Rothschilds Hijacked Science for their Mass De-Population Agenda
Susan Bradford; Rothschild Dynasty is Seeking to Fulfill Kalergi Depopulation Agenda.
The Venetians were once the most powerful maritime force in Europe, with an Empire that traversed the Eurasian continent. By aligning with mercenary armies of Khazars, Mongolians and Turks, they slashed and burned their way through one community after another, killing millions of people and seizing their wealth. In the process, they established trade routes that would later be resurrected in the modern-day Silk and Road Initiative, linking Eurasia with the Middle East through Israel.
Given their rapaciousness, heresy, disregard for convention, human life, and rule of law, and indulgence in the dark, occult arts, the Venetian empire fell to chaos, infighting, and pirate-upon-pirate plunder. They had established transnational spy networks throughout the Eurasian continent to alert them to threats, giving the the advantage in war and conquest.
Armed with a single-minded desire to amass the world’s wealth and power within their own hands and rule over the subjugated masses as tyrants who answered to no one but themselves, they endeavored to topple legitimate governments and Monarchs and implant themselves into positions of power.
Becoming the ultimate rulers of the world required supplanting the divine right to rule, which was based upon initiation and bloodline, with “Enlightened” rulers rejecting God and replacing legitimate, lawful governments with the illegitimate and the corrupt.
The Vatican, which was controlled by powerful merchant families, first attempted to claim the authority to confer the ”divine right to rule” upon rulers. The opportunistic Rothschild patriarch acquired knowledge of the agenda in play and co-opted it to place his family and bloodlines in line to rule over all of humanity.
The tactics involved occult black magic, endless war and revolution, the exploitation of grievances for the purposes of income redistribution from others to themselves; debt, compromise, assassinations, and the corruption of public virtue for private (their) gain. Through each war, revolution, and skirmish, they reorganized more of society’s wealth and power under their control.
Fascism, Communism, Marxism, socialism, revolution, and pitting people against each other were all Rothschild tactics pursued to divide the enemy (humanity) while they (the Rothschild bloodlines and agents) remains unified in purpose.
After Rothschild successfully bankrolled the American and French Revolutions, his agent, Napoleon Bonaparte toppled governments around Europe, with Rothschild “helpfully” bankrolling all sides of the war, placing governments in debt and under the control of the Rothschilds.
Napoleon Dynamite Blows Up Europe
Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812) founded the House of Rothschild in Frankfurt am Main, an imperial city within the Holy Roman Empire. Quickly he joined the Oppenheimer Bank, which provided him access to princes within the Holy Roman Empire, the British Monarchy, and the East India Company. Through these connections, the covetous Rothschild wannabe became banker to elites and aristocrats with a view to separating them from their wealth and becoming the wealthiest man in Europe.
By financing the American Revolution and revolutions throughout Latin America and elsewhere, the Rothschilds separated colonies from their Monarchies, weakening both in the process while placing their respective governments in Rothschild debt. Once in debt, the Rothschilds attempted to control the money supply in those countries through a central bank while promoting a rational Enlightened government in the form of a republic, based upon the Platonic model in which the elite held all the wealth and power and the people were stripped of their wealth and denied a say in their own governments.
Bankrolling the French Revolution, which drew upon the principles of the rational Enlightenment, helped the Rothschilds eliminate rival aristocrats and steal their wealth, with the treasures of aristocrats finding their way into Rothschild mansions.
Each successive war and revolution, which were based upon manufactured grievances, enabled the Rothschilds to reorganize society under Rothschild control and claim more of the wealth that belonged to others for themselves.
Understanding that the Vatican carried “moral authority” from God from which it attempted to confer upon rulers the “divine right to rule,” the Rothschilds took aim at the Vatican — and the British Monarchy, which legitimately held the divine right, independent of the Pope, and which had chartered the East India Company.
While the EIC had been launched as a simple trading company to help the Merchants of London acquire more markets in the North American colonies and elsewhere in the world, the Venetians infiltrated EIC ranks and transformed this benevolent company into an imperialistic force for conquest for the British Empire over which the Venetians sought to rule.
Having successfully waged the American Revolution, which separated the Monarch from its colonies, the Rothschilds set their sights on financial control of the Vatican and the British royal family. They also betrayed the princes of the Holy Roman Empire who had given the Rothschilds the leverage and connections to forge their predatory banking careers.
Through the Frankfurt post office, which had been erected by Venetians for the purposes of intelligence gathering, Rothschild was able to intercept correspondence among leaders and rivals to help him win wars and fell his opponents. The Rothschilds would later build upon existing Venetian spy networks to manipulate troop movements through the Eurasian continent and elsewhere to achieve the result they sought.
The dynasty built upon these networks to create modern day intelligence agencies that served Rothschild financial interests over national interests, including the Office of Strategic Services, the CIA, Mossad, MI-5/6, Cheka, among others.
During the Napoleonic Wars, Venice was used as a bargaining chip for the Rothschilds who had dislodged aristocrats and Monarchs through revolutions and coups and implanted puppet governments in their place. This time, Austria swapped Lombardy for Venice and then implanted its own people into power within the Venetian government, with the Rothschilds controlling Austria through finance.
Concluding that the Venetian rulers were privileged, but uneducated and undisciplined opportunists who owed their position to nepotism, inheritance, and plunder, the Austrians would not allow the Venetians to claim responsible positions within the new government, no doubt spurring more grievances among them which Rothschild could exploit later. In this way, the Rothschild dislodged some of the remaining Venetian royal families from the lagoon.
With the Rothschilds bankrolling all sides of the Napoleonic Wars, French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte dismantled the Austrian Empire and established obedient puppet rulers.
Lombardy was one of the largest commercial centers in Europe. The Lombard Kingdom was ruled by German Lombards who controlled most of Italy since their invasion of Byzantine Italy in 568. The Lombards had once ruled all of Italy, with the exception of the Vatican and Venice – and now the Rothschilds were on the track to rule them all.
Having stolen the wealth and treasures of fallen aristocrats and placed targeted nations into debt through war, revolutions, and infrastructure projects, the Rothschilds purchased aristocratic titles for themselves so that they could have the rank of nobles whose status they desperately coveted.
During the Battle of Waterloo, which ended Napoleon’s campaign through Europe, the Rothschilds crashed the British stock market, enabling them to buy breeding rights into the British Royal family.
Much to her dismay, Queen Victoria went on to produced illegitimate Rothschild bastard heirs, through rape, who proceeded to destroy Great Britain and marry themselves into Royal families throughout Europe.
The Rothschilds were, by then, well on their way to becoming aristocrats, but in name, purchased title, and with stolen wealth. They affected the airs of the nobles while remaining entirely degenerate, vulgar, uncouth, and unworthy. Instead of serving as noble stewards of society, they were predatory snakes who thought only of themselves.
In 1817, Austria became the first country to grant the dynasty a coat of arms. This honor was conferred upon Solomon Rothschild as a reward for financing Kaiser Ferdinand’s Nordham rail links, Austria’s first steam railway, and other government projects. The design submitted by the Rothschilds separated the crest into four quadrants, including: an eagle (representing Imperial and Royal Austrians); a leopard (representing English Royalty); a lion (representing their Hessian conquest); and a hand clutching five arrows (a symbol of the unity among the five Rothschild brothers who could seek to divide Europe among themselves).
The following year, the English granted a coat of arms to Nathan Rothschild and his heirs.
Four years later, the Rothschilds were granted the title of “Baron” through Austrian Imperial Decree.
The French (Venetian) rational Enlightenment spread throughout Europe, promoting feminism, social justice, and Marxist culture critiques designed to weaken the family and foment revolution to weaken societies for ultimate conquest under Rothschild tyranny. Salons, an Italian invention of the 16th century, emerged to promote revolutionary principles that would later devour Europe completely.
Wherever there was a Rothschild, the salons would increase in notoriety and popularity. Heralded as intellectual social gatherings for the elite, they promoted the principles of the rational Enlightenment, often drawing in well meaning people inspired by the lofty principles and ideals espousing fairness, equality, and representative governments, buzz words used to appeal to the higher aspirations of people but which cloaked sinister Rothschild power grabs.
With generous financing from Rothschild and his allies, revolutions that were inspired by the rational Enlightenment continued to spread throughout Europe in 1848. While professing to be democratic and liberal in nature, these movements were directed at removing old monarchical structures, which supported legitimate Christian rulers, and creating independent nation states controlled by the Rothschilds. Over 50 countries were affected, with tens of thousands of people losing their lives.
Disgusted with the vile Rothschilds, Queen Victoria secretly maintained the true Royal bloodline through a secret marriage — a legitimate heir the Rothschilds attempted, but failed, to assassinate.
Russian Tsar Alexander II was made godparent to the future Queen Victoria, who was baptized Alexandrina Victoria. Alexander shared Queen Victoria’s efforts to preserve the Christian Monarchy through a “Third Rome” to spur a revival of Christianity.
Stirrings of the Antichrist
Among the Russian novelists to espouse the Third Rome doctrine was Vladimir Soloviev. An active member of the Society for the Promotion of Culture Among the Jews of Russia, Soloviev built bridges between Judaism and Christianity, reflecting that the natural state of affairs between Jews and Christians was one of harmony and friendship, one the Rothschilds sought to replace with enmity and distrust.
In his apocalyptic Tale of the Anti-Christ, which was subtitled A Fable of the Deceiver, Soloviev warned of an evil force that sought to conquer Christian Russia. He characterized the force as “Pan-Mongolism – the unification of all the races of Eastern Asia with the aim of conducting a decisive war against foreign intruders, that is, against Europeans.” The Mongolians were the mercenaries of the Venetians who drew upon power from their occult, including Satanic rituals. for the purposes of casting “a new Mongolian yoke” over Europe.
Soloviev wrote about the signs of the Satanic deceiver in The Open Path to World Peace and Welfare. The Antichrist, he said, would be a seemingly well intentioned person who promised freedom but delivered slavery; preached universal rights but imposed tyranny; promoted world government to vanquish war for peace; and preached scarcity over abundance.
The devils, he observed, were radicals, reformers, and revolutionaries who promised enlightenment, peace, and prosperity while delivering destruction, poverty, and eternal darkness.
The Antichrist, he said, would deliver a “manifesto” which “compelled governments to join the United States of Europe under the supreme authority of the Roman Emperor.”
Since the fall of the Roman Empire, the Venetians had sought to resurrect the Roman Empire under their control. As aspiring world tyrants, the Rothschilds attempted to fulfill the agenda. After the World Wars had laid waste to Europe, killing tens of millions of people with generous financing provided by the Rothschilds and their allies in Wall Street and governments, the dynasty promoted the European Coal and Steel Community, which became the basis for the European Union as a next step towards the restoration of Rome.
The Rothschilds were the shadow power behind such groups as the Round Table, the Pilgrims Society, the Committee of 300, and the Club of Rome which recruited heads of state and government, UN administrators, politicians, and government officials, diplomats, scientists, economists, and business leaders who could help them implement their agenda.
In 1972, the Club of Rome published Limits to Growth which recommended eliminating “surplus populations” and deindustrializing society so the Rothschilds could ration resources to reduce people to a subsistence levels while the Rothschilds and the chosen few enjoyed the life of effete aristocrats with unrestrained abundance on the backs of everyone else.
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Mark Tapley
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Lots of misinformation here, The tale of the Rothschild origin is probably a myth. they were most likely part of the British aristocracy and started much earlier. Napoleon overthrew the Jacobin Revolution and restored order. The Rothschilds financed the allied armies led by the British against him.
There were many Anglo Zionists also at work with the Zionist Jews as laid out in the excellent book by Jerry Docherty “Hidden History, The Secret Origins of the First Word War.” The Kellergi plan was the precursor to todays massive “immigration” in order to destroy the white nations and western culture. Originating in 1922 as the Pan Europa and financed by the Warburgs (Rothschilds) it is now going full force to using destabilization and miscegenation. In the U.S. this program began with the “1965 Immigration act led by Jacob Javits and other Jews.
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The Vatican, which was controlled by powerful merchant families, … The opportunistic Rothschild patriarch acquired knowledge of the agenda in play and co-opted it to place his family and bloodlines in line to rule over all of humanity.
I don’t agree with the public version. The Vatican was a business from day 1. Nobody snuck in to the financial system (Rotschild) and stole anything. That’s not how these people operate. If the Rotschild’s weren’t meant to be where they are, the powerhouse behind the Vatican would have sent an entire army directly to his front door.
The history behind the second society does not begin with Rotschild, and they merely fill a role that has been filled by others in the past. They aren’t the top level, but second. The lineage and system behind the Vatican and royalty have been in place a long long time. Its more like a corporation with positions that get filled and refilled. You can trace this corporation entity as far back as Sumeria. Same symbols, same rinse and repeat tactics, same views of the people and slavery. You can follow them like breadcrumbs and they were well established long before Rotschild. Rotschild never stole anything, tricked, or weaseled their way into owning this beast. If they did, they wouldn’t be in the history books. They fill a role and their supposed “power grab” was a way of crippling the wealthiest segments of society and centralizing industry.
Mark Tapley
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Hello Wisenox:
The Catholic Church originated over 200 years after the Church of New Testament. This subversion by a hierarchy of manmade doctrine became very much centered in the banking and merchant class. The Medici’s who were very prominent city state nobles and probably crypto Jews furnished 2 or 3 popes to this religious racket. The Medici were bankers and patrons of the Jews. The founders of the original Jesuit order were crypto Jews as well. Now the Catholic Church maintains a cordial relationship with Judaism and even accords them a separate path to salvation similar to the brainwashed Christian Zionists that also cannot read the scriptures for themselves.
We don’t know how much influence the Rothschilds have with the mucky mucks of the Catholic Church today but they have a great deal in just about everything else. They are big members in the Fiat banking cartels and have huge corporate interests all over the world,. The Investment Giant Black Rock and partners at Black Stone are just the tip of the iceberg. They financed the building of the Knesset in Israel and the Masonic emblazoned Supreme Court and according to old newspaper reports actually bought Jerusalem when controlled by the Ottoman Turks. One thing is for sure. As top Zionists they definitely are owners of our shabbas goy congress and of course our puppet actor president.