Recent Study: Black and Green Tea Can Inactivate the COVID-19 Omicron Subvariants

The COVID-19 virus primarily spreads through the saliva of infected individuals, including asymptomatic carriers. Saliva containing the virus is released when talking, sneezing, or coughing, forming droplets and aerosols that disperse into the air.
The research team published their new study on Oct. 3 in Scientific Reports, indicating that green tea, matcha, and black tea rapidly and effectively inactivated some Omicron subvariants.
One of the experiments in the study involved seven healthy volunteers who consumed candies containing green tea, black tea, or no tea components, and their saliva subsequently collected. Researchers found that saliva collected immediately after consuming candies containing green or black tea had high concentrations of tea polyphenols, including epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) and theaflavin digallate. When researchers mixed saliva samples with the early Omicron virus strain BA.1 for 10 seconds, they observed rapid inactivation of the virus by saliva containing tea polyphenols. However, the virus-inactivating effect gradually diminished between 5 and 15 minutes after the cessation of the candy.
The research team believes that if infected individuals consume candies containing green tea or black tea, it may be useful in inactivating the virus, decreasing the virus load in the oral and gastrointestinal tracts, and preventing the virus from spreading to nearby non-infected individuals.
Another experiment involved steeping black tea, green tea, or matcha in hot water and subsequently mixing the virus suspension with the tea beverages for 10 seconds, followed by assessing the virus’s virulence. The results revealed that the infectivity of the BA.1 and other Omicron subvariants decreased to less than one percent.
Not only does freshly brewed tea have virus-inactivating effects, but bottled green tea beverages purchased from grocery stores also significantly reduced the infectivity of Omicron subvariants BA.1, BA.5, and BQ.1.1, although they were not effective against BA.2.75.
The study also found that different Omicron subvariants have varying sensitivity to tea polyphenols. For instance, EGCG at a concentration of 1000 μM can inactivate more than 99 percent of the BA.1 and BA.5 viruses. However, the BA.2, BA.2.75, XBB.1, and BQ.1.1 viruses remained infectious at the same EGCG concentration.
Black tea, produced by oxidizing green tea leaves, exhibits a vibrant reddish-orange color due to the transformation of tea polyphenols into theaflavins in the tea leaves. The researchers treated various Omicron viruses with theaflavin concentrations similar to those found in black tea and observed a significant reduction in the virulence of BA.1, XE, BA.5, XBB.1, and BQ.1.1 viruses. However, the same theaflavin concentration had little effect on BA.2 and BA.2.75.
The research also found that the antiviral mechanism of EGCG is to render the virus inactive, and when used to treat cells, it does not induce anti-virus effects in the cells.
Catechins Inhibit Virus Replication
In addition to binding to the virus’s spike protein and rendering it non-infectious, previous research has revealed other antiviral properties of tea polyphenols. Researchers at National Taiwan Normal University discovered through animal studies that catechins can inhibit coronavirus replication, potentiate adaptive immunity, and improve acute lung injuries.
Mr. Chien also pointed out that while drinking green tea can provide catechin intake, the dosage might not be sufficient to inhibit the virus. Furthermore, the catechins used in the experiment were extracted using professional techniques and are caffeine-free, which are different from the catechins found in commercially available green tea.
Chih-Ching Yang, the lead author of the paper and the technical supervisor at Taiwan’s Ministry of Health and Welfare, stated that during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, there have been many confirmed cases despite receiving two vaccine doses. They hope that consuming catechins can enhance immunity and resistance against the COVID-19 virus.
Enhance Immunity With Tea Leaves Rich in Vitamins and Minerals
Sean Lin, an American virology expert and former director of the Virology Department at the U.S. Army Research Institute, mentioned on the Health 1+1 program that findings from in vitro experiments involving tea leaves may not necessarily reflect the actual effects of drinking tea. Nevertheless, tea leaves are rich in nutrients and offer substantial support for everyday health and immune enhancement.
Choosing Between Black Tea and Green Tea
Black tea and green tea contain different types of tea polyphenols, all of which possess antiviral properties. So which one should you opt for? Lin Gui, a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner from Taiwan, said in an article that according to traditional Chinese medicine, tea leaves are considered to have cooling properties. However, the tea-making process, which includes roasting and oxidation, can alter their nature. Green tea, having not undergone oxidation, tends to have a cooling nature, whereas black tea, having undergone oxidation, exhibits a warmer nature.
Ms. Lin explained that individuals with a “heaty” body constitution, such as those who often experience dry mouth, mouth bitterness, constipation, and are prone to acne, are well-suited for consuming green tea. Conversely, those with a cool body constitution, like those who frequently have cold extremities, are sensitive to cold winds, and experience loose stools, are better suited for drinking black tea. It is important to note that women should avoid excessive consumption of green tea during their menstrual period.
Source: Epoch Times
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One has to believe that there really is such a thing as covid 19. The common cold tests as “covid”.
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no symptoms? you must have covid
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Why is it that a body may take days and even weeks to pass through a cold or flu? This is one virus (if you believe they exist) and you are talking about dozens of covid variant viruses (or any of the millions these clown virologists say exist). How would the body respond to being attacked by a dozen viruses at once? It would be killed off. Therefore, I do not believe that viruses exist. There is no proof of any kind as to how they come and go, how they are transmitted and how they live or die. Viruses = fear = drug sales.
Helge Aspevik
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How is it possible when the virus sequence is built on data you have never been able to extract?
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after all this time and the mountain of evidence (empirical) which shows there is no such thing as a “virus”, exosomes sure but they have only ever been seen exiting the cell wall never entering a cell … to think people are still paying huge sums of money to be taught the lie of “germ theory” at university’s
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Variants are nothing more than in-silico computer models. Just like phony covid, the variants never left the denovo assembler. If we replace a guanine at position 27 with an adenine, we get Omicron. That’s all it is, just a model.
This is why covid is an “in-silico” genome; it isn’t real-just a computer model.
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Just a thought…
How long did it take for our “civilization” to get rid of the most corrupt theories about our world? Copernicus was afraid to publish his findings before his death, and that was in mid 16th century! We are at the end of our “run,” I’m afraid. The dishonesty of some (Pasteur comes to mind) up to depravity of others in their greedy approach to “medical sciences” aka “big pharma fair.”
All here, at the PSI, are well aware of the corruption of “climate science” and we surely can extrapolate to other fields…
Well, they don’t burn dissenters at the stake anymore, but we should still not forget all those who were responsible for the covidism (and/or CAGW …) of the past, present and future!
FYI, just see this: Zero Hedge Article
Cheers, JaKo
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“COVID Authoritarians Want Forgiveness – Here’s Why They Don’t Deserve It”
No man can forgive another’s actions other than it’s use as a word, no matter the intent. The hand that was dealt to the player is the same hand that will be dealt back to the dealer.
Nobody escapes.
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Hi Howdy,
I took this aspect out of that article — the professor SG claimed he’d done his best — can anyone imagine what would happen if he, and the many others, would do their worst? Would any one of us breathe, would the un-shot be shot or be slowly extinguished in the concentration camps for the unvaxxed??
OR! Would life just pass this covidian excursion like any other flu season…
Really, what would be the effect of “their worst?”
Cheers, JaKo
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“OR! Would life just pass this covidian excursion like any other flu season…”
That was the plan wasn’t it.
Unfortunately, they are easily swayed, and don’t take account of their actions until after the event. It’s a well known failing. It indicates a deep need for something missing in their life, but they are pawns, the sacrificial elements, part way in the hierarchy.
I can imagine far worse JaKo, but we see the majority are actually cowards.
Justice WILL be done.
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In answer to that comment in the article: “The COVID-19 virus primarily spreads through the saliva of infected individuals, including asymptomatic carriers”.
Big Pharma and their lapdog government authorities want everyone to believe in the asymptomatic bogyman because it helps with keeping the populace scared and compliant. Here’s an article on: The Fallacy Of Asymptomatic Spread:
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Recent Study: Black and Green Tea Can Inactivate the COVID-19 Omicron Subvariants | Principia Scientific Intl.
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Very descriptive article, I loved that a lot. Will there be
a part 2?