Ridiculous Climate Claims From Ireland

Last week, the Irish Journal claimed ‘climate change’ will bring an increase in deaths from heat-related illnesses

The headline read ‘Hospitalisations and deaths linked to hot weather are set to increase due to climate change’

It is not a long article, so I reproduce it in its entirety:

CLIMATE CHANGE WILL likely increase hospital admissions, as a growing number of people are expected to fall ill due to high temperatures.

In the worst case scenario, there could be as many as 1,400 additional deaths per year in Ireland by the end of the century.

New research by the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) has found a link between climate change, temperature changes and healthcare demand.

Temperature data from Met Éireann was combined with emergency inpatient hospitalisation data. It was found that temperature increases have a significant impact on hospitalisation figures for related health conditions.

Emergency hospital admissions for temperature-affected diseases were 8.5 percent higher on hot days (22–25oC) compared to moderate temperature days (10–13oC).

The largest increases in hospitalisations on hot days were seen for circulatory, respiratory and infectious diseases, and amongst younger people (14 years and under).

Emma Balmaine, CEO of the Irish Heart Foundation described the findings as “stark”, saying vulnerable people, such as children and those with cardiovascular disease,  will be worst affected.

“To protect public health, it is vital that we invest in our healthcare system to ensure its resiliency and adopt immediate measures to transition to a more environmentally sustainable society,” she said.

On the hottest days where temperatures exceeded 25oC, results showed potential evidence of adaptive behaviour, especially among older people, which suggests that advance notice of warm weather can help people change their behaviour and protect themselves.

Climate change projections

Under the Paris Agreement, Ireland must reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55 percent by 2030 and achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.

Dr Kelly de Bruin, Senior Research Officer at the ESRI said: “ Achieving these targets is essential to limit the negative effects of climate change on population health and the healthcare system .”

Mean annual temperatures are projected to increase by between 1 and 1.6oC in the period 2041–2060.

In light of this, in the same period, hospital admissions for health conditions linked with temperature are projected to rise by 12.2 percent during hotter weather under the most realistic scenario.

However, if the reality is worse than projected, climate change could lead to 1,400 additional deaths per annum in Ireland by the end of the 21st century.

This, the report says, illustrates the urgency required to tackle climate change.

Dr Anne Nolan, Associate Professor at the ESRI said: “These results emphasise the need for policymakers in moderate climate countries including Ireland to implement adaptive measures and increase capacity to accommodate the higher hospital demand from higher temperatures, especially during the summer months.”

The ESRI’s research was funded by the Climate and Health Alliance, an organisation made of health professionals from around the world with the aim of mitigating the effects of climate change in the interest of public health.

First of all, notice the words I have highlighted in bold. They are all predictive words, which means it is speculation with no actual data to back it up.

All of this requires people to accept such predictions as fact, and to do no checking to confirm whether what they claim is plausible or even possible.

It should be remembered that while most of the UK suffered a cold April, the Met Office said it was ‘all in our minds’ and April was in fact warmer than usual.

It should also be remembered The Lancet has done multiple studies that reveal there are five times as many deaths from cold than there are from heat. This of course is completely ignored by the alarmist community.

The predicted ‘summer of hell’ as we have already reported, is conspicuous in it’s absence.

Climate propaganda actually meets all the requirements to be classed as a religion, so perhaps climate science should be renamed climate religion, where belief is based on faith not facts.

See the Journal article here: thejournal.ie

I would also suggest reading the comments, most of which are skeptical.

About the author: Andy Rowlands is a university graduate in space science and British Principia Scientific International researcher, writer and editor who co-edited the new climate science book, ‘The Sky Dragon Slayers: Victory Lap

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Comments (4)

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    Cut off oil and gas and see how many will die from the cold.


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi Andy, VOWG, and other PSI Readers,

    Read The Book of Ecclesiastes in The Holy Bible book. It’s about actual history and not about MAYBY’S.

    Have a good day


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    Jerry Krause


    Mayby’s–Maybe’s>>Common History


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    Perhaps climate fraudsters, like propaganda outlets, are in the pocket of billionaire globalist scum. They announce unrealistic and unreachable goals so they can blame all the coming vaccine murders on “climate change” when the goals aren’t met. Of course, anyone who questions the big lie will be censored for “dangerous speech.” Speaking of censorship,
    Does anyone else think it’s odd that Donald Trump probably has over 100million supporters now, yet it’s nearly impossible to find any articles about his achievements or that paint him in a positive light in search queries? Every search engine, regardless of any claims they make, returns the same limited crap and heavily censored garbage.
    Cest la vi. If Bill Gates gets his digital ID/mark of the beast wish, I’ll be an outcast from his sick society anyway, and day 1 is when all “smart” devices in my home learn the value of regular old dumb hammers.


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