Sales of EV’s in Germany are plummeting

Germany’s e-car industry is a crisis headed for a catastrophe. New Tesla unsold cars are now being parked in an old airfield [pictured above]

Sales of e-cars in Germany are plummeting, signaling more trouble for the country’s move to a ‘green’ society.

Overall, for Q1 2024 EV sales declined by around 14.1 percent compared to Q1 2023. For Tesla, the picture is much uglier.

Just days ago, leftist online news magazine Der Spiegel published a video report looking at Tesla sales in Germany: “Friedhof der E-Autos – Die Mobilität der Zukunft steckt in der Krise” (Graveyard of e-cars – the mobility of the future is stuck in crisis).

Though the country would like to blame something else other than its terrible policies, this misery is not due to the Ukraine War.

As Spiegel reports, the cars are just too expensive and impractical, and the government has stopped subsidizing sales.

Der Spiegel focuses on Tesla’s Gigafactory located in Grünheide, roughly 30 kilometers southeast of central Berlin. The once electrifying future for the e-car maker has since turned into a huge nightmare.

Though the Grünheide plant continues to churn out e-cars, Der Spiegel looks at where the hundreds of truckloads of e-cars are being shipped. Unfortunately for Tesla, many are not going toward paying customers.

In Q1 of 2023, 20,000 new Teslas were registered in Germany, according to Der Spiegel. But this year in Q1, only 13,000 were registered – a whopping 35% drop!

Der Spiegel reporters followed the Tesla transport trucks and discovered that many were being shipped to an old airfield for storage.

In the report, a Tesla security officer, however, arrives (in an internal combustion engine car) and refuses [to allow] Spiegel to take photos of the embarrassing situation (4:24 mark). Tesla management refuses to comment on the mass electric car storage.

Overall in Germany, e-cars of just about every type have lost their attractiveness, and buyers are shunning them.

As the popularity of electric cars in Germany tanks, the government’s 2030 target of getting 15 million e-vehicles on the road now looks like a lunatic fantasy.

See more here climatechangedispatch

Header image: Der Spiegel

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Comments (4)

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    Judging by the mass of solar panels in the image that won’t last either, the vehicles will be in good company. Scrap value = peanuts.


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    Might want to make sure you have a recently manufactured battery before buying an EV; some of them may have been sitting for a while.


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    Still waiting to hear of Chinese cars getting left aboard ship with nowhere to unload; and also hear maybe of them getting dumped in the Atlantic. If the more EVs the bigger the crisis, the Chinese are already in big trouble. What if stored cars become obsolete? As often said even by the Romans: festina lente, hurry slowly, not like our European politicians who always think they’re betting on a safe horse. In technology, there’s no such animal, since animals have no choice but to obey the laws of the Universe, not arbitrary rules.


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    Boris Badenov


    They’ll just send them to California, the people here are brainwashed enough to buy them. I can hardly wait until it get hot, just like it does every summer, and the lights go out as the true believers plug in their dream machines and poof out go the lights on the block.


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