Satellite Data Shows No Global Warming For Eight Years, Nine Months
Yet again, the society of climate alarmists tells us we have little time left to address global warming. It’s a sign of desperation
What else can the merchants of madness do when we’re now closing in on nine years of a warming pause?
Last month the New York Times published an article that we swear we have read before.
“Earth is likely to cross a critical threshold for global warming within the next decade, and nations will need to make an immediate and drastic shift away from fossil fuels to prevent the planet from overheating dangerously beyond that level,” the Times’ climate scribe wrote, citing a “major new report” issued by the United Nations’ IPCC.
The IPCC paper reveals that “there is still one last chance to shift course.” But it will – naturally – “require industrialized nations to join together immediately to slash greenhouse gases roughly in half by 2030 and then stop adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere altogether by the early 2050s.”
How many other times have we heard that we were either approaching our last chance to save ourselves from global warming, or that our opportunity to do what is “right” had already passed us by?
So many deadlines, so many “now or nevers” have come and gone that it’s almost impossible to track them all.
The climate cranks are like the doomsday cultists who have the end of the world marked on their calendars and when it doesn’t arrive they say, “Whoops, my math was bad. Let me recalculate and I’ll get back to you with a new date.”
While the international hotheads are screeching about impending doom, levelheaded observers point to data that clearly show a pause in warming, which has been mild and as likely natural as it is human-caused, has now reached eight years and nine months.
There has been no rise in global temperatures from July 2015 to March 2023.
This fact-based claim draws on satellite readings from the University of Alabama in Huntsville that measure temperatures in the troposphere (image below), a much more accurate method of keeping score than the shoddy records produced by ground-based weather stations.
“The start and end dates of the New Pause are not cherry-picked,” writes Christopher Monckton, an adviser for Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher who now consults with the Heartland Institute on climate policy. “The end date is the present; the start date is the farthest back one can reach and still find a zero trend. It is what it is.”
But why not go back further, maybe to the beginning of the satellite measurements? What do the data say then?
Not much, at least not anything to be alarmed by.
“The entire dataset for 44 years four months since December 1978,” says Monckton, “shows a less than terrifying long-run warming rate equivalent to 1.3 degrees/century, of which 0.3” degrees has already occurred, leaving a single degree “to go (on the current trend) until 2100.”
Of course, the warming racket will either ignore the pause or attack the messenger. Fact-checkers will skip the truth whenever possible and bend it when they can’t. And the cycle of fearmongering will roll on.
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Kevin Doyle
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Let’s not forget, it was James Hansen, who back in 1993 while working for the Leftist Clinton Administration at the New York City based (Marxist) Columbia University/NASA Goddard facility, re-worked the ‘Global Warming’ numbers. Soon, the ‘official Government temperature numbers’ began to increase, like Michael Mann’s fake ‘Hockey Stick’ graph. Someone really needs to review that shady stuff.
This clown, Hansen, has always been an advocate for the ‘CO2 Greenhouse Gas Theory’, as he wrote his PhD Thesis on it back in the late 1960’s, at Kansas University. He is a complete kook, and has used his Government position to promote falsehood.
Not unlike the Fauci…
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The alarmists want your attention. they show us “proof” of global warming. Well, our planet is warming, and cooling each day. Just as it has been from the first second our universe was formed. our system as well as others follows nature’s cycles that are set by the formulation of our planet. Everything in nature has its cycle. the range from slow to fast. each having its harmonic set on a natural scale that mankind has no control. We have been on this planet on the time scale that we have existed in a blink of an eye. The scale presented that offers proof that man has caused global warming doesn’t even cover a heartbeat on Earth’s age. do the math and calculate how many BTU’s it would take to heat one cubic foot of seawater one degree, and how long would it take to do it. Then multiply it by the total cubic feet of seawater on the planet. you will find that mankind hasn’t produced enough BTU’s in our entire industrial revolution to raise the sea water one degree much less have the time to do it. If you want accurate measurement, look at get the data taken from the ice cores from Greenland and see the heating and cooling of our planet. We are much cooler than just a thousand years ago. We are heading for a cooling period. our government as does the world wishes to rule under a one-world government. one way they feel they can is with a crisis mode that they “save” us from ourselves. Keeping us divided, seeing others as the enemy keeps us from finding out what they are doing. Am I wrong? Tell me how?——————- I, Grampa
Lance H
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Someone needs to expose and stop this madness before governments kill all our livestock, have us eating bugs, living in “renewable” straw huts and wiping our butts with leaves like it was 2023 BC.
Pieter Ott
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Interesting , I doubt if this little frozen water would raise ocean levels perceptibly.
Mark Otterson
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Ground-based temperature measurements are often corrupted by localized effects of urbanization, such as close proximity to asphalt, machinery, and other heat-producing or heat-trapping objects. Check out writings by Anthony Watts.
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Why is there no upper tropospheric tropical hot spot which is critical to climate change theory?
“No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong.” – Albert Einstein
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Absolutely! We have gone through multiple periods in our history of cooling and warming cycles. In the 70s, there was the same hysteria when they were predicting global cooling. The most important thing, in my humble opinion, is that we should clean up after ourselves and stop politicizing and monetizing everything. In NY , when we stopped factory dumping in the Hudson River, we moved to much cleaner and efficient automobiles and buses, and when Pennsylvania reduced coal burning,etc. the quality of our air water improved dramatically!
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I found a flaw in the math used by global warming scientists. They use a constant for how far our atmosphere reaches out towards space on average. As any gas, including all the gases that make up our atmosphere, heats up in a closed container pressure will rise. While gravity keeps our air from leaving us it most definitely is not an iron lid it is more like a soft balloon meaning as the air heats up it will reach higher altitudes. As this occurs the surface area of our atmosphere increases which means more air molecules are radiating their energy away from earth cooling the earth off. Make these climate alarmists scientists stop using a constant for the average altitude our atmosphere reaches and they will stop believing this nonsense.
David Campbell
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Thank you for this over view of their hysteria. I grew up in chocking damaging smog in Los Angeles, where we checked the smog levels before being allowed to compete for school sports. Here, we are 40 years later and I ride in town any day of the year without the slightest concern about smog. I don’t see any reports all year about sports limitations. Yet, they press on. Thanks for doing so well, but let’s stop when we reach success. Success that came from capitalistic economic prosperity.
Jeff Weaver
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Hottest days ever recorded. Most state records in 1936. 1913 CA hottest world record 134.
Thomas Adams
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Anyone else remember the new ice age that was coming back in the 70s? Apparently we dodged that bullet by releasing to stabilize the climate.