‘Rational Readings on Environmental Concerns’
A book getting very positive reviews on amazon.com is ‘Rational Readings on Environmental Concerns‘ (edited by Jay H. Lehr). Dr Lehr has been a champion of the skeptic cause exposing scientific abuse by climate alarmists. We feature his articles on Principia Scientific International.
We are delighted to recommend the book to our readers and provide below some excerpts:
Editorial Reviews
“…the ‘proof’ of man’s destruction of the environment isconsistently flawed…. the scientific method is being abused andignored. The errors are not random, however, but are systematicallybiased toward attempting to prove the guilt of man in the allegeddestruction of the planet. Objective science is disappearing and isbeing replaced by the pursuit of a philosophical agenda.”
–Richard F. Sanford in Environmentalism and theAssault on Reason Chapter 1“The public has numerous misconceptions about the relationshipbetween environmental pollution and human cancer. Underlying thesemisconceptions is an erroneous belief that nature is benign.”
–Bruce N. Ames, Ph.D. and Lois Swirsky Gold, Ph.D inEnvironmental Pollution and Cancer: Some Misconceptions Chapter7“Greenhouse gases have been increasing in the atmosphere,largely as a result of human activities. However, the climaterecord does not show the temperature increase and other telltalesigns of the expected greenhouse effect. The mathematical modelsused for predicting such effects are evidently not complete enoughto encompass all of the relevant physical processes in theatmosphere, thus throwing grave doubt on the drastic warminghypothesized for the next century.”
–S. Fred Singer in Global Climate Change: Facts andFiction Chapter 13“…There is now no prima-facie case for any expensive policy ofsafeguarding species without more extensive analysis than has sofar been done.”
–Julian L. Simon in Disappearing Species,Deforestation and Data Chapter 26
‘Rational Readings on Environmental Concerns‘ is now available to buy on Amazon.com
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I was lectured twice, for two hours each timd by Mr Singer at University of Houston and again at the Heartland ICCC-9 Lukewarmist Love Fest, July 2014. Every Lukewarmist is a liar, there is NO greenhouse gas warming, not even a little bit.
“Spencer Sorcery on Magic Gas” > FauxScienceSlayer
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“…the ‘proof’ of man’s destruction of the environment is consistently flawed…. the scientific method is being abused and ignored.
‘Science’ as assumed by most ordinary nonscientific people, and so often the MSM (and even some scientists) is a way to prove something or other as a ‘fact’ (or not).
IMO This is a gross misjudgment, for all too often they misunderstand what a scientific ‘fact’ is.
‘Science’ or more accurately the application of the Scientific Method is a human endeavor that seeks as accurately as possible, to describe and explain the real observed phenomena in the universe about us. However most theories come with so degree of assumptions, often assumptions from other scientific theories and sometime from poorly investigated or uninvestigated phenomena.
The Scientific Method is a way of continually reappraising and error-checking our understandings of our observations, it extend our understandings of the universe about us by verifying new theory against the observations, already known and verified theory (verified theory that too must be periodically reappraised), and by replication methods. That means any theory in the scientific archive could be rendered false at any point of our investigations of the universe.
These verified observations are facts in themselves (gravity is a fact), our explanations about how and why they’re manifest are not facts (our reasons for how and why gravity exists), they are just the best human generated explanations and interpretations of our observations.
We do all this knowing that, at best, we can only perform scientific investigations using inadequate human perceptions and rationality, and our limited human made tools at our disposal. We should acknowledge and understand that so often measurements of phenomena cannot be made absolutely, they can only be measured with error bars and degrees of uncertainty.
Basically verified observations can be deemed factual, theories and ideas about why they are, are not usually facts.
What we do know is that societies that have gone down the route of believing what governments and bureaucrats have define as facts, absolutes, and incontrovertibly true, have failed badly (whether backed by science or not). The scientific absolutism of ‘Scientific Socialism’ as evidenced under the banner of Marxism, Leninism, Stalinism, Maoism, Nazism, etc., has always potentiated destructive inefficiency and havoc on the societies they wish to command, and with disasters to those living near them. Rigid socialism with its unbending belief in theory has historically always ended in the chaos of anti-science and anti-social ways.