Rewriting Modern Human Origins
Newly discovered Homo sapiens fossils in Jebel Irhoud, Morocco, push back the origins of our species by 100,000 years.
The fossils show that by about 300,000 years ago, important changes in our biology and behavior had taken place across most of Africa.
In this lecture, Leakey Foundation grantee Shara Bailey discusses her comprehensive study of the Hebel Irhoud cranial and dental remains.
She also shares how these fossils are reshaping our understanding of how we evolved. “Rewriting Modern Human Origins” was presented at the Houston Museum of Natural Science on 11/8/2017 as part of The Leakey Foundation’s Speaker Series program in partnership with the Houston Museum of Natural Science.
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I have a real problem with these stories. First, the dates are fabricated out of whole cloth by circular reasoning. Second, the amount of actual evidence they find is miniscule and there is no way to verify it. Third, these groups have been known to fabricate stories out of nothing to justify their funding and even existence. Fourth, what possible use is this information other than an interesting fable about human history.
Remember, carbon dating is only good to about 50,000 years ago and the rest of the dating methods are pretty much made up junk.
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So when would you date these finds to?
Mark Tapley
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Hello Bmatkin:
The paleontologists “evolutionists” already have their Darwinian storyline of random selection over millions of years and everything has to fit. Anything that doesn’t fit is tossed out. Carbon dating is another fraud used to fool the public. Scientists have taken newly formed lava flows from St Helen’s and Hawaii that the carbon dating systems put at millions of years. We all know that extinctions are always caused by volcanoes or a well placed meteorite,
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All you people attacking Evolution here. So, all the Fossils found are the work of the Devil? And where did the info on Mt. Saint Helens come from? Ever think some of the material from Saint Helen came from deep inside the Earth?
Mark Tapley
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Hello Lloyd:
The fossil record is in fact one of the evolutionists biggest problems. Fossils nowhere on earth are arranged in the “evolutionary sequence” as is always presented in the fake text books but rather they are found all over the stratified layers because that in itself is another evolutionary fable. There have been millions of fossils found. There should consequently be multiple records of Darwin’s “transitionary” animals that Darwin said had to be there. Of course none have ever been found. I think it is reasonable to assert that if they were there, they would have been found b y now.
Darwin said that if it could not be shown that all creatures developed in a step by step process of increasingly complex adaptations then his theory was not viable. Now the discovery of not only DNA but the fundamental problem of mutations not providing for new functions but merely subtracting DNA as their way of “evolving” the organism, confounds the problem to the terminal level. Finally rather than simple organisms developed from random chance we now know that all living organisms must have coded information installed similar to a computer program. This process can only be done by intelligent design as is also demonstrated by the irreducible complexity of most organisms down to the flagellum of bacteria that are living proof of the absurdity of evolution.
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No living creature “evolved” biologically, ever.
There is zero proof for it and all the proof you need against it.
Not only empirical proof, but also mathematical and biochemical proof.
Even the small adaptive changes to organisms that are the product of simple gene alterations and selection are limited in scope and totally fatal in the long run, and that’s why entire species get extinct nowadays.
Also, guess what: no new species get created to replace the ones that die off!
Humans lived along side dinosaurs. And we also had a name for them: “dragons”. They are referenced in all ancient texts, even in the Bible.
So, humans and dragons walked on the earth at the same time, and I am pretty sure the timeline is not measured in millions or billions of years back, as the silly evolutionists tell you.
To quote an old comment of mine:
The chances of life surviving are disproportionally small by many orders of magnitude compared to life getting extinct. No matter what the environment is or the type of life you deal with. Death is easy, natural, with few requirements. Life is hard to maintain, unnatural, with too many requirements. Chaos and destruction is the natural state of the universe.
When talking about life appearing by itself out of nothing and producing new lifeforms and also creating entire ecosystems, then we are in an even harder reality. This was never observed in nature and could never be reproduced in lab experiments. So, this is not science.
All the above is verified every day by experience. The living species on earth get extinct with rates that are breathtaking, while new species have never appeared. On top of that, all species survive in the context of an ecosystem. And the ecosystem itself seems collapsing into nothing every day.
Not to mention that Earth is the friendliest place for life in the universe and there is no way for the existing lifeforms to have been evolved elsewhere and transported here later. So, if this is happening on Earth, you can imagine what are the chances of life elsewhere in the deadly universe…
The scientific data is clear. Everything around us dies off. Entire species, the ecosystem itself, our sun, our planet’s magnetic field and its atmosphere. Our time is running out and we will all be dead at some point, not so far away in time. And it is pretty clear by now, why this happens and that it is inescapable.
With the current rate of deterioration –or even with one tenth of that for that matter–, evolution of any lifeform is a laughable idea. In the casino of death, where we live, life always loses. Given enough time, life will not appear, but it will certainly disappear, if there was any to begin with…
And all this without getting into the genetics, biochemistry, information theory, and what is required for a first living cell to appear… This is another mission-impossible to deal with…
And also, without getting into the amount of time evolution supposedly requires, and if that time is truly available for it in the natural world…
And also, without getting into what it takes to form a symbiotic ecosystem like our own, while its species are dying off the one after the other… And without going into the WHY the species die off, which is another funny story that disproves evolution.
Jerry Krause
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Hi PSI Readers and Commenters.
I question: Why do you ignore ( The observed fact that BIRDS need to be male and female and then incubate the eggs laid by the female to reproduce themselves since the first pair of many different birds??? QED
The most obvious is most difficult to SEE!!!
Have a good day, Jerry
Mark Tapley
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Hello Jerry:
Most of us (like me) don’t have time to read this extended article involving the Soviet apparatchik along with the rest of this biochemical dead end journey. The fact is that despite all the elaborate labs and billions of dollars, all of the scientists cannot make even the simplest amino acid, much less the hundred thousand complex proteins in the human body. And thats just the start. Remember “in the beginning there was information.” You make no account of that little problem, You also seem to have forgotten another problem. Before the RNA and DNA that makes the protein, the protein has to already be there from the beginning.. Just another one of those irreducibly complex organism problems for the evolutionists.
Herb Rose
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Hi Jerry,
Why do you ignore (as is your want) the story of two female condors hatching out male offspring in a zoo? Or the documented case where a chicken raised with a pet snake produced a rooster with the head of a snake?
Jerry Krause
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Hi Mark and Herb.
MattH would appreciate that you stop wasting your time writing comments here at PSI. You just pretended to quote (“in the beginning there was information.” someone (but who?). “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Holy Bible, Genesis 1:1a, NIV)..And I believe the accepted human author was Moses; whom is believed to have been inspired by this Creator God. “Believed because in observational SCIENCE and RELIGION the only TRUTHS are the ideas which have been totally WRONG: The EARTH STANDS STILL, BODIES TWICE AS HEAVY FALL TWICE AS FAST AT A CONSTANT RATE, ETC.
Herb, you wrote about a “documented case”. However, you failed to reference it so a reader can see who actually documented this case. And who was the author of the first STORY to which you referred?
Mark and Herb, you both seem to have a credibility problem as you pretend the observed fact that fertile bird eggs must be inculcated for little birds to hatch. Just as was the case in the video of Eagles at Smith Rock. Which was a visible reference to what most all readers likely accept as an observed fact.
Have a good day, Jerry
Herb Rose
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Hi Jerry,
The reason I do not provide references is !: People only reference things that support their beliefs. It is far better to look up the information (Chicken with a snake head) and get varied material from different sources about the subject. 2: I cannot remember names of article or authors only what the article was about.
How does a female bird have a male chick hatch? Do you remember our discussion on the sex of alligators being determined by the temperature of the nest?. Probably not. You tend to forget and ignore anything that contradicts your beliefs.
Mark Tapley
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Hello Jerry:
I have already addressed MattH as to what he may do about his concerns and doubt that he requires that you reiterate them for him. Jerry you seem to have a problem as to falsifying what others have stated. Nowhere in my comments relating to the above article have I seen the need to refer to the Bible. My statement that you quoted “In the beginning was information” is found nowhere in Scripture but is only so indirectly, which I did not touch on. On the other hand I have offered up multiple science issues in my two previous comments on this article about real science matters that you are evidently unable to rebut Instead you are writing nonsense about Moses attributing remarks to him that are nowhere in the Bible. I think it is you Jerry that have the credibility problem, with anyone who does not pander to your particular “observations.”