Report: ‘Lockdown’ Suicide Rise to Kill More Australians than COVID-19
The rise in the suicide rate caused by lockdowns in Australia is predicted to exceed deaths from the Wuhan coronavirus by a factor of ten, the Australian reported Thursday.
Researchers from Sydney University’s Brain and Mind Centre forecast a 50 percent rise in the national suicide rate because of the economic and social impact of government responses to the virus, which would drive deaths to as much as ten times higher than those causes by the coronavirus itself.
Already this year global deaths by suicide are significantly higher than those attributed to the coronavirus. According to the respected Worldometers running tallies, there have already been 374,225 suicides since the start of 2020, whereas the Wuhan coronavirus has claimed 251,898 lives, Johns Hopkins University reveals.
If the Australian research holds up for other nations as well, the global suicide rate could end up far outpacing the death toll from COVID-19.
The uptick in Australian suicides will be felt over a number of years, the Australian scholars suggest, and the coronavirus response could produce “a generational mental health crisis” resulting in an extra 1500 deaths each year over the next five years.
The university forecast has received backing from the Australian Medical Association, and Health Minister Greg Hunt is expected to present the results at the national cabinet next week.
Along with the sharp rise in suicides, the research also foresees substantial economic fallout from reduced productivity from the mental health effects of unemployment, school dropouts, and family crises.
According to Ian Hickie, Australia’s former mental health commissioner and the head of the Brain and Mind Centre, the annual rate of suicide could rise from 3000 to up to 4500, with youth suicides making up nearly half that figure.
“We are facing a situation where between an extra 750 and 1500 suicides may occur annually, this in addition to the 3000-plus lives that are lost to suicide already every year,” Professor Hickie said.
Deaths from mental health issues are just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the long-term health impacts from the lockdowns, however, leading some observers to propose that
“locking down whole populations in the hope of ‘flattening the curve’ was a catastrophic error, perhaps the worst policy mistake ever committed by Western governments during peacetime.”
For instance, national lockdowns have forced countries across the globe to close down TB treatment programs, which reportedly could lead to 6.3 million additional cases of TB and 1.4 million deaths over the next five years.
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Shirley A. Bennett
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I fear the backlash from reacting out of fear instead of scientific data is going to be felt for a very long time. Relying on a very small handful of “experts” instead of listening to multiple infectious disease experts is already proving to be a huge mistake! Every physician knows that without herd immunity we cannot develop antibodies. We cannot have herd immunity when everyone is locked in their homes for months. Not only have we suffered an enormous emotional impact but the economic impact will be grossly difficult to recover from! The fear and panic that has been sensationalized by news media outlets (purely for ratings) is nothing short of criminal. FaceBook & Google have censored any opposition further isolating & bullying the public. Has any person of political or judicial power called “foul” to either of these behemoths of social media? No, they haven’t! Perhaps they are gearing up so they can control and manipulate worldwide coming elections with their newly found censoring abilities! I for one do hold them responsible for the worldwide depression. Their censoring alternative treatments and news stories certainly contributes to one’s sad, lonely & depressed state of mind! Our loved ones in nursing homes have been isolated from not only their families, but they have also been locked in their individual rooms. They are not even allowed the stimulation of their fellow patients for comfort. They have been left in bed for days with not one person communicating with them. This alone is a disgrace upon humanity. We’ve treated criminals better by letting them out of prisons worldwide! (Which makes absolutely no sense!) The pain of knowing family members have no one to interact with is also causing depression, fear, panic, and a sense of helplessness. We cannot blame this escalating blowback just on the CCP. We have to look at our own political leaders for this destruction. Hopefully, we will choose wisely next time around! When government officials are too willing to break their own oath of office and their countries constitution without doing due diligence to the point of exhaustion, they are not fit to govern the masses!
Robert Beatty
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Well said Shirley,
What can be done before this country falls into another failed socialist camp? I think the basic requirement is to introduce a Citizen’s Initiated Referendum CIR conversion to our constitution. Section 128 allows for referendum, but only if the government calls for them. We need a CIR conversion to something approximating the Swiss system.
Now it is up to the political elite to fix, by referendum, what is an obvious shortcoming in our constitution..