Really Concerned About CO2 Emissions? Embrace Nuclear

In the words of James Hansen, the scientist most responsible for promoting global warming, wind and solar are “grotesque” solutions for reducing CO2 emissions.

Michael Shellenberger, a prominent activist, has the same opinion. Hansen and Shellenberger, as well as many other global warming activists, have come to the conclusion that nuclear energy is the only viable method of reducing CO2 emissions from the generation of electricity.

Nuclear reactors don’t emit CO2. Coal and natural gas do. Hydroelectric electricity does not emit CO2 either, but opportunities for expansion are limited. In the United States, most of the good sites have already been developed.

Wind and solar are grotesque because there are many problems. Promoters of wind and solar simply lie about the problems.

Reducing emissions of CO2 by one metric tonne, 1,000 kilograms, or 2,204 pounds, is called a carbon offset. Carbon offsets are bought and sold, usually for less than $10 each.

If you build wind or solar plants to displace electricity from natural gas or coal plants, you will generate carbon offsets. Each carbon offset generated will cost about $60 if electricity from a coal plant is displaced.

If electricity from a natural gas plant is displaced, the cost per carbon offset will be about $160. Wind and solar are expensive methods of generating carbon offsets.

Wind and solar are not remotely competitive with coal or natural gas for generating electricity. The promoters of wind and solar lie about this constantly, claiming that they are close to competitive.

The lies have two major components. They ignore or misrepresent the massive subsidies that wind and solar get, amounting to 75% of the cost. Then they compare the subsidized cost of wind or solar with the total cost of gas or coal.

But wind or solar can’t replace existing fossil fuel infrastructure because they are erratic sources of electricity.

The existing infrastructure has to be retained when you add wind or solar because sometimes the wind doesn’t blow or the sun doesn’t shine.

The only fair comparison is to analyze the total cost of wind or solar per kilowatt-hour (kWh) with the marginal cost of gas or coal electricity. That marginal cost is essentially the cost of the fuel.

The only economic benefit of wind or solar is reducing fuel consumption in existing fossil fuel plants.

It is hard to build wind or solar installations that generate electricity for less than 8-cents per kWh, but the cost of the fuel, for either gas or coal, is about 2-cents per kWh. Wind and solar cost four times too much to be competitive.

Wind and solar run into difficulty if they are the source of more than about 25% of the electricity in a grid.

Getting to 50% generally involves adding expensive batteries, further destroying the economics, and the usefulness for CO2 reduction.

The only justification for wind and solar is the reduction of CO2 emissions, but wind and solar are limited and costly for this purpose. CO2-free nuclear energy can be both economical and practical.

That, clearly is the reason why prominent global warming activists are advocating nuclear, rather than wind and solar to alleviate the supposed global warming crisis.

Neither nuclear nor coal is currently cost-competitive with natural gas. It’s not that nuclear or coal is so expensive as it is that natural gas, thanks to fracking, is incredibly cheap.

Gas that costs more than $10 per MMBtu (million British thermal units) a decade ago, now costs less than $2. Gas-generating plants are very cheap to build and incredibly efficient.

A gas plant using a combination of a gas turbine and a steam turbine can turn 65% of the energy in the gas into electricity. By contrast, a coal plant struggles to reach 40%.

Both coal and nuclear are handicapped by well-organized and unprincipled political opposition from the Sierra Club and similar organizations. The Sierra Club hates natural gas too, but most of their efforts go into scaring people with the imaginary danger of coal.

The Sierra Club doesn’t need to expend much effort scaring people with nuclear because the nuclear industry has already been destroyed in the U.S. thanks to previous efforts of the environmental movement.

Coal and nuclear have one very important advantage over gas. They have fuel on-site to continue operating if fuel deliveries are interrupted. For coal, this is around 30 days, for nuclear, more than a year.

Some gas plants can temporarily use oil from local tanks, but in most cases that won’t last long. Gas deliveries can be interrupted by pipeline failure or sabotage.

The pumping stations on natural gas pipelines are increasingly powered by electricity, rather than gas, creating a circular firing squad effect.

Nuclear electricity is a young industry with a big future. That future is materializing in Asia given the successful propaganda campaign to make people afraid of nuclear in the U.S. and in much of Europe.

Nuclear fuel is extremely cheap, around four times cheaper than gas or coal. Nuclear reactors don’t have smokestacks and they don’t emit CO2.

New designs will dramatically lower costs, increase safety, and effectively remove most of the objections to nuclear.

It is an incredible contradiction that most environmental organizations advocate wind and solar but demonizes nuclear. In the future, nuclear may be cost-competitive with natural gas.

It is an intellectual and economic failure that the 30 U.S. states with policies designed to reduce CO2 emissions, called renewable portfolio standards, mostly explicitly exclude nuclear power as part of the plan.

Instead, they effectively mandate wind and solar. There are signs of reform as some states have provided support to prevent nuclear power stations from being closed.

The global warming hysteria movement is surely one of the most successful junk science campaigns ever launched. Predicting a catastrophe is a great way for a science establishment to gain fame and money.

The many responsible scientists that object are attacked, if not fired. Money trumps ethics every time. The environmental movement needs looming catastrophes too, so they act as PR men for the science establishment.

The tragedy is that our legislators swallow these lies and waste billions on boondoggles like wind and solar.

It is ironic that increasing the CO2 in the atmosphere has a bountiful effect on plant growth, greening the Earth, and increasing agricultural production. Rather than a threat, CO2 is a boon.

If you still believe in the global warming hysteria movement, you should face reality and dump wind and solar for nuclear. Wind and solar are not appropriate for the problem they are assigned to solve. Nuclear is.

Norman Rogers is the author of the book: Dumb Energy: A Critique of Wind and Solar Energy.

Read more at American Thinker

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Comments (5)

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    Really Concerned About CO2 Emissions?
    CO2 provides essential food for life. Without CO2 in the atmosphere we’re all dead.
    And just in case some simpleton comes along spouting the usual rubbish about CO2 heating the atmosphere — you have NO observational data, NOTHING!, NO evidence that CO2 warms the atmosphere.
    With no CO2 mitigations required life would improve. Stop believing this myth of CO2 warming the atmosphere, and get back to using the God given materials on this planet to best effect human happiness. Get rid of your guilt, get rid of the control freak mantra and embrace a better world. You owe it to yourself and all children’s future!


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    Terry Schmitt




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    TL Winslow


    [[Reducing emissions of CO2 by one metric tonne, 1,000 kilograms, or 2,204 pounds, is called a carbon offset. Carbon offsets are bought and sold, usually for less than $10 each.]]

    Oh no! They’re trying to tax the air again!

    When will the leftist-run U.N. IPCC quit FRAMING CO2 on causing global warming for money and power? CO2 can’t absorb or emit heat, period. Its 15 micron emission/absorption wavelength has a Planck temperature of -80C, the same as a brick of dry ice. The Earth’s surface temperature range of -50C to +50C is completely missed by CO2. Only the Sun heats the Earth’s surface, and after some is radiated, the entire atmosphere finishes cooling it nicely via conduction-convection and evaporation. Pure atmospheric pressure keeps the atmosphere warmed by 33C at the surface to prevent it from freezing, and surface heat just travels toward space along the lapse rate altitude profile, cooling as it goes until it dissipates, leaving no permanent warming. CO2 has no role in heating, it’s just used by plants at the surface for photosynthesis. There is no need to reduce CO2 emissions, but rather increase them, since the current atmospheric level of 415 ppm is a fraction of the ideal value for plant growth, so tell the IPCC useful idiots to leave the fossil fuel industry alone and push another sick leftist religion like acid rain.

    CO2 global warming is dead and isn’t buried yet. How long till it’s been left in history’s rearview mirror? A gigantic leftist octopus can’t change physics.


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      Ya at the very least they should stop spending on stupid feel good projects like solar and wind. We no doubt will need a different form of energy at some point and I’m all for a realistic new energy,not to get rid of carbon fuel but for pure economics. At present carbon based energy is the most beneficial energy form for the human race. If govt spent more on research and nothing on rediculous renewables and grants for electric cars maybe we could find the next real energy source. That would greatly benefit our grand children rather than strapping them with huge debts with no real energy solutions.


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