Robert Kennedy Jr. – “Climate Sceptics Should Be Put in Jail.”

In this video, Robert Kennedy Jr. makes his thoughts on climate sceptics known. He claims that climate sceptics should be “enjoying three hots and a cot with all the other war criminals”.

Robert Kennedy Jr. makes it perfectly clear that he believes those who are climate sceptics aren’t of rational intelligence and that people like the Coke brothers should absolutely be in jail for reckless endangerment.

Many scientists over the years, including an number of PSI’s members have provided hard, scientific evidence that anthropogenic climate change doesn’t exist and that the Greenhouse Gas Theory and Climate Change are just different forms of governmental control of those that are impressionable or unaware of the truth.

Source: Bitchute 

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Comments (17)

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    Shoot! I had high hopes for RFK JR.


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    So much for his take on freedom. Looks like his stance on the “covid” vax was a one off.


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      This is an actor not RFK. I would never vote for another Democrat even if my life depended on it.
      But I respect truth and RFK has a pronounced speech impediment. It is missing in this video. Listen again. Your ears will tell you. Question everything.


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    more proof politicians are but puppets


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    But, we knew this already…..he is completely. Into the false logic crowd…emotive crowd…except for the Vax issue. This is significant. Why is that?

    Why can’t he see the same avaricious blood thirsty monsters behind all of these divisive crack brained issues?

    Another Pied Piper of Boston….hamlin…so sad.

    Bust up 100+ years of fake Virology Sickness Industry….tear down the haus of rockingfeller and red shield…wash away all the stupid foolishness… civilization anew with suppressed technologies and fresh ancient ideas for humanity.


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    Must make this punct.

    This video isn’t new. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
    IS younger in this video.

    So, it’s entirely possible that he’s had a change of heart, a great awakening since this video was made.

    HIs stance on Vax Poisons indicates this.

    He must now tell the public his paradigm shift on all of the Bolshevik dissonance and show his track record in regards to this new view.

    Sigh…but that would change upon ascension to power…eh?


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      Actually, no. He hasn’t had a change of heart. He has recently stated that his position on AGW hasn’t changed. Now he just claims that billionaires are using climate change for more control and to enrich themselves (which is true and also hasn’t changed). He has also stated that he is very PRO vax and that he and all of his children have been vaccinated. He’s just opposed to this PARTICULAR one, or at least that it’s mandated. The democrat party almost exactly follows the main planks of the Communist Manifesto. That has not changed, nor will it, regardless of RFK, Jr. spin. They are also the worst of the ballot box stuffers. That’s exactly how his uncle, JKF, was “elected.” That’s a known historic fact, just as it’s most probable that Trump won by at least 12 million votes, if not more. The only democrats I respect are the ones honest enough to change parties or become real Independents and actually fight for the American people.


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    A very old video. I watched and listened to his interview by Tucker Carlson last week and he was aware anthropogenic climate change was the same machinations as big pharma-and the corporatization of governance and government.


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      Oh, the Koch brothers have not changed their name to Coke brothers.


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      Yes, he acknowledged those points. However, he still believes “climate change” is a major problem and that that CO2 must be reduced. Both of which are ridiculous constructs without any real scientific merit. We don’t have too much CO2; we’re in a deficit. CO2 has never been, nor will it be a driver of warmth – it’s a follower and has a logarithmic effect, which has already run its course (ref. Professor Happer among many others). There are real pollution issues (like cutting off all aid to the top ten countries who dump 90% of the plastic into the oceans unitl they stop doing so) – “the climate change hog trough born on the backs of the hard-working middle and upper middle classes” isn’t one of them.


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        There are no choices evident that do not flow down paths mapped by the controllers…the Puppeteers.
        Reliance on the “savior” complex is a mistake.
        Each of us is the answer.

        Do not comply.

        Do not listen to their lies.

        Start by getting rid of .etc.

        Know the new comms infrastructure…

        Faraday is your friend. EVEN notionally, imagination is key. You may find it inadvertently missing or fragmented. A casualty of the too smart cell &:social media. Make it work again away from these influences…this is key to survival.


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        I thought I watched an interview with Tucker Carlson, sitting on chairs in the same room, similar to the President Trump interview in Mar O Lago.

        As I now can not find that interview I apologize, I must be mistaken and am confused with the Elon Musk-Tucker Carlson interview.


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    Using this logic, vaccine skeptics should also be jailed. Not a good presidential candidate.


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    So this is just another turnaround ( Thatcher non-moment) like FOX News? who will this rebound on or off ?


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    Joseph Olson


    “Climate in Crisis” by junior in 2020 > scientifically illiterate


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    Was this video from 15 years ago? The earth hasn’t melted yet so all these global arming are full of shyt. I would never truat anything from time or wickypedia. Voting for a democrat? How could I do that…voting for republicans is dumb enough.


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