Russia Has The Fastest Hackers

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In about the time it takes to bake a tray of cookies, watch a show on Netflix, or be the shortest reigning King of France, an average Russian hacker can infiltrate a computer network.

 Statista’s Sarah Feldman notes that the average breakout time for Russian hackers was about 18 minutes. Chinese-affiliated hacking groups clocked in an average breakout time of about 4 hours, while North Korean hackers were able to gain access to a network in just under two and a half hours.

This metric, termed breakout time, measures how long it takes hackers to get into a network and to expand their access or jump to other machines after the initial breach. CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity firm, collected over 30,000 attempted breaches in 2018 from their clients for this report. The data include companies in every major industry, including organizations in the private and public sector across 176 countries.

Infographic: Russia Has the Fastest Hackers | Statista

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While cybersecurity is becoming increasingly more important for governments and companies, often cited as a top concern for C-level executives, there continues to be a shortage of cybersecurity workers. A report from the White House’s Office of Management and Budget found that about three-quarters of all federal agencies need urgent digital defence improvement.

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    Joseph Olson


    While Russia may best computer hackers, America has by far the best, broadband reality hackers. Bankers controlling America stole every patent of Edison, Westinghouse, Tesla, the Wright Brothers and more. Alex Bell stole the Antonio Meucci patents for telephone, Rockefeller created AT&T monopoly. Rockefeller frontman Marconi stole Tesla radio patents, created RCA monopoly. Elitist hacked science includes climate change, sustainable energy, peak oil, big bang and more. Hacked science gives false safety for pesticides, vaccines, GMO, 5G and more. End feudalism.

    “I’ll take some E Pluribus….but hold the Unum” > CanadaFreePress, July 2010

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    In 1931David Sarnoff of RCA, sent his spy Andrew Zworykin, to visit Philo T Farnsworth, the brilliant inventor, who was born and raised in backwoods Utah in 1906 and had conceived of an all-electronic television system, both transmitter and receiver, for a high school science project.

    Zworykin was successful in gleaning enough from Farnsworth to enable RCA to compete with what Farnsworth was doing, while refusing to pay Farnsworth as originator. Chicken RCA refused to acknowledge that they had stolen some of their success from Farnsworth, and was finally forced by the courts to pay royalties.

    Farnsworth, his name on 300 patents, died at 64 in 1971. Like Tesla, he died a hurt and discouraged man.

    Sam Giancana said of the mob: “Never trust anyone you didn’t grow up with.” Too often legitimate big business isn’t far behind.

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      Joseph Olson


      Edison did not invent the electric light. Humphrey Davies demonstrated a Carbon arch electric light to the Royal Society in 1801. There were 75 patents for electric lights prior to Edison. We have had Orwellian new think history for over 150 years. End feudalism.

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