Russia Plans To Quit International Space Station By 2025

As tensions increase between Russia and the US, the Russian space agency has announced it will withdraw from the International Space Station (ISS) in 2025 and has already begun work on a space station of its own, according to BBC News.

The US and Russia jointly launched the ISS in 1998 and was hailed as significant steps to reconstruct souring relations between the cold war adversaries. But Russian officials have indicated they will pull out of the ISS by 2025.

The ISS is 23 years old and is rapidly aging, posing a danger for astronauts. ISS crew recently had to hunt for a mystery air leak.

We can’t risk the lives [of our cosmonauts]. The situation that today is connected to the structure and the metal getting old, it can lead to irreversible consequences – to catastrophe. We mustn’t let that happen,” Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov told state television this week.

Borisov said Moscow would give the US and other international partners “fair warning of our departure from the ISS in 2025.

The head of Roscosmos State Corporation for Space Activities, also known as Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin, posted a video on the Telegram messaging app that said the “first core module of the new Russian orbital station is in the works,” intending to launch it into low Earth orbit by 2025.

News of the proposed withdrawal and build of the Russian space module comes after Moscow signed a memorandum with China to build a moon base that would either be on the lunar surface or in orbit. Russia previously turned down participating in the “too U.S.-centric” Moon-orbiting station.

For the US to maintain its hegemonic position, it must also have a dominant position in space. Essentially holding the “high ground,” though Russia backing out of the ISS by 2025 and building its own space station, along with pivoting towards China for moon projects, is precisely why the Pentagon’s newest branch, called Space Force, is focused on attempting to maintain Western dominance in space.

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Comments (7)

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    T. C. Clark


    Scott Manley sez it might be about money….the Russians want others to pay for their participation…and….Scott reminds you to….. fly safe.


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    What it means in reality, is that Russians are building a very big swimming pool, where they will be playing “Space program” by themselves, making sure their astronuts are safe and don’t drown.


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      T. C. Clark


      They may play with China…and it’s “cosmonauts” – not astronauts. It is hard to imagine the US being in space with Russia in the first place…it dates back to Billy Clinton …so that explains it. Again, Scott Manley sez….. fly safe.


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    Mark Tapley


    Russia and China are now being portrayed as the enemy by the Zionists in Jewmerica. This will be the latest version of the Hegelian Dialectic thesis-antithesis. There must always be a crisis so that the livestock are herded on down the path to the U.N. bankers long planned global high tech feudalism.

    As the the fake virus scenario begins to fizzle the prospects of a major contrived conflict with both Russia and China will take it’s place as the new threat. Wouldn’t look too good if both “enemies” are staging “space experiments” in the same low orbit piece of junk.


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      Give it a rest. China AND Russia are adversarial to us. It has nothing to do with a Zionist Conspiracy. Ask the Hygurs and Ukrainians if you think otherwise.


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        Mark Tapley


        All that need be done is study the history. Russia was plundered by the Zionist Jews in the Bolshevik Revolution when the Zionist bridgehead of Palestine was established. This was only successful due to massive agricultural, industrial and financial aid from the U.S. from beginning to end. First they were our great allies and used to defeat Germany in the second contrived World War. Then the” eastern kingdom” was switched around for the “Cold War” period. The Chinese communists were put in power by the Zionists after driving out the Japanese and set up by huge technology transfers. It is the inherent nature of all totalitarian regimes to oppress their people. That is what is going on in the U,S. under cover of the fake virus as the banking cartel plunders the U.S.


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    China is going it alone in space. They have not sought partners so no reason to expect they would welcome Russia except as a subordinate.


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