread to Europe and Northern Europe in the course of the Neolithic revolution.
During the last ice age, the Sahara was a desert. In the period of 9,000-6,000 years before today, we had the warmest time of the Holocene, the sea ice of the Arctic had almost disappeared in summer and large parts of the Sahara were fertile grasslands.
There were large groups of crocodiles and there were even crocodiles where there is desert today. Even today rock paintings of the natives in today’s desert testify to it.
The rock paintings of the Sahara have been created in North Africa for 12,000 years, at the end of the last ice age. For millions of years, the Sahara was a desert subject to extreme climatic fluctuations and at times turned green again during the warm periods.
About 3,500 years ago, the desert began to dry out, a process that continues intermittently to this day.
For a good four decades, however, the Sahel has since been greening.
This is shown by various studies that show the greening of the Sahel zone with the help of satellite data since 1982.
In 2018, Venter et al. recorded an eight percent increase in wood vegetation in sub-Saharan Africa over the last three decades using satellite images.
According to Wikipedia, the Sahara covers an area of around 9.2 million square kilometers. Eight percent of this corresponds to more than 700,000 square kilometers, an area that is almost as large as Germany and France put together!
2018, Venter et al.
On the ice-free Arctic
Arctic sea ice reaches its smallest annual extent and area at the end of summer. At the end of summer in 2007 and 2012, particularly low values were reached, which caused the climate-alarmist press to discuss the topic throughout the media.
In 2007 some media and experts even speculated over an ice-free Arctic Ocean by summer 2013. But at the moment the picture is completely different.
The ice-free Arctic in summer is therefore still far off. Carola Rackete fancies a world as it pleases her. Yet, the “activists” like claiming they listen to science!
Read more at No Tricks Zone
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Extinction Rebellion, or as I prefer to to call them Excretion Rebellion, have a problem — their entire ’cause’ is based on emoting about climate and the man-made cause of it, and that means that they are dependent on the ‘feelings’ (and not facts or data) that they can engender into their followers. This method means that they have to keep hyping the agenda to keep their followers on message and soon they will run out of hyperbole they can engender as the message becomes just too ludicrous to be believable.
So far the record about forthcoming global disasters keeps missing the target as nature turns and turns again to render such predictions wrong.
So far I’ve survive many such predictions, Excretion Rebellion ideas are just one of many that seriously miss the target. See for the times you’ve survived predicted doom.
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Hi Tom.
That would be Excretion Retention possibly.
Andy Rowlands
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Yeah, cuz they’re full of sh….. 🙂
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I’ve seen the waste, detritus, and yes human excretions of all kinds, that was left after they vacated an area.
They seem to profoundly lack retention of either rational thoughts or bodily functions.
Steve Parker
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Facts will cause a rebellion extinction some day.
Andy Rowlands
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I do love these articles where alarmist claims are debunked, I often share them on my facebook profile so my alarmist friends can see them 🙂 As for predictions of death by climate, I recently heard the score is 0 and 41, not exactly a winning team…