Real Global Snowfall Trend

In a previous post, I tried measuring the global snowfall trend over the last 41 years using a pixel color technique because I couldn’t find the original data behind NASA’s public images.

I have now found the higher resolution data needed to find the most accurate global snowfall trend.

The data is from here1. The results are very similar to the previous result, thus the pixel color technique was excellent.

Here is the real global snowfall trend:

Linear Regression Trend: From 2.855 To 2.949 is +3.292 percent

Global snowfall has increased by over three percent in the last four decades.

By hemisphere:

Linear Regression Trend: From 2.771 To 2.538 is -8.415 percent

Linear Regression Trend: From 2.939 To 3.358 is +14.232 percent

So, while snowfall has reduced slightly in the northern hemisphere, it has increased significantly in the southern hemisphere.

That’s all. Enjoy ? -Zoe

See more here:

Header image: The Indian Express

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