Right To Try Voodoo
Two Australian scientists, Dr Robin Warren and Dr Barry Marshall won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2005 for their pioneering cure of peptic ulcers. What is most revealing about ‘established science’ is that these gifted and dedicated doctors made this discovery in 1982.
The ‘settled science’ for peptic ulcers was low, acid pH, remedied with a lifetime of alkaline tinctures.
The Warren/Marshall research showed the bacterium, H. Pylori was releasing acid waste and treating with antibiotics cured the most common infection on Earth. Unable to get approval for human trials, Dr Marshall infected himself, he then cured himself. It took decades for the FDA to approve this therapy. (from “Cure for Cosmology’s Peptic Ulcer” at CanadaFreePress, July 2010)
Acupuncture is a Chinese therapy that is a least several thousand years old. Needles are placed along “meridian” lines, sometimes wiggled, sometimes spun in a circle, to relieve pain. Dr Bache brought this ancient art to America in 1825. It was always limited, but as allopathic medicine increased its grip, state medical boards restricted this to only MD use. As more cultural exchange occurred, more traditional trained Chinese entered America and were allowed to practice in the 1990s. With more use, came more evidence that pushing a toothpick at a pain site with no penetration was as effective as needles. By 2005 this practice was abandoned.
Phlebotomy was the medieval practice of blood-letting, to balance the “humors” of a sick patient. Trepanning was the Egyptian, and until 19th century, practice of drilling a hole in the skull to allow “spirits” to escape. Modern medicine may hold these practices in distain, but the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1949 went to Portuguese neurologist, Antonio Moniz, for his “prefrontal lobotomy”
This Nobel approved procedure involved puncturing the ocular socket with an ice pick and scrambling a patient’s brain with an ice pick. Between 1936 and 1953, this quack performed this operation on thousands of patients. If Nobel is the pinnacle of medical science, we must question the other pinnacles of science. Meridians, Humors, Spirits and ice pick surgery have all been abandoned.
Sequencing of the smallpox, variola virus, indicates it entered the human population approximately 10,000 BC, with Chinese references in 400 BC and Egyptian mummies with smallpox scars from 300 BC. A more virulent strain evolved in Europe around 1700 AD. In 1796 Edward Jenner began the first cowpox inoculations as a smallpox vaccine. In 1853, the UK made vaccination mandatory, and by 1948 it was no longer required. It is rote indoctrination that vaccination eliminated this scarlet plague, but evolution may have been the biggest contributing factor.
All judges are lawyers, who entered that profession because math and science were too hard. To ever expect a scientifically correct judgment is wishful thinking. Such was the case in Supreme Court 1905 case reported in “Uses of Jacobson vs Massachusetts in the Age of Bioterrorism” at JAMAnetwork.com website. This is likely to be the test case for mandatory vaccination, it is important to remember the biological ignorance at the turn of the century. Jacobson refused vaccination and was in the end forced to pay a fine, as the court ruled he did have dominion over his own body.
Many claim that healthy people were never quarantined. Between 1348 and 1665, London was hit with the bubonic plague on a twenty year cycle. The flea carried, Y.pestis bacilli bacteria had a 30% to 90% mortality rate. One person facing home confinement was Cambridge undergraduate student Isaac Newton, who in 1665, retired to his mothers attic. There, over an eighteen month period he devised his own experiments, ground his own lenses, invented the reflecting telescope, invented calculus and wrote his Principia Mathematica in Latin. This work is still the tour de force of Physics.
Viruses have +30,000 isolates, 3,600 species, 164 genera and 71 families, and twenty one of these families that effect humans, the most common with vaccine treatment are yellow fever, measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox. Typhoid is a bacterial Salamonella Typhi infection and cause of many plagues. In 1896, Almroth Wright developed a partially effective vaccine. In 1907, Mary Mallon, was arrested as an asymptomatic carrier. She refused the “treatment” of the day and was labeled Typhoid Mary, and spent three decades in solitary confinement.
Cadaver samples showed concentrations of Typhoid in the gallbladder, and the modern medicine of 1900 suggested removal would eliminate the carrier. Treatment was often fatal, and later studies showed this bacterial infection entered the macrophanges of many tissues, making this procedure useless.
Mystical tinctures have had a long history in medicine. Mercury was mentioned as a medicine by Aristotle in 400 BC, in Chinese medicine in 200 AD and a common syphilis treatment in Europe from the 1500s. Mercury Amalgam, dental fillings first appeared in 1830s. Mercury was used as a preservative in beaver skin top hats, and the phrase “mad as a hatter” recognized the toxic properties of this carcinogenic element. Merbromin, marketed and Mercurochrome, was a common first aid tincture from 1918 until 1998, when it was banned for high levels of Mercury.
Salicin, from the bark of willow trees was used to treat headaches and fevers by ancient Greeks. It was chemically isolated by Charles Gerhardt in 1853, and patented as Aspirin by the Bayer company in 1899, Laetrile, an amygdalin compound found in apricot pits was claimed as a cancer cure from the 1920s until banned in the 1950s. In a body, this compound decomposed to cyanide, another Alkaloid family chemical.
All of these proven medical failures, and the hope that there were magic cures left to be discovered, or worse, suppressed by the obvious medical monopoly, lead many to the obvious conclusion. The compassionate thing to do would be to allow patients to try alternate therapies, if conventional protocols had failed. Colorado introduced a Right To Try Act in 2014. Not to be outdone on compassion, Texas introduced RTT in 2015, was easily defeated. Reintroduced in 2017 and again defeated.
Right To Try Act Goes National
In 2018, the US congress critters passed the deceptive, medical lobby sleight of hand act with the following provisos:
1 The patient must be terminally ill and not responding to any treatment.
2 Any alternate treatment must be provided by an FDA approved manufacturer.
3 Any treatment could only be applied by an FDA approved physician.
4 There can be no state criminal prosecution of the manufacturer or the physician.
5 There must be indemnity from liability for the manufacturer and physician.
Always grandstanding for the home crowd, the Texas congress critters passed their version of, Right To Try Act in 2019, just in case the feds backed down, and to play hero at election time.
The probability of success for any RTT therapy, not already owned by the medical monopoly was zero. The probability of any positive outcome was near zero. All that this compassionate act did was to allow cost free human guinea pig trials where the monopolists had total control of dosage, and protocol. You only have the Right To Try Voodoo. I explain my disdain for viral culture antibodies as a superstition cure in my previous articles in the bootnotes.
Quinine is an Alkaloid, derived from the cinchona tree of South America, and had been successfully used by natives for thousands of years. The National Institute of Health AND Fiction, not only promotes faux science, but fake history as well. In their version, a Jesuit monk was stumbling through the jungle in 1620, with raging fever, fell into a pool, and drank some swamp water that cured him. He guessed the tree, hanging over the pool dripped the magic elixir, a preposterous bit of Jesuit cultural appropriation.
Regardless, Quinine was in Europe by 1638 and by 1820 the active compounds were isolated by Pierre Pelletier and Joseph Caventou. The stabilized version of Chloroquine was in use by 1940. European imperialists discovered that Java grown cinchona trees had a higher concentration of Quinine, and industrial production was shifted to the Far East.
This medical tyranny can only happen if the medical community is complicit. We face a vicious, genocidal, two legged parasite, hell bent on feudal structured control of the entire planet. Luckily, many doctors are speaking out, in town hall meetings, and the brave, American Frontline Doctors at a press conference at the Supreme Court. Pam Popper has great information at MakeAmericansFreeAgain.com
As the elitist, gatekeepers at Washington Post correctly noted, “During Pandemic, Isaac Newton Used His Time Wisely”. Forced home confinement has given you time to reevaluate our false orthodoxy, with daily reminders. After forcing compliant sheeple into face masks, the Operation Warp Speed dictators ratcheted it up a notch, now demanding goggles, or eye covering face shields. Next they will discover that the WuFlu virus only exists at three feet above ground level, so all humans must crawl on their hands and knees. In New Think reality, Humiliation is Healthy.
“From Covid to Cancer, HCQ is the Wonder Drug of Our Time” at principia-scientific.org lists a dozen serious illnesses that are successfully cured by this gift of nature. If you have a safe, low cost, effective preventative and cure, then there should be NO deaths, NO lockdowns, NO medieval social distancing, NO face gagging masks, NO Gestapo contact tracing, NO mandatory voodoo vaccination and NO NEW NORMAL. All Americans must sign this petition immediately….
“Petition for Over-the-Counter Use of HCQ for Prevention and Cure of Coronavirus” at
End this medical mafia tyranny. End the WuFlu hysteria. End this planned implosion of civilization. Jail the perpetrators of this crime against all humanity.
“Why Big Oil Conquered the World” at CorbettReport.com
“Remember the A La Mode Review” ibid
“Last Waltz Across Texas” ibid
“WuFlu@WarpSpeed” ibid
About the author: Joseph A Olson PE. Joe co-authored ‘Slaying the Sky Dragon – Death of the Greenhouse Gas Theory’ the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory and is co-founder of Principia Scientific International. Retired Texan engineer and impassioned science writer, Joe is a respected innovative thinker with over 100 major civil engineering and climate-related articles to his name.
PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX.
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Joseph Olson
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Between 3% and 5% of the population can be asymptomatic carriers of Typhoid.
Hydrochloroquine has a metabolism half-life of 18 hours, depending on the disease, dosage is daily for treatment and weekly as a preventative.
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Chinese medicine has been around and continuously evolving for 3000 years. Veterinarians trained in western animal science and traditional Chinese medicine use meridians and acupuncture to treat chronic pain in older animals. There are some veterinarians that only use TCM to treat internal problems and arthritis in domestic animals. Animals do not succumb to the placebo effect- at either works or it doesn’t. Whilst the language of TCM sounds unsophisticated , the practice is in fact very sophisticated.
Tom O
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Very true. Modern, “civilized” societies have long since relegated as myth thousands of “cures” from ancient cultures, “backward tribes,” traditional “Native culture” shamans and medicine men, and in the end Pharma has looked at them and synthesized “something” that works almost as well as the “mythical” cure.
As Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai says in his many videos on his shiva4senate.com where he is trying to run for the US Senate, “food is medicine.” He is running, incidentally, as a Republican in the hopes of replacing Markay in the Senate, and bringing a working man’s ethos to the Senate instead a lawyer’s. If you live Massachusetts and can vote for him in the primary, I highly recommend you do so, and in the fall put him in Senate.
It IS what we eat that can cure us of nearly all our problems, yet we are constantly being told that herbal remedies are “snake oil,” even though Pharma tries to synthesize what that ‘snake oil” can do. Sometimes it is just believing in something will work that will make that happen. I can “believe” eastern medicine will work for me far easier than I can believe western medicine gives a fat rat’s “butt” about me. My wallet maybe, but making me healthy? Seriously?
Roslyn Ross
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What was never addressed was that some people with high levels of H Pylori never got an ulcer and others with low levels did. It is the terrain not the pathogen.
Joseph Olson
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See my comment on Typhoid bacteria, many are asymptomatic carriers, it is only those with H.Pylori that require treatment for peptic ulcers.
Bottom line, medicine has been barbaric superstition since recorded history began, to the extent that it is being used for destructive, genocidal proposes, it MUST BE PUBLICLY EXAMINED.
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My objection to the hypothesis that H. pylori causes ulcer disease is based on the following: 1) Marshall and Warren never fulfilled Koch’s Postulates for disease causation. Marshall did swallow a concentrated culture of H. Pylori and was rewarded with a rip roaring gastritis. I have done the same thing inadvertently several times in the past at church picnics. This experiment simply confirms that high concentrations of bacteria or their toxins can cause gastric inflammation. 2) H. pylori infection does not explain the focal nature of ulcers 3) H. pylori presence is dramatically more prevalent in third world countries which have a much lower prevalence of gastric or duodenal ulcers. 4) “triple therapy” which includes antibiotics is clearly effective in healing ulcers, but so are non-absorbable antibiotics introduced distal to ulcer sites in the GI tract, and ulcers in germ free animals are similarly healed with triple therapy. 5) Marshall patented an H. Pylori laboratory test contemporaneously with his “discovery.” This is a huge conflict of interest.
This information I am remembering from a lecture I attended at a hospital several years ago, but I have not read original sources for it except for an article demonstrating
ulcer healing in germ free animals (no H pylori) using current ulcer therapy.