Rasmussen poll shows the COVID vaccines are not safe

It finally happened. Someone other than me surveyed the American people to find out if the vaccine is safe or not. Rasmussen Reports got the same results I did. The vaccine isn’t safe – Steve Kirsch

Executive summary

Rasmussen polled the American people with a simple four question survey and found that my polls were accurate and so was the V-safe data and so was the Israeli Ministry of Health safety report that nobody wants to see.

The Rasmussen poll of 1,000 Americans found that:

  1. 32 percent were not vaccinated
  2. Seven percent of those surveyed had a major side effect.

A seven percent major side effect rate is unprecedented.

We know from the V-safe data that this effectively means that the side effect was so bad, they had to seek medical attention.

If any drug had that kind of safety profile, it would be immediately pulled from the market.

Would you take any drug with that kind of side effect profile? Of course not. It’s off the charts!

However, because we are told it is a safe and effective vaccine, people do what they are told despite the lack of safety. That’s how science works.

Note that people who were killed by the vaccine were unable to participate in the survey, so the actual numbers are slightly worse.

Rasmussen also admitted that Google censors unfavorable results! In short, they admitted that it’s worse than they are “allowed” to tell people (see their tweet). Wow.

Here it is in their own words: “We asked … and the answer is not good.”

In other words, all of us misinformation spreaders were right all along. They should have listened to us.

Will this change anything? Of course not. Everyone will continue on, as if this never happened. The poll will be ignored just like all the data (including polling data) showing the vaccines are killing hundreds of thousands of people.

The survey

Here are the results that YouTube is allowing them to share. Watch it now before YouTube censors it.

Keep this in mind: you’re in America where your government illegally conspires with social media companies to censor any information that reveals that the vaccines are not safe.

The pollster begins by lamenting that someone should have polled Americans by now about this. Hello?!?!? I’ve been doing that since May 2021 and the results showed the vaccines should be stopped back then. Do I get any credit? Nah…

12 MILLION PEOPLE! – Vaxxed Americans Report Major Side Effects, and Question Efficacy – YouTube

Mark Mitchell: “Now this is a touchy topic for big tech censors.”

Yup. You got that right. It was hard for us even to find a polling company willing to ask the questions. After we completed the work, nobody wanted to publicize it or run their own survey to show ours was wrong.

But it’s nice for the head pollster of a major polling company to admit that in America today, you are not allowed to ask questions or you might be silenced.

So much for free speech.

He goes to great lengths to explain to the YouTube censors that “American public opinion is NOT medical disinformation.” We’ll see how long that lasts.

They point out that vaccine effectiveness varies depending on your political party. Apparently the vaccine isn’t working very well for Republicans but it works great for Democrats.

This means if you want to get the best protection from getting a COVID vaccine, you’ll want to switch parties. ok, just kidding. But isn’t this stunning?

57 percent of Americans are concerned about major side effects. Heck, had they just polled public health officials or people who work at the CDC, I bet the number would be zero because these people are all drinking the Kool-Aid.

Here’s who are most likely to be vaccinated:

But here’s the money shot: seven percent had a major side effect from the COVID vaccine which is over 12M adults in the US. At least 71M adults experienced at least a minor side effect.

The head pollster says, “Those numbers are absolutely astounding.” Yup. And the side effect rates do not depend on what political party you belong to!

That’s the same number I found and that V-safe found (they found almost eight percent) after ICAN wrestled with the CDC for 1.5 years to release the data.


Rasmussen found the same major side effect as V-safe and my polls.

The major side effect rate is off-the-charts.

If this were a normal drug, it would be taken off the market.

But COVID vaccines can do no harm… No matter how many Americans are killed or injured, doctors will continue to urge people to get the jab because their jobs require them to stick to the “safe and effective” narrative.

The CDC and mainstream media will say nothing and nothing major will change because people will trust whatever the CDC and mainstream media tell them to do.

I just thought you should know the truth.

Some bold emphasis added

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Comments (4)

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    Let’s go a step further. Show me the trials and studies that confirm giving children 50-60 vaccine injections before reaching their teens is a safe and effective approach. There has never been any risk assessment done for the entire vaccine schedule over time. How do we really know if “these” regular vaccines are always “safe and effective”? All we have is the claims of big pharma and as we now know, lying to the public is their major marketing tool.


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    Crabon Bigfoot


    Moderna CEO was on CNBC yesterday to describe their new vaccine in development that shows promise in combating Cancer in early testing.
    Ironic isn’t it that the Clot shot which is causing increases in Cancer is now being platformed to reduce it??
    Please explain that— as the stock went trough the roof!!
    I smell diversionary tactics here.


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    Frank S.


    The V-Safe app data may be skewed because there is no way to determine if a user only downloaded the app AFTER they had sustained a vax-injury. Perhaps they’d assumed reporting their condition on V-Safe was less cumbersome than the VAERS system.


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    RE: “Seven percent had a major side effect from the COVID vaccine which is over 12M adults in the US.”

    From the same, now DARK institution in Canada, that claimed to have ISOLATED (but was it in the true scientific sense of the word?) the “COVID-19” virus back on March 12, 2020

    “We don’t want unvaccinated people to feel persecuted and are not suggesting they stop driving; instead, we suggest they drive a bit more carefully.” – Dr. Donald Redelmeier.

    This is right out of the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM play book.


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