Real-World Data Falsifies ‘Climate Emergency’ Claims
The familiar narrative of a climate “emergency” is not supported by a vast body of observational data, according to a new paper published by the Global Warming Policy Foundation.
Contrary to popular belief, there is little evidence of harmful trends from the impact of global warming.
According to the paper’s author, Dr. Indur Goklany:
“Almost everywhere you look, climate change is having only small, and often benign, impacts. The impact of extreme weather events ― hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and droughts ― are, if anything, declining. Economic damages have declined as a fraction of global GDP. Death rates from such events have declined by 99% since the 1920s. Climate-related disease has collapsed. And more people die from cold than warm temperatures”
And even sea-level rise – predicted to be the most damaging impact of global warming – seems to be much less of a problem than thought.
According to Dr. Goklany, reviews of historic maps and satellite imagery have shown that the places predicted to disappear are in fact still with us.
“A recent study showed that the Earth has actually gained more land in coastal areas in the last 30 years than it has lost through sea-level rise. We now know for sure that coral atolls aren’t disappearing and even Bangladesh is gaining more land through siltation than it is losing through rising seas.”
Empirical data also shows that food production per capita has increased by 30% since 1961 despite a more-than-doubling of the global population.
Hunger and malnutrition have declined, areas burnt by wildfires have declined, and since 1950 poverty has declined, people are wealthier, and global life expectancy has increased from 46 years to 73 years.
Dr. Goklany’s paper Impacts of Climate Change: Perception and Reality is published by the Global Warming Policy Foundation and can be downloaded here (pdf).
About the author: Indur M. Goklany is an independent scholar and author. He was a member of the US delegation that established the IPCC and helped develop its First Assessment Report. He subsequently served as a US delegate to the IPCC, and as an IPCC reviewer.
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Jerry Krause
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Hi PSI Readers,
A general fact which you may, or may not be aware, is that ‘real world data’ seldom generates many comments hear at PSI ffor one cannot ‘argue’ about ‘real world data’; you can only ignore it.
This comment is more about Herb Rose’s adjacent posting than about Benny’s. For I given up on trying to correct some of Herb’s ideas which are not supported by any ‘real world data’ . I write this comment because I consider we have a ‘real world teachable moment’ about the fundamental foundation basis of observational philosophy that is now termed SCIENCE.
A Scientific Law is not a hypothesis, idea, understanding, nor explanation. It is merely a summary of the ‘something’ that has been seen (observed) to occur over and over without exception. Like a massive body dropped from some high place falls downward and not upward. But some know that there was a former controversy of how this massive body fell. For some had reasoned that ‘a body twice as heavy fell twice as fast and others questioned if this idea (hypothesis) was true (could be observed) And some of you may be aware that Galileo actually tested this hypothesis by dropping bodies with greatly different masses (weight) to observe that these bodies fell at approximately the same rate. So, we have a second more detailed law about ‘falling’ bodies. Which is that the mass (weight) of a body does not influence (effect) a body’s rate of fall.
You can go to Herb Rose’s adjacent article to see if you can find any reference to an experimental result which refutes Planck’s Law every time its experimental basis (result) is tested..
The Scientific Law (based upon experimental results) is the fundamental foundation of SCIENCE.
Have a good day, Jerry. (a scientist0
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What a great article,this is what should be taught in schools. That man has created a great earth not one that we have devastated, yes we have made mistakes such as not repairing land used for mining but now we have learned to put that land back to sometimes better than it was before the operation. In Alberta we have the oil sands which along with providing energy to grow our food and fly our planes has also planted millions of trees to green up the area that was used for mining.
There are many examples today of mining being done properly and greatly increasing mans contribution to the earth. We are part of nature not the opposite of it as is taught in schools today. As a child growing up on the Canadian prairies a fifteen bushel crop of wheat was a pretty good return for a dry land crop today due to a better growing environment as well as far better farming practices this same land is producing thirty to forty bushel crops. This s not a bad thing for the people of the world.
Jerry Krause
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Hi Barry,
Your comment is better than Benny’s PSI article and Dr. Indur Goklany’s well referenced 30+ page academic style article because you did not need to read anything to write about that you personally have observed and now reported to set the record straight.
I grew up on a farm in eastern South Dakota where my grandnephews expect their corn to yield two hundred bushels per acre where my father and I would have been ecstatic about a fifty bushel per acre yield. These young grandnephews believe that the only change of farming practices, which have evolved during the history of farming,, that have caused this change of yield is the genetics of the corn plant..
My father farmed ‘organically’ until my brother came home from the Air Force in 1955, For my father did not use commercial’ fertilizer. Instead, he only spread the manure from our small herd of cattle and pigs and our small flock of free range hens are far as it would go, which wasn’t very far, on his farmland. While he had had a tractor for decades, he still planted corn, mowed and raked hay with a team of draft horses until 1955.
I doubt that these grandnephews know that my brother, their grandfather while in the Air Force, had read a book (which I also read but cannot remember its title) by Louis Bromfield. In this book Bromfeld taught that one could best repair worn out soils by growing corn. The root and foliage masses of the corm plant are significally greater than the mass of the kernels of an ear of corn. Bromfield recognized that ‘worn out soils’ lacked ‘organic’ matter (humus) which has several important factors (which, be brief, I do not list to describe) of a ‘good’ soil.
Instead I will list the historical history of farm implements. For centuries there was a sword like tool with a curved blade which evolved into a curved wood handle tool with a curved blade which has been termed a crop harvesting scythe. Which I have used to cut weeds as my father did.
But one can read that in 1834 Cyrus McCormick was granted a patent for his horse pulled reaper; which allowed large scale farming to be practiced. But to take advantage of the McCormick reaper, there needed to be thrusting a machine, to separated the seeds from the straw.
The problem of these two implements allowed the straw to be removed from the soil as well as the seeds and the soils continued to wear out.
The corn plant is entirely different from wheat, barley, oats, etc. plants in that most of their biomass in their roots and foliage and not in the kernels (large seeds). Hence, with modern combines much biomass remains on the soil from which it grew. At the time when Bromfield farmed there were only mechanical corn pickers which removed the corn ears from the corn’s stocks and leaves which along with the roots were plowed under where soil organisms could decomposed them into humus to repaired the worn out soil.
The farming practice of plowing had the problem in that it left only bare soil on the surface which could easily be eroded away by wind (dust storms) and water erosion (gullies from which the soil was easily washed away to create muddy streams and rivers).
Despite these problems plowing practice continued because weed had to be killed by cultivation and hand picking. However, because of the synthesis of chemicals to kill weed plants without killing the crop plants, many modern farmers have put away the plow and now practice no-till farming which has benefits which my grandnephews seem not to recognize (see, observe)..
Barry, I expect that “this same land [which] is producing thirty to forty bushel crops” is being farmed by no-till practices. Am I correct?
Have a good day, Jerry
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That is correct Jerry I no longer live in Saskatchewan but I understand that nearly all land is zero till now trapping more snow in winter and protecting dry land from blowing away in windy spring conditions. My grandparents farmed through the thirties when it was both warmer and drier than it is today and would tell stories of dust storms that you could see coming in the distance before being engulfed in dirt that use to be many plowed fields. So nice that our children don’t have to endure such horrible sites. So yes not only farming has improved but our lives in general are far better today mostly because of fossil fuels and technological advancements that just weren’t available to our grandparents and parents.
Have a good day
Brian James
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Feb 4, 2021 John Kerry is ‘crushing the little man’ in favour of a ‘giant illusion’
Mr Kerry has come under fire after reports emerged he took his own private jet to Iceland in 2019 to accept the Arctic Circle award for his involvement in brokering the Paris Climate Agreement.
Andy Rowlands
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It won’t matter how much real science shoes the climate emergency is bullshit, those pulling the strings will not turn from their path.
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That is so true Andy we are past this being proven scientifically. It is now a religion that all politicians must conform to or shall be burnt at the stake. The sad part is that there are probably only about 15% of the people in the world that actually think for themselves and the rest just believe what their told on CNN or the BBC,never questioning. How can you have a conversation with people that think wearing a piece of cloth over their face will save them from a virus,to funny.
Jerry Krause
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Hi Andy and Barry,
I recently got to talk briefly, very briefly, with the owner of Freres Lumber Co. who was fighting the cap and trade legislation has been successfully fought by the State Republican Senator refusing to show up to establish the quorum necessary to pass legislation. Two+ years ago Trump’s daughter in-law even visited Freres Lumber to encourage him. But now there are enough Republicat state senators to prevent a quorum and Trump is gone deserted by his friends (???). And the own of Freres Lumber is giving up because he has 400+ employees to keep employed. So I can understand him giving up the fight.
I and many of you do not have any employees to keep employed and I will not give up. But even a greater reason I will not give up is to honor Copernicus and Galileo. I read that Copernicus wrote (as translated by someone): “Therefore, when I considered this carefully, the contempt which I had to fear because of the novelty and apparent absurdity of my view, nearly induced me to abandon utterly the work I had begun.” And, “I am aware that a philosopher’s ideas are not subject to the judgment of ordinary persons, because it is his endeavor to seek the truth in all things, to the extent permitted to human reason by God.”
So, I know that Galileo knew what would happen, which did happen, when he cited the evidence he had observed, which forced the SIMPLE conclusion that the Earth did not STANDSTILL.
And the World is a much better place because of this thing called SCIENCE which Galileo illustrated (demonstrated).
Have a good day, Jerry