Rulers Prepare To Execute “Cyber Polygon” Drill On Friday

Cyber Polygon is a unique cybersecurity event that combines the world’s largest technical training exercise for corporate teams and an online conference featuring senior officials from international organizations and leading corporations.  The global elitists are going to test what a massive cyberattack that takes down infrastructure and the power grid worldwide would look like.

For those who think this is not a big deal, please remember event 201, which was a simulation of a coronavirus pandemic in which the media was used to constantly push the fear manipulating the public into obedient compliance with any amount of ridiculous commands.  What will cyber polygon bring?

Nothing good since it a part of the World Economic Forum’s agenda for totalitarian global domination.

Following up on last year’s cyber pandemic simulation, this year’s Cyber Polygon will hold live training exercises responding to “a targeted supply chain attack on a corporate ecosystem in real-time,according to a report by Socialable. 

Running parallel to the training exercise will be discussions on how to tackle everything from ransomware and supply chain attacks to implementing “resilient” digital currencies, and a desire for global governance on the internet.

We all know, but still pay insufficient attention to, the frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyber attack, which would bring a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole” — Klaus Schwab, WEF, 2020

So what if the rulers do turn off the power? What if in order to get it back, your compliance will be mandatory? What about digital currencies? What about your slave wages? Those will be contingent and without a doubt, traced, tracked, and surveilled. We know that’s a goal.  These are just questions, I am not stating anything.

The COVID-19 crisis would be seen in this respect as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyberattack,” said Schwab. And, in keeping with every single ruler and master’s theme of never letting a good crisis go to waste (even one fabricated by the ruling class to control the slaves), Schwab added that it was “important to use the COVID-19 crisis as a timely opportunity to reflect on the lessons of cybersecurity community to draw and improve our unpreparedness for a potential cyber pandemic.

The first topics of discussion on this year’s Cyber Polygon 2021 program agenda is:

  • New world — new currency: How to make the financial system resilient as digital currencies proliferate?

They have already told us what they are planning for us too.  Prior to the major ransomware attacks on critical infrastructures this year, the WEF released a short video on January 18, 2021 warning about a “cyber-attack with COVID-like characteristics” that would “spread faster and further than any biological virus.

I believe that there will be another crisis. It will be more significant […] We need to start this cooperation and understanding early, so that when the crisis does hit, we’re in a position to respond effectively to it

I would anticipate that when we do see this next crisis, it will be faster than what we’ve seen with COVID, the exponential growth rate will be much steeper, the impact will be greater, and as a result the economic and social implications will be even more significant”— Jeremy Jurgens, WEF, 2020

Trends emerging out of last year’s cyber pandemic simulation discussions included:

  • A desire for greater consolidation and centralization of power between corporations and states
  • A desire to censor fake news, disinformation, and misinformation
  • A desire for the adoption of digital identity schemes (Tony Blair being a major advocate at Cyber Polygon 2020)

All we can do is continue to prepare, remain alert, and just be ready for anything. If the power grid goes down for a substantial period of time those who have failed to make any preparations will resort to theft and violence in order to try to feed their families or provide them with clean water. Take the time to make sure you have adequate preps and ways to defend those preps.

If we have learned anything from the covid scamdemic, it’s that these sociopaths will stop at nothing in their attempt to control and rule the world.

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Comments (9)

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    Ken Hughes


    So it looks like this is the next crisis to be imposed on the world by these globalist criminals.


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    =Mark Tapley


    The use of manufactured crises has always been the mainstay of the Zionist syndicate along with a steady stream of MSM propaganda such as with the fake virus and the phony climate change. A society of contented individuals going about their business does nothing for the elite. Thats why there must always be conflict, war, misery and hatred.

    The no.1 method for moving society in the desired direction the fastest has always been the use of the Hegelian dialectic thesis anti thesis of staged enemies as was done using the totally propped up Soviet Unison during WW2, then flipped around to be used again in the phony Cold War. This tactic is being prepared again in order to pit the Chinese and Russians in another contrived conflict against the western powers.

    The fake virus, phony climate change, fake shootings, staged riots, fake Floyds, food and energy shortages and whatever other crises can be set up are intended to demoralize and destabilize the goyim as they are conditioned to seek more top down control and relinquish more of their natural rights. The sheep, being too apathetic, confused and politically correct to mount any effective resistance, are on their way down the socialist road to the dystopian world of permanent austerity and deprivation being prepared by the elite bankers.


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    WHAT IF!!!!
    There is an alternative way to regard the warming AND VIRUS PANDEMIC hysteria; that way suggests that warming hysteria and the virus pandemic was invented as cover to divert World and popular attention away from something far more calamitous, even more immediate.
    The Earth, in it’s celestial orbit, for about the last thousand years, has been in the position where it has always been subject to an Ice Age; The astronomers and scientists who know, say it is imminent; brief review of weather over last twelve months, seems to point that way in support.
    Here is the rub! in shorthand version; if one considers all the remedy’s proposed to ward off “Warming” and the killer virus, and then compare that consideration, with the possible onset of an “Ice Age”, you are obliged to realise, that all such afore mentioned warming and virus remedy’s will actually be made real, whether humanity likes it or not. Will you imagine, the terror and turmoil that will ensue, once great swathes of humanity realise, that they live on land soon to be too cold and maybe miles deep under glaciers. Amen it is written.


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    judy Ryan


    Cold temperature kills virus quickly. Direct sunlight also kills virus quickly.


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      Mark Tapley


      Hello Ryan:
      Viruses are not living organisms but only cellular debris or broken proteins. If you can show that viruses exist then there is a 1.2 million euro prize for you just for proving it to the German Supreme Court. There is also no need to worry about killing the already dead “viruses” because they have never been shown to be transmissible.


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        Very well put Mark T.


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    … a comprehensive cyber attack, which would bring a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole”
    — Klaus Schwab, WEF, 2020
    It would all make sense if it would ensure a better, more resilient digital infrastructure, if only it was not WEF and Schwab and their perceived outlook of “you’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy” as expressed by the video…

    (The Reuters ‘fact checker’ disputes this saying “The World Economic Forum does not have a stated goal to have people ‘own nothing and be happy’ by 2030. Its Agenda 2030 framework outlines an aim to ensure all people have access to ownership … )
    Maybe what the video should have said is “You’ll own very little and be controlled by social pressure”, which is closer to what WEF and Agenda2030 appear to want.
    This video may be true in many aspects but what is true is WEF’s push for a more AI connected world, more AI in manufacturing and distribution, more AI in the management of public affairs. (see ) Their method appears to be, AI do all the important stuff — manufacturing, distribution, health analysis, population analysis, social monitoring, allocation of resources, etc., — while are humans are employed to take care of how to interface, relate and manage public conditioning and public awareness of the changes, to manage healthcare systems of ID, AI recommended treatments and formulate patient awareness of these treatments, etc. AI administered ‘digital social payments’ ensures we are all paid a bare minimum, or more depending solely on our social score ratings. This would appear to be the WEF’s and UN’s idea of stakeholder capitalism.

    An incredible opportunity for leaders

    Is there any other way? State capitalism, its proponents would say, also pursues a long-term vision, and has enjoyed recent successes, especially in Asia. But while state capitalism may be a good fit for one stage of development, it, too, should gradually evolve into something closer to a stakeholder model, lest it succumb to corruption from within.
    Business leaders now have an incredible opportunity. By giving stakeholder capitalism concrete meaning, they can move beyond their legal obligations and uphold their duty to society. They can bring the world closer to achieving shared goals, such as those outlined in the Paris climate agreement and the United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda. If they really want to leave their mark on the world, there is no alternative.

    Note this missive (and the erroneous notion in the last line “If they really want to leave their mark on the world, there is no alternative.“) is aimed solely at ‘leaders’ both in public affairs and private business.
    So, back to internet disruption testing …
    Sound interesting, a dysfunctional internet, power interruptions, hospitals etc., and what about the banks? Is that probably Klaus Schwab true aim, his true interest, to change the way banking operates?
    This action, if applied, would interrupt ordinary business operations and communications, create difficulties for people to access to their own money, their savings, pensions and investments. And adding greater force to persuading businesses and individuals to embrace AI run Digital Currencies and install digital IDs as the default option.
    If this was to come to pass then everyone will recognize that Schwab and his DAVOS mates are truly anti-democratic, truly evil. Using such a method will be Fascism writ large. So would they dare do it?
    It is well known that the WEF & the DAVOS crowd, and many rich and powerful people wish to install a ‘One World Government’. Would they initiate such destructive action when in reality it is not needed? Destruction not made with the ascent of a public vote, as a defilement of democracy and basic human rights.

    The Installation of a One World Government and it’s New World Order would ensure the rich and powerful have dominion over the world, dominion over everyone A new order of WEF defined ‘stakeholder capitalism’ model, a model that is driven by a multitude of interconnected AI systems with large amount of social management and surveillance. All this fits with the UN’s Agenda2030.


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    It means no facebook, no google, no apple, no microsoft, no bitcoin, no cell phones and no tracking. Shutting down the power shuts down the Internet and big tech, the gooberment and all the corruption.


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