Routine Vaccines and Sudden Infant Death: Analysis of VAERS 1990–2019 and Review of the Medical Literature
I spoke at Louisiana Health Freedom Day, April, 2024, and met Louisiana State Representative Beryl A.
Amedee (R-District 51). She told me about legislation (HB288) that was rejected by the medical examiners and the house of representatives concerning mandatory review of the vaccine record for any death under age 1 without an obvious cause.
She felt they were willfully blind to the possibility that a battery of vaccines within a few days could provoke an acute inflammatory reaction resulting in respiratory arrest, in other words, causing the baby to stop breathing (SIDS). I wondered what was the scientific basis for her concern.

Miller reviewed the CDC Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System for death after routine childhood vaccination. Deaths are reported mainly by doctors and health care personnel who have determined the vaccine is the cause of death.
Otherwise, it would not be reported given severe fines or federal imprisonment for false entries. So by proxy, all the deaths reported in VAERS are caused by vaccination unless there is a clinical and or autopsy that rules out the vaccine. Miller found:
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