Remdesivir Links Anthrax 9/11 Players To Corona 9/11 Gang
My first post on this topic, “Did Remdesivir Start As A SuperSoldier Shield”, was not specific enough about the HIV and Hepatitis-C work done by Southern Research for Gilead and the DoD
I am sitting steps away from the birthplace of Remdesivir here in Birmingham, Alabama, and nobody knows it.
Everyone hates that Remdesivir is the current Standard of Care in US hospitals, many have relatives who have died from being given Remdesivir, and many were given it without their consent and suffered an injury, but no one seems to know anything about it.
The official story is that Remdesivir began in 2009 as an antiviral for Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). It proceeded from there to be used for Hepatitis C in 2009-2010, and then for Ebola in Africa in 2013.
A key part of my research into how military solutions for mRNA and Remdesivir have been thrust upon the American people has been to look at the wars and bioweapons programs these products were born from.
I have looked extensively into the BioPreparat program of Ken Alibek of the Soviet Union and his close collaboration with Michael Callahan of UAB and Southern Research. The battlefield countermeasures for bioagents have a way of showing up as “entities of excitement” that usher in experimental technologies like mRNA vaccines.
I wrote about Dr. Michael Callahan’s extensive work in the Soviet Union bioweapons program in my book, “BioAgent UTMB”. Callahan was decommissioning bioweapons there, and then moving them to labs controlled by the DoD all around the old Soviet Union including Odessa, Ukraine.
I have written that I believed Southern Research here in Birmingham, Alabama, was involved in the development of military countermeasures against this old Soviet arsenal. Miltary countermeasures, as we have seen recently, make very profitable billion-dollar cash cows for certain Gilead executives connected to the Department of Defense.
Donald Rumsfeld was CEO of Gilead from 1997 to 2001 before becoming Secretary of Defense a second time after his first tenure with Henry Kissinger and President Gerald Ford in 1975-1976. Rumsfeld was accused of using Saddam Hussein and the Iran-Iraq War to test biological and chemical weapons.
I have also recently looked at the South African Defense Forces Chemical and Biological Weapons program run by Wouter Basson since these bioweapons were actually used on the battlefield in the Namibian Border Wars, and a Remedisivir target disease, Hepatitis-C, was used on the battlefield to poison water wells.
I had the chance to interview a South African intelligence officer recently who claims he was poisoned by one of Wouter Basson’s poisoned Hepatitus-C water wells. Wouter Basson was the Colonel in charge of the South African Defense Forces Chemical and Biological Weapons arsenal, but he was cleared after a thirty-month trial in Pretoria, South Africa.
The South African Intelligence officer I interviewed lost the function of his kidneys, and there was no known antiviral at the time of the Namibian border wars at the time.
I feel quite certain that Donald Rumsfeld, Chairman of Gilead, the maker of Remdesivir before becoming Secretary of Defense right before 9/11, would have been working on this “poisoning of the wells with Hep-C” problem for future planned invasions of Iraq.
My suspicions are the real roots of Remdesivir are with Donald Rumsfeld looking for a battlefield “shield” against Saddam Hussein’s possible Anthrax or Hepatitis-C attacks in response to a US invasion of Iraq.
And Rumsfeld’s Chief “Cook” at Gilead for antivirals was a man named John C. Martin, who Rumsfeld solidified as CEO. John C. Martin has been widely recredited as the inventor of Remdesivir.
Rumsfeld had already made John C. Martin a drug-making superstar with Gilead’s HIV antiviral treatment, Altripa when he created PEPFAR, the President’s Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief. Some would argue that PEPFAR was actually Donald Rumsfeld’s well-thought-out plan for Altripa that Rumsfeld got President Reagan to put his name on.
What can’t be argued is PEPFAR launched the careers of Dr. Deborah Birx and future CDC Director Robert Redfield in addition to greatly enhancing the career of Dr. Anthony Fauci, all key individuals in the mass formation psychosis of CoronaVirus.
And to look at the problem of discovering cures for viruses like HIV and Hep-C from Gilead Chairman Donald Rumsfeld’s eyes, we have to look to the research institution Rumsfeld turned to solve the problem of finding potential drug candidates – Southern Research in Birmingham, Alabama.
Well, that story begins at a place called Southern Research, not but a few steps away from me here in Birmingham, Alabama.
Southern Research is famous for what is known as high throughput screening (HTS). HTS is what you do when you have an unknown killer like HIV, and you have no idea how to stop it.
So you test everything, just like Thomas Edison tested everything under the sun for the electric light bulb filament. Southern Research gained a library of literally hundreds of thousands of compounds known to be effective as drugs for other things, and then it tests them.
Southern Research was founded just before the outbreak of World War II and Pearl Harbor, and was later involved in the analysis of chemical and biological agents in the Korean and Vietnam Wars, and lately has tried to play down its Department of Defense roots by recasting itself as a “green research” laboratory.
But make no mistake, the DoD budgets for high throughput testing of antiviral drugs like Remdesivr make up the bulk of the revenue stream. If you have read my earlier Substacks about Robert Malone using a computer program called DOMANE to essentially perform this same screening process in software, you may be wondering why Malone didn’t commission Southern Research for CoronaVirus. (and maybe Michael Callahan of UAB did in the covert side of the DOMANE program).
Since the discovery of DNA as the fundamental building block of life by Crick and Watson in 1953 and the discovery of messenger RNA in 1961 by Francois Gros, scientists have been trying to construct chemical substitutes called “analogs” that can be tracked and traced more easily to understand the functions of the cell and the roles of DNA and RNA in the human cell.
Indeed, the current mRNA vaccines by Moderna, BioNTech, and Pfizer are “analogs” of human messenger mRNA. The building blocks of DNA and RNA are called nucleotides, and the analogs of this nucleotide are called nucleoside analogs.
Remdesivir is a nucleoside analog, and that’s going to connect the history of Southern Research for you because nucleoside analogs need a lot of trial and error testing to see if they work.
Source – Michael Callahan’s Mass General Hospital Whitepaper on Remdesivir (April 14th, 2020).
You don’t need to be a chemist to see the Remdesivir precursor (below) of one of the body’s building blocks – adenosine (top). The RDV-TP molecule has a different ring for easy tracking and tracing under a microscope, the Remdesivir RDV-TP has the telltale “cyanide” triple bond, the three lines with the N for nitrogen attached to it.
This “cyanide stopper” keeps a virus like HIV or CoronaVirus from replicating. I can already tell all of the readers that got an “A” in High School Biology are already saying “Hey wait a minute, isn’t ATP, adenosine triphosphate, the fundamental energy molecule in the human body?”.
You don’t need to have a correspondence MD from Harvard in 2016 to realize that Remdesivir might have unintended consequences in the energy production of the human body, messing up the ATP energy pathway.
Well, it turns out, there are situations where you might want to mess up the energy pathway in the human body – your enemy’s energy production pathway. By making an artificial ATP and introducing it into your enemy’s food and water, you can have them carry the “cyanide stopper” ball and chain with all their energy molecules perhaps.
That’s speculation. But it does appear that Remdesivir may have begun its life as an artificial ATP right here at Southern Research. That is a question we can research.
But we know Southern Research’s “Master of Disaster” and DARPA’s man in Wuhan, was from right here in Birmingham, Alabama working on a SuperSoldier program for DARPA.
Of course, the flip side of making your enemy’s ATP energy molecule defective is to make your soldiers into SuperSoldiers. That’s Michael Callahan’s role here at Southern Research.
The smoldering question, is of course, with all this robotic power here geared up for high throughput, robotic screening at Southern Research, why were none of the engine works applied to the outbreak of CoronaVirus at the most critical time in human history?
Did Dr. Robert Malone forget he knew Michael Callahan and they used exactly the same robots for testing Ebola compounds twice before?
We will keep reporting on this story as it develops here in Birmingham, Alabama.
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Header image: The New York Times
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Murder in the first degree. It is M.O. of the modern stone age medical mafia.
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trump was blowin about how good this crap was and was jabbed with it himself, so he says.
puppets abound, its all safe and effective, so they say
THREE YEARS AGO ? Look how happy they were to shut us down