COVID19 vaccine should be avoided at all cost

For the first time in the history of vaccination, the so-called last generation mRNA vaccines intervene directly in the genetic material of the patient and therefore alter the individual genetic material, which represents the genetic manipulation, something that was already forbidden and until then considered criminal.

This intervention can be compared to genetically manipulated food, which is also highly controversial. Even if the media and politicians currently trivialize the problem and even stupidly call for a new type of vaccine to return to normality, this vaccination is problematic in terms of health, morality and ethics, and also in terms of genetic damage that, unlike the damage caused by previous vaccines, will be irreversible and irreparable.

Dear patients, after an unprecedented mRNA vaccine, you will no longer be able to treat the vaccine symptoms in a complementary way. They will have to live with the consequences, because they can no longer be cured simply by removing toxins from the human body, just as a person with a genetic defect like Down syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, Turner syndrome, genetic cardiac arrest, hemophilia, cystic fibrosis, Rett syndrome, etc.), because the genetic defect is forever!

This means clearly: if a vaccination symptom develops after an mRNA vaccination, neither I nor any other therapist can help you, because the damage caused by the vaccination will be genetically irreversible. In my opinion, these new vaccines represent a crime against humanity that has never been committed in such a big way in history. As Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, an experienced doctor, said: In fact, this “promising vaccine” for the vast majority of people should be FORBIDDEN, because it is genetic manipulation! ”

The vaccine, developed and endorsed by Anthony Fauci and funded by Bill Gates, uses experimental mRNA technology. Three of the 15 human guinea pigs (20%) experienced a “serious adverse event”.

Note: messenger RNA or mRNA is the ribonucleic acid that transfers the genetic code of the DNA of the cell nucleus to a ribosome in the cytoplasm, that is, the one that determines the order in which the amino acids of a protein bind and act as a mold or pattern for the synthesis of that protein.





Yes, like many other viruses.


Yes, if you use the proper medicines and do not leave your health in the hands of corrupt and mercantile health systems.


Yes and many, some are acting discreetly giving appropriate treatments, others have been bolder and there are many videos in the networks talking about these treatments, and many have been threatened, disqualified or silenced.


Yes, and there is a world union calling for more doctors and scientists called Doctors and Scientists for Truth, to expose the falsity of the treatment they have given to the bug issue.


No. The WHO changed the term that referred to the pandemic, before the bug was launched in order to end the pandemic.


Yes, like all flu.


No. If you have symptoms, just take the appropriate medicine from the first day (strengthen the immune system, take anti-inflammatory and anti-influenza) and cure yourself at home.


Yes, being as clean as you should be, and maintaining a high immune system. And you also have: Ozone Therapy, Chlorine Dioxide with the preventive protocol.


No. In the USA it was discovered that any data, would be in fact 10% of that number, because the causes of deaths were other diseases, and the tests are not reliable, they give false positives.


The human being has many microorganisms and viruses in the body and this does not mean that you are a sick or infected person, or that you have the virus, however, the viruses that are supposedly “so aggressive” present some symptoms in the patients because the body releases alarms from an intruder (fever, headache, vomiting, etc.) and according to Koch’s theory the answer is NO.


Yes, in a laboratory.


To be the excuse to restrict freedoms, to change the current economic system to a more oppressive / enslaving, scary, blind flock obedience.




Yes. And all those who contributed to the deaths and the plan will fall, and they will pay for what they did.


No. Fear diminishes your immune system and makes you mentally controllable.


Yes. The owners of the media are accomplices. This is called mind control.


You protect yourself, and if you get sick you already know how to heal yourself at home, or with your trusted doctor who will not commit to the abandonment protocol.


No. If you get healthy, vaccines bring chemicals, heavy metals and a series of “bugs” that will only affect your health more in the medium and long term, both physically and mentally. It’s your body, and it’s your right to decide about it, and about your physical and mental health. Would you trust a vaccine after a virus has been created to exterminate humanity?


Yes.! And we will be victorious! We need to stay together and wake other people up, giving a lot of information.

“Forced to wear a mask, but not to shut up.”

[PSI Editor update: We originally mistakenly attributed this article to Robert Kennedy Jr. but have since been advised by a reliable source he is not the author nor associated with it. We are sorry for the error]

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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

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Comments (121)

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    Is there a virus? The answer should be no, or at least no one has been able to verify its existence. This is more likely massive, intentional misdiagnosis. Doctors were supposed to treat people with pneumonia as though they had a virus, which means that they do nothing for them. Just let them die. Thankfully many doctors started giving their patients who had pneumonia treatment for it. Antibiotics, antifungals. Depends on which type of pneumonia the person has.

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      Sue Atherton


      vaccination as been making things like small pox polio a thing we don’t have anymore I have been very lucky and I have not lost any loved ones to covid so far. DON’T make this vaccination political or make stupid statements that it is something that government or doctors are doing for a reason whatever it is, ask the people who are griefing for a loved one. I recently went through cancer treatment if they had a vaccine for that would that have people saying it’s this is wrong or harmful

      • Avatar

        Mandy Mack


        You do know that there is a reemergence of polio? Not not the wild virus, but virus derived from the vaccine.

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        Sue, I’m as sharp as a tack and can discern truth vs. B.s. since childhood. This is b.s. and the propaganda is aimed at people who are mentally and emotionally vulnerable. Don’t talk down to me or people like me. We are good intentioned but don’t think we are weak. We are stronger together but won’t be bullied.

        • Avatar

          Tia Morgan


          Amen! And thank you! It sickens me to see so many people hang on to every word of the corrupt media, never questioning them, or fact checking them.

          • Avatar

            Ronald Walton


            Absolutely! It is deadly gor people not to use ‘independent thinking ability.’

      • Avatar



        Still not vaccine for HIV but they made a Corona vaccine in11 months

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          margaret saulino


          I thought the same thing, no vaccine for HIV. Also, cancer, control it not cure it.
          Vaccine for yearly flu shots, No cure, only systems.
          Got me thinking, all about control and what is truly in this vaccine.
          Thank you, Margie

          • Avatar

            Brent Kvam


            There will never be a cure for cancer Sadly. As they make too much money on treatments for it

        • Avatar



          Gates made a vaccine but him and his family won’t take it! Speaks volumes for this is crap for the others! DNA marker changer don’t take it!

      • Avatar

        Christine Shuaibu


        Polio Vaccine has eradicated the wild type yes, but has caused a vaccine derived Polio. Polio caused but mutation from the Polio vaccine. They hardly mention this. So how do you think they will get rid of this one? Another vaccine

        Sorry you had to go through Cancer treatment, but they could have used Hydroxychloroquine, Cancer can only survive in an acid environment, HCQ neutralises cancer cells, changing the pH from acid to Neutral, killing the Cancer.
        So yes the Vaccine is very political.

        • Avatar

          Bryon Rankin


          You forgot to mention that polio declined by about 90% prior to the introduction of the vaccine. This was due to the introduction and increasingly widespread use of indoor plumbing (toilets) and toilet paper. One other thing, polio is spread primarily by infected feces. So let’s hear again how great vaccines are and that we should all inject a dna altering experimental vaccine into our bodies.

        • Avatar



          Can you say SV40? People will believe anything and in turn, it’s going to cost millions of lives!

      • Avatar



        Sue or you are bot, or you are a very uneducated person unfortunately, I was sick with COVID in the beginning of 2018, in hospital no one could give me diagnoses, so I took the liquid from my symptoms and froze it up, I knew it’s something completely different and it will appear in later so I can get a proper investigation, and I made a test in August for that liquid from my nose, what do you think was the result? )))) Yes it Was COVID, So why they released virus who knows how many years ago, but made fake pandemia in 2020? Because that’s a planed action conspiracy against us US humanity! Wake up all! And poor blind people like you Sue, cuz it’s not a normal vaccine at all!!! Can you understand that or you just piece of bot following directions from your owner center, fighting with truth?

        • Avatar



          I got it off a woman last year who got it from a flu vaccine. She nearly died. It was bad, pneumonia like. I think that was a test phase for data collection. Injury data is bullsh*t too – subjective opinions and not statistically managed. Majority of research & ethics committee members don’t question anything. I used to take migraine meds before every meeting it was so stressful. Eg, I was on a research & ethics committee – we (after I jumped up and down) questioned why Vioxx was being trialed in heart patient groups and why ‘risk of death’ was not highlighted/bolded in informed consent form. Got a scathing reply from Pharma co telling us essentially we were back water hicks, that the trial was approved by over 30 committees globally. Two weeks later it was taken off the market. Many of these committees are stacked with stakeholders, idiots and apathetic title chasers. Fact.

      • Avatar



        The Covid-19 vaccine changes your RNA. It’s the band of genetic material that wraps itself around each DNA cell. This is a first time vaccine and other vaccines are not made this way – as the article to pains to describe. Should we be careless using it? There are good therapeutics for COVID-19 coming out now and clearly they are saying taking the vaccine will not stop the shutdowns so why risk it?

      • Avatar

        Mike Matteo


        Small pox and polio were on their down slope, way before there was a vaccine approved

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        Tim Ekren


        They want to inject a genetic alteration into your body. I don’t know what you don’t understand about irreversible damage? These people who lost loved ones should cry for them because they were denied effective treatments. They sabotaged the hydroxychloroquine studies, have suppressed IV Vit. C in therapeutic dosages, not to mention EGCG, Zinc, Quercitin, DMSO, Vit. D3. I have had 4 members of my family infected with it and all have breezed through it with the above mentioned natural treatments. And survivability of 99.9% does not necessitate a vaccine. What about the families who lost loved ones to suicide, drug overdoses, or the ones who have lost jobs and homes and businesses. They out number the inflated Covid stats 5 to 1. Don’t even get me started about cancer treatment suppression for the last 80 years. Unitl you can discuss Dr. Royal Rife and have read Politics in Healing you have no clue how corrupt this system is. Also don’t worry about the pharmacy. boys who are on the boards overseeing the COVID-19 vaccine trials known as Data and Safety Monitoring Boards (DSMBs) They are Dr. Whitley and Dr. Edwards.

      • Avatar



        One postulated cancer preventive vaccine is Gardasil. Thousands of teen lives ruined, invalids for life, many dead. Documentaries and many testimonies online. Watch the movie Vaxxed – CDC whistleblower describes how he and others were ordered to destroy the evidence demonstrating MMR vaccine is linked to Autism.. I speak from experience, not paranoia. In his adjudication, one judge said “Vaccines are unavoidably unsafe.” This is why they are the only product on the planet for which pharma demanded indemnity – they cannot be sued for damages. Instead, a taxpayer funded vaccine injury court has paid out billions to injured victims who are reportedly the tip of the iceberg. Please do some research before saying yes to the vaccine. That’s all. God bless.

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        Most diseases were almost gone BEFORE vaccines came into play. Tuberculosis doesn’t have a vaccine and yet it was basically gone in industrialized nations. We now have it again in America due to the immigrants coming over with it. Hand washing and indoor toilets have done way more for health than vaccines have.

      • Avatar



        It’s this kind of ignorance we’re up against. Our dumbed down “Sue”, doesn’t realize (and the article is wrong about this) that the alleged COVID 19 has NEVER been purified, isolated and FAILS the Koch’s Postulates 4 step “Gold Standard” for identifying a virus.
        Additionally, the PCR test was denounced by it’s inventor (Kary Mullis) as a tool for identifying virus. So, they are using a test, that wasn’t made for identifying a virus, to try to identify a virus that has never been isolated. Can your sheep like brain handle that? YOU have been PUNKED into submission!

      • Avatar



        You may be missing the point that it is this vaccine that is in question, not the ones that don’t mess with my DNA. It’s not talking about polio or small pox. It’s not talking about MMR, DPT, etc that most of us and our children have received. It’s talking about this vaccine. Read the article if you want more actual information.

    • Avatar



      You wingnuts that use your paranoid biases in searching for information, read a few unsubstantiated claims from like-minded sources and then comment on website articles like you are now a learned authority slay me. Give it a rest with your attention whoring, ego-maniacal conspiracy theory crap. Even your fellow wingnut just told you there is a virus! Go to your local university and they will show you the virus! You are not a doctor, scientist, viral specialist, medical researcher, nor involved with this PANDEMIC at any level, at any time, so quit acting like you’re reporting on the facts, which you are clearly oblivious. You must be a nightmare at social gatherings with your attention seeking desperation ?

      • Avatar



        You are not better at all! So shut up and don’t insult people who just missing some correct information! Yes virus exist and yeeees conspiracy more real than you, you missing your information they missing their information! I can guarantee this article gave true information!

      • Avatar



        I invite you to be the first to take it. Many years back we had what was referred to as the swine flu. Thanks to that vaccine many people we made permanently ill. I was one of them. The vaccine was scrubbed but the government that forced it on school aged kids made sure you couldn’t sue the vaccine creator. So, be my guest, be first in line, and get back to me in 5 years.

      • Avatar



        Wow you are an arrogant twerp.
        He does not have to be a doctor, scientist, viral specialist, medical researcher. The information is there for those who can discern.
        So what do you say to investigation that prove that fraudulent papers were created to support the theory. What do you say when countries medical authorities state they do not have an isolate?
        “Imagine a virus so deadly you have to have a test to know you have it.”
        Study 1: Leo L. M. Poon; Malik Peiris. “Emergence of a novel human coronavirus threatening human health” Nature Medicine, March 2020
        Replying Author: Malik Peiris Date: May 12, 2020
        Answer: “The image is the virus budding from an infected cell. It is not purified virus.”
        Study 2: Myung-Guk Han et al. “Identification of Coronavirus Isolated from a Patient in Korea with COVID-19”, Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives, February 2020
        Replying Author: Myung-Guk Han Date: May 6, 2020
        Answer: “We could not estimate the degree of purification because we do not purify and concentrate the virus cultured in cells.”
        Study 3: Wan Beom Park et al. “Virus Isolation from the First Patient with SARS-CoV-2 in Korea”, Journal of Korean Medical Science, February 24, 2020
        Replying Author: Wan Beom Park Date: March 19, 2020
        Answer: “We did not obtain an electron micrograph showing the degree of purification.”
        Study 4: Na Zhu et al., “A Novel Coronavirus from Patients with Pneumonia in China”,
        2019, New England Journal of Medicine, February 20, 2020
        Replying Author: Wenjie Tan Date: March 18, 2020
        Answer: “[We show] an image of sedimented virus particles, not purified ones.”
        For more read here:
        From Health Canada
        Health Canada thanks to the Freedom of Information Act (Kari Stevens): COVID-19 and it’s testing is officially a complete fraud. Health Canada response file: A-2020-000208 / BH under the Access to Information Act R.S.C. says that Health Canada has no record describing the isolation of any Covid-19 virus.-
        University of Toronto & Sunnybrook HSC have no record of “COVID-19 virus” isolation
        Public Health England: “We hold no proof we isolated SARS-CoV-2” -
        But I suppose no amount of fact will convince those who don’t like to believe they were fooled. Its only in China where it was Isolated. Really? The rooster in the river of rats. –

        • Avatar

          G. Baker


          CDC-006-00019, Revision: 05 CDC/DDID/NCIRD/ Division of Viral Diseases Effective: 07/13/2020CDC

          2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel

          I thought I knew every dirty trick Fauci had played in this pandemic to push expensive treatments, vaccines and lock downs for the new world order. But the not ‘properly isolated’ is the newest dirty trick and I had not heard a word out of the 9 months of research I have done on this.

          In July, the CDC issue a report in which they said:

          “Since NO quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA (N gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2) of known titer (RNA copies/μL) spiked into a diluent consisting of a suspension of human A549 cells and viral transport medium (VTM) to MIMIC clinical specimen. ”

          This is not the first time Fauci has pulled such crap.

          He did the same thing to Dr. Judy Mikovits. She had discovered chronic fatigue syndrome was the result of vaccines created in animal tissue. That threatened the ‘vaccine’ industry, so Fauci took a slightly modified version of what she had found, gave it to someone else to test to see if they could recreate what Mikovits had created.

          Of course, they did not get the same result, so they claimed Mikovits was wrong and went to great lengths to destroy her career and discredit her.

          By July 31, there were 150,000 deaths in the U.S. You would think with that many, they would have been able to isolate the virus.

          I am really, really, really pissed!!!

          They are using a non-test to look for a virus they haven’t isolated. Just what is the vaccine supposed to prevent?

      • Avatar

        Nick Byrne


        Realist, you need to change your handle to Dumb-Ass.

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        You’re a fool. So enlighten us with your supposed knowledge. You’re about a conscious as a rock. You know nothing of the history of health care and I don’t have the time to teach. Start with Dr. Royal Rife and then tell me about the conspiracy you moron

        • Avatar



          I agree with Tim. More people need to read about
          Dr. Royal Rife and the Rife machine and what the government did to him . It’s been years since I’ve thought about him, but American people need to know more informed

      • Avatar

        Momma llama


        So, who are you?!?

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        Realist? Not one fact in that statement. Troll bot. Contribution to conversation:zero. Plenty of gaslighting and hysteria – neither serve vaccine education or informed consent.

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        U can’t catch a virus..

      • Avatar

        G. Baker


        CDC admits PCR test meaningless – page 40 (Dec 2020)

        “•Detection of viral RNA may not indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019-nCoV is the causative agent for clinical symptoms.

        •The performance of this test has not been established for monitoring treatment of 2019-nCoV infection.

        •The performance of this test has not been established for screening of blood or blood products for the presence of 2019-nCoV.

        •This test cannot rule out diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens. ”

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        So why is Bill Gates so involved with this. Yet is acting like one.? He is not a doctor!

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      Exactly. I fully agree. We are told viruses are actually dead, not dormant, but dead. The remarkable thing suddenly there is something in a host that can resurrect them. This is a belief system, a dogma. A religion.
      It’s like a spacecraft module, like a command that has a mechanism (receptors) that allows for automatic docking to a mother-ship. Then the after coupling the module is now live.
      I would suggest that people read Dr. Stefan Lanka- Dismantling the virus theory. The same doctor who win a case proving that measles virus was actually a construct due to misinterpreted reading and assumptions made that ordinary constituents of cells as part of the suspected measles virus.
      The claims of vaccine success is always based on graphs where the disease is dying off and the vaccine is introduced after the peak and because the disease falls off and dies they claim this is a success and proof that the vaccine works.

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    Charles Higley


    Yes, like many other viruses.”

    Er, NO! The flu season is a salad of influenza and coronaviruses and no one virus has been isolated by anyone anywhere, raised it in pure culture, and shown to cause the purported symptoms. More likely, people contract various combinations of the flu salad of viruses which is what produces such wide and varied symptoms.

    There is no evidence of any kind that there is one virus causing these problems. The PCR test, the antibody test, and any such vaccine are perforce nonspecific and related to general coronaviruses. It’s a joke on the world and a complete scam. They pretended to identify a phantom virus and then blamed everything on it, even to the point of stopping testing for influenza as the crappy nonspecific PCR test gave them positive results everywhere.

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    Roy higginson


    Can you get false/negative test

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    Zoë Gratrix


    This video has been censored, it was a whole lot longer than this but please do not be blinded by the purpose of this covid exercise because this is simply what it is. Thank you so much Mr.Kennedy for allowing this platform and to all those who just know please be safe, be diplomatic in your search for the truth, getting nasty will not help the truth to come to light. Stick to facts and we will all get through this together and make our Earth the Holy land that it is. Maybe we will restore honour to The Ancestors. We are all One, always remeber this. Peace, Love and Light to you All.

  • Avatar

    David Essex


    I completely agree with your comments and the latest worthy news.
    Thank you and may God bless you.

  • Avatar

    David Essex


    26,000 deaths because of the lockdowns and restrictions of breaking up families, bankruptcies
    isolation, and brutality of law enforcement. The UK NOW is on a par with Nazi Germany and the laws of the Third Reich, Communist China, and Stalinist Russia!

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      This is true but sheeple refuse to see this.

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      john rose


      See recent (nov-24) comments of U.K. Supreme Court Chief Magistrate: PM Johnson has no authority to curtail constitutional rights on Christmas gatherings or other draconian govt moves in this plandemic. Rights are inalienable, and cannot be removed by government.

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    This letter was NOT written by him.

    • Avatar

      Keith Rushworth


      This is exactly what I have been told on excellent authority. It means principia-scientific cannot be trusted.

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    I definitely plan on not taking the vaccine. I don’t trust the government and drs and company’s working with the government to depopulate the world.

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      Vaccine ingredients are proprietary. Gates said the vaccines would contain tracers which will be actual “bio-bots” . Humans are also up against the Google “Deep Mind” AI. See documentary “AlphaGo” free on u-tube. The human vs AI “game” is afoot! Humans have proven to be a threat to themselves. AI can solve for X. It is 100’s of moves ahead.

    • Avatar



      Brenda you absolutely right and keep up ur position, cuz if We will MiSs this chance to defend ourselves we will might not have it anymore ☝?
      Now is the moment people! You deciding with who you stay: being yourself or with vaccine becoming mutant and God knows what you will turn into ?
      Its FACT that this COVID, pandemia, vaccine, is the most expensive project for the evil elite they have invested all money, they stole from us during hundred years, by thousands of different manipulations, they building global power on our blood for our money, isn’t giving you enough to blow your patience and defend yourself your family from this fascist takeover by deception!

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    Dianne ward


    Want the video NOW!!!-!

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    Now I am totally confused. I already get a yearly flu shot. Have I slready been genetically altered?

    • Avatar

      Bee Gentry


      Answer is no. The new US vaccines that work with messenger RNA are totally different from previous flu vaccines, which didn’t involve genes. The new vaccines are the first of their kind.

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      Stop getting those flu shots. Their efficacy is not very good, as per the CDC. They have to guess which viruses it might be and often they get it wrong…it’s a crapshoot. Also, recent studies Show that yearly flu shots may make you average of 36% more vulnerable to cv.

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    Pass this link on so these Socialist can see what Socialism Turns into! Our Government had failed us on Both Fronts! We have the Bullies on the left attacking us! While the right dose’nt defend us! All we are getting is Talk! No guidance or advice from these so Called Leaders!

    • Avatar

      mark mtapley


      Thats because the fake left and the fake right are all controlled by the same Zionists at the top. There has to be the appearance of two opposing sides so that the goyim think they have a choice.

      • Avatar

        Ramakrishna K


        What is the way out of Zionist NWO ?

        Will Zionists be able to Conquer Europe & India using Jihadis ?

        • Avatar



          More antisemites pushing the conspiracy agenda – there is a pattern here

          • Avatar



            There is a difference between zionists and Jews…please learn it. To say something against Zionism is not antisemitism.

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          antisemites pushing the conspiracy agenda – there is a pattern here

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        So it’s the antisemites pushing the conspiracy agenda….wow!

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    What and who are we supposed to believe?

  • Avatar

    Robert Klein


    this article is NOT BY RFK Jr. take it down. you have him confused with some doctor and Del Bigtree of Highwire. Get your facts straight

  • Avatar



    ZIKA. Hey! What happened to the invasion of the mosquitoes and the fetus-brain destroying ZIKA virus?

  • Avatar

    Thuy L


    Are the ones involved in creating this virus/pandemic afraid of getting infected themselves? Or they already some antidotes to protect them before the infection?

  • Avatar

    Roy Messick


    I wonder why no prominent democrat leaders ever get Covid-19

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    Pay attention to RFKjr. Parents of vaccine injury children are trying to wake people up who have put their faith in the vaccine process without knowing what is in them. “Vaccine” is not an ingredient but is a cover for a list of ingredients. People who say “they wouldn’t do that” are willfully naive, having eyes that do not see and ears that do not hear. This video supports this article and the scientist dr. Charles Leiber was arrest recently for working with Wuhan China was published for his method of inserting nano transmitters into our DNA. Wake up!

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    Ok and if wrong you don’t lose much but some time and maybe some tyranny for however this takes to be. But if Right your soul is saved and you get immortality. Meaning, I believe this is a step in the Tribulation of Revelations of what is called the mark of the beast.
    Beast being Local, IE: stores restaurants, or any business that says you must prove you have the vaccine in order to buy or sell. State, or Federal.
    I care less if the UN or the Federal Govt is not hunting you down and arresting you to take this crap, the idea that mandated masks have already been used in that form should be a wake-up call to people.
    The should use of they should die doesn’t necessarily mean they will hunt you down to kill you, but it is a statement of if you can’t buy or sell then by that of starvation you should die. But toil not, for see how God feeds and cloths the Birds and how much better are you? that was a Beast mark statement.
    Seriously this crap has aborted animal and evolved animal matter in it. Plus human aborted matter.
    Anyone but you need to dig for it’s not right there on their sites has that information on their sites.
    Pfizer’s, Moderna’s, and AstraZeneca’s. SO YES! I do believe this is not long just before Christ’s return.
    How long? I don’t know no one does and no one can make any kind of prediction, so I am not setting dates or times just saying.

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