Russian Roulette
Russian roulette is a camouflaged duel, a way to resolve disputes and conflicts, as a recognized method of protecting honor and dignity, normalized by long-established customs.
Due to the fact that duels were officially banned in all countries, under pain of imprisonment, in Russian roulette, the conflicting parties, with witnesses and seconds, had to fire one shot from revolvers.
In the event of death, a document was drawn up about the accident, where all the witnesses, secret seconds and as eyewitnesses, regretfully confirmed the fact of suicide.
A similar conflict resolution, without the use of firearms, is called the American duel. In this version, instead of a firearm, a pair of pills are used, one of which contains poison … The lot decided who exactly would become a suicide. The seconds punctually monitored the correct performance of the ceremonial duties of the conflicting parties.
All the events taking place at the present time are very reminiscent of an American duel, where one side – the population of the earth is sentenced to drink a poisoned pill, i.e. agrees to be injected (vaccinated) with an unknown substance.
The conflict is unspoken, subtle and its essence is that a new generation of nouveaux riches has appeared in the world, coming from various segments of the population, which, in its whims and desires, has surpassed the “legitimate” rights to luxury for the hereditary aristocracy.
Obviously this sounds too prosaic, but the provocative lies about a terrifying epidemic, a coming food shortage, an incredible flowering of corruption indicate a sophisticated plan to return power and seize all the resources of the planet in the hands of an unelected, self-proclaimed aristocratic community that has set
itself the goal of reducing the world’s population. and take control of all the natural resources of the planet.
In the middle of the 19th century, Voeikov A.I. (Russian meteorologist and geographer, honorary member of numerous scientific societies, author of numerous works on climate and the national economy), calculated that the population of the Earth of 16 billion people, while being only in a narrow equatorial strip between 150 north latitude and 150 south latitude, could well exist Fine.
This proves the incompetence of Bill Gates, Schwab and adherents of the IEF in various countries, who advocate a reduction in the population of the Earth. (Guiseppe Ricchieri, Universita popolare, No. 24, 1903). (Giuseppe Ricchieri, People’s University, No. 24, 1903), “In tropical regions, as Humboldt says, in countries where bananas and other plants grow, which provide a significant amount of nutrients, a surface of 15 square meters. Meters is sufficient to regularly impregnate one person.
In other words, if one uses the basin of the Ganges and other rivers of India, on the eastern slope of the Mexican Plateau, in the steppes of Bolivia and in the river valleys of Colombia and Brazil and the coasts of Central America, with lands of extreme fertility, one could find territories 10 and even 20 times more vast than those 22,500 sq. kilometers, which are necessary to guarantee the life of all mankind – the latter, in accordance with this, could without any difficulty reach the number of 15, 20, even 30 billion souls. (Elise Reclus “Man and the Earth” vol. 5, p. 336. ed. 1908)
On October 28, 2021, political leaders in the Malaysian state of Sabah on the island of Borneo signed an agreement with the Singapore shell company Hoch Standard, without the knowledge of Indigenous communities, giving the company title to the management and marketing of “natural capital/ecosystem services” on two million hectares of a forest ecosystem for one hundred to two hundred years.
Although the full nature of the agreement has not been disclosed, journalistic investigations and a lawsuit filed by Adrian Lasimbang, an Indigenous leader in Malaysian Borneo, have revealed that the Nature Conservation Agreement allowed Hoch Standard—a holding company with two officers and a paid-up capital provided by shareholders of a mere $1,000 U.S. dollars, but backed by undisclosed multibillion dollar private-equity investors—to acquire commercial rights to the natural capital in Sabah’s forest ecosystem.
The revenue from the rights to ecosystem services, such as water provisioning, carbon sequestration, sustainable forestry, and biodiversity conservation, over the next century was estimated at some $80 billion, with 30 percent, or $24 billion, to go to Hoch Standard. It was stipulated that the Sabah government could not withdraw from the agreement, while Hoch Standard could sell its rights to the natural capital in the Sabah Forest to other investors without government consent.
Singaporean Ho Choon Hou, who allegedly misrepresented himself as director of Hoch Standard (he was not listed among its officers but is said to be Hoch Standard’s project director and strategic funder), is the managing director of the private equity firm Southern Capital Group, which focuses on corporate buyouts.
Financial documents revealed that Hoch Standard, as a shell company, lists a single shareholder, Lionsgate Ltd., a company registered in the British Virgin Islands, where, as a tax haven and a financial base for “dark money,” it is illegal to disclose the name of company shareholders.
This story illustrates frighteningly well how sophisticated one of the ways to seize territory and resources is. If we look into the annals of history, we will be horrified by the events around the salt monopoly, when all salt springs were royal or royal property, the income of this monopoly was supported by the royal court.
Nothing was sacred to the aristocracy; they were filled with ambition, hatred and vengeance. Hatred or self-interest feed them in the aspiration to power. Whoever fell dead or disarmed is guilty, obeys unquestioningly this decision, and there is no appeal against it.
The salt tax, among all other taxes, enjoyed the special hatred of the population, since none of the taxes was more unjust – it served as the cause of real persecution, because the consumption of salt was even made mandatory, every person over the age of seven was forced to buy annually, according to at least 7 pounds of “compulsory salt”.
Thousands of saltworkers and smugglers were arrested, and hundreds of them were sentenced to work in the galleys; in the event of a second crime, the unfortunate merchants of “fake salt” were sentenced to hanging.
The borders of the interior customs divided the whole kingdom into a number of separate and hostile states, all the passages of which were guarded by troops, and these borders of provinces and districts were entwined with such a chaos of laws, restrictions and exemptions, local and personal, that no one could understand them, and everything was provided. the personal discretion of the toll collectors.
At the same time, the state absolved itself of any guilt in all abuses, since most of the sources of income were assigned to various high-ranking officials, “chief tax-farmers”, who used the military forces at their discretion and could themselves sentence to prison, to galleys and to the gallows.
As for the hundreds of thousands of people ruined by such a regime, which weighed heavily on the entire working life of the people, then for them there were prisons and galleys, to which, according to the law, all vagabonds were sentenced “so that they did not commit any crime”!
One of the foundations of civil law was that “the people must pay taxes, dues and duties at the discretion of the authorities,” and it was also firmly established that the aristocracy and clergy classes enjoy all sorts of honors and privileges, therefore paying taxes and participating in public affairs only in exceptional cases and always not without protest for the violation of their “exclusive” rights.
Finally, they got so far astray that the majority of votes clearly preferred the law and did not use any other rules than their own opinion and their own will. They are not able to realize the full depth of their incompetence, even when thousands of professional scientists and practitioners have warned them against rash “experiments”.
The Great Reset is a hybrid technocratic, state-corporate cartel running the global economy. Capital is there, and so is capitalism. The capitalist, as an owner, leaves the stage, the decisive opinion of the managing corporations … now determines the policy for the use of investment capital.
Owners do not control, and those who control are not owners. The capitalist is gone. Now everything is managed by managers who do not bear any responsibility to society. Higher employees are rentiers, the rest of the planet’s population are debtors who pay for their stay on this planet.
An old, wise proverb says: – “There is nothing more reliable than death and taxes.” With the advent of capitalism, followed by the use of state power as a social force for tax collection or obedience. Power is the only language that most governments know, although that power is often masqueraded as acting “for one’s own good” or “for the good of mankind”, which is an arrogant mantra.
From now on, obedience will be achieved by quotas: – Ten liters of gasoline are enough for you, but it would be better if you take a bicycle. One hundred kilowatts of electricity for your apartment and 800 liters of water per month.
How are you? But even more sophisticated will be: – You bought too fatty sausages, and exceeded carbon credits, we are forced to limit your consumption … Consumption control, movement, as a way to “save the environment”, in fact, carbon credits are nothing more than a cunning mechanism for taxing air.
Secrecy and anonymity are an integral part of the Elite’s operations, as are absolute ruthlessness, deep lies and the most vile blackmail. The elite sets nations against each other and seeks to destroy religion and other traditional values, creates chaos, deliberately sows misery and poverty, and then usurps power by putting their puppets in their place.
Nature has given all people an equal right to enjoy its benefits. Equality is a basic principle of natural law. The goal of a society that replaced the state of nature and was based on laws was to be the protection of equality from the strong and evil, the social contract was to ensure the general welfare. “All people,” Babeuf wrote in his newspaper Tribune des People, “have the right to happiness, and the purpose of their association in society is to secure for each of them a sufficient means of subsistence.”
However, this is nowhere to be found. The civil laws are the barbaric laws of general robbery. Natural law is not realized in positive law. Inequality reigns everywhere, having its source in private ownership of the public good. The main cause of this gap between natural law and reality is the self-serving and malicious conspiracy of one section of society against another.
The ignorance of the masses only ensures the success of this conspiracy.
Therefore, in order to achieve the realization of natural law, education is not enough, a struggle for law is necessary.
The social contract, if it does not correspond to natural law, must be terminated by force.
The Defense of Nature: Resisting the Financializaton of the Earth
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T. C. Clark
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Czar Putey Putin has reduced the Ruzzian population by almost 150.000 over the last year….probably 50.000 of Ukraine too. Ruzzia has never recovered population wise since Stalin and WW2.
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We must not lose sight of large migration processes, and military losses, as a method of WEF policy, the reduction of the population, in this case the Slavs.