Rand Paul Gets Serious About Holding Fauci Accountable

Sen. Rand Paul said Tuesday he has asked the Department of Justice to review Dr. Anthony Fauci’s testimony to Congress for possible perjury, a move that comes after new documents have revealed U.S. funding of gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, where some believe the novel coronavirus originated.

Fauci has denied during testimony that the National Institutes of Health ever funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan.

Documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request by The Intercept show, however, that the NIH issued a “bat coronavirus grant” to EcoHealth Alliance, a U.S.-based health organization, for “$3.1 million, including $599,000 that the Wuhan Institute of Virology used in part to identify and alter bat coronaviruses likely to infect humans.”

Speaking to Fox News’ Sean Hannity about the development, the Kentucky Republican said lying under oath is a “felony punishable by five years in jail,” and that he’s already referred the matter to the DOJ.

I don’t think Biden’s Department of Justice will do anything with it but yes, it is very dangerous to have public officials who we need to have trust in coming and lying to us, but he has lied dozens of times,Paul said.Usually, he tells us that it’s for our own good but yes, he has … definitely lied to the American public and he should be held responsible but not just that. The judgment that we should continue to fund this lab and—that the virus in all likelihood came from the lab. I think it’s such incredibly poor judgment that he should be immediately removed.

See more here: townhall.com

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Comments (20)

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    Ken Hughes


    If you start with the possibility that the virus does not exist and the authorities don’t want you to know this, then this sort of issue is nothing more than a diversion, a sly political move with two goals,

    To distract us from the truth that there is no virus, and,
    To deflect the anger directed against Fauci due to his banning of Ivermectin, lockdown policies, and other crimes against humanity for which he is clearly culpable.

    After all, what better way to deal with a justified mass fury, than to try and attach it to some lesser offence of conspiracy to fund gain of function, and for which he can never be found guilty?

    This whole Covid thing is a scam and this is just another minor scam to deal with a specific fallout.


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      Typhus Conn


      Don’t fetgit the Gop….

      Its uniparty now

      All useful idiots…disposable in the eyes of TPTB


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      Agree, well said Ken


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      Saeed Qureshi


      I agree with your view Ken Hughes and expressed a similar view in one of my posts (https://bioanalyticx.com/virus-sars-cov-2-origin-discussion-a-clever-approach-for-hiding-the-scam/).

      A better approach to address the issue would be to investigate the existence of the virus itself. A non-medical professional should lead the investigation because isolation and characterization of the virus is not a medical issue. It is a science or basic science issue.


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        Herb Rose


        Hi Saeed,
        They do not want to identify the virus. If they did that they would show that it started in North Carolina and they’d all go to jail, if they were lucky.


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          Herb: Yours is a very interesting observation. That angle hadn’t occurred to me.


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          Saeed Qureshi


          True. That is why I wrote that non-medical professionals should lead the investigation to address the “they” part.


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    I feel sorry for Rand Paul. He has no chance of holding Fauci to account.

    Fauci is protected by Biden. The AG is subservient to Biden. So what chance is the DOJ going to act against Fauci?

    The democrats are corrupt. Everything they touch they corrupt. Institutions and government agencies they corrupt. Elections they corrupt. The judiciary they corrupt. It’s a crisis in America caused by the corrupt democrats.


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      Jerry Krause


      Hi Mervyn and PSI Readers,

      You never KNOW what CAN BE DONE unless YOU TRY!!!

      Have a good day, Jerry


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      Typhus Conn


      Don’t fetgit the Gop….

      Its uniparty now

      All useful idiots…disposable in the eyes of TPTB


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      Wow some do have a short memory.
      If you recall trump, a republican, kicked off the pandemic by declaring a national emergency.
      Then there was ‘operation warp speed” also created by a republican
      so who is more corrupt?

      Time to get some perspective both ‘sides’ are only puppets, controlled by their masters of who we can only guess as to their identity

      paul is just another crisis actor playing his given part in the scam
      enough of playing into the diversionary tactics of the controllers


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        Ho da phone! Mr T was out of office by Jan 20th, 2021. He had been kept advised since October/November of 2019 by Falsie and the Scarf Lady, who quite obviously were all along leading him down a purposeful wrong path, as we all today. The pharmas didn’t announce/release their vaxes until after Mr T was out of D.C., conveniently helping Bidumb in the sham election. Mr T whipped his own covid with either Ivermectin or Hydroxichloroquine/AZT/zinc, which Bidumb and his boys STILL won’t sanction.

        Parenthetically, and not involved in your comments per se: For any to think that Trump would not push Ivermectin and/or HCQ/AZT/zinc as the knock-out punch to covid, and kill big Pharma’s shekel-shoveling play, is to underrate his no b.s. attitude against the lack of common sense that the Left is inoculated with.


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          Point proven, thank you!


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      Biden’s mass jab mandate will bring out whistle blowers.

      P.S.I., NewsMax and FoxNews will be what to watch from your look out tower.
      Also watch Jerusalem Post for third generation treatments and ask, why?


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        How it works is it is good to be on the inside of a corrupt medical process and bank the money.
        When the Government suddenly indicates your family and people you love will be forced to be jabbed with a solution you would not inject your pet dead cockroach with you are forced to blow the lid off it.


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          Fits the saying:
          “When you lie to the government, you go to jail;
          When the government lies to you, you go to war.”


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    I’m lost.
    Can someone explain it to me: if person commits a crime, who can seek for justice or who can hold that person accountable (if there are no doubts about the crime, it is obvious and had been recorded)?
    And in particular, I have in mind politicians – they say (=do) what ever they want or being ordered to say, and nobody can do anything about it. Here in Canada, it’s the same nonsense – probably there is no other politician more corrupt than Trudeau, and he just keeps messing around, and more, and more, and more! Is there any way to put stop to it?
    Is it the only way to beg DoJ to do something, and if they are in the same mob – that’s it??? Something is very wrong with this society, if that’s the case. I guess, when certain point will be reached, some people will seek their own justice, like during Wild Wild West times…


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    Robert Beatty


    Hi Jona,
    You raise very good points. IMO and with an Australian perspective in mind, we are dealing with a flaw in our democratic system – which surprisingly is the same flaw present in the autocratic styles of government. The basic problem, in both cases, is we are experiencing Top Down forms of government. If we want true democracy/freedom there is a need to change our leadership systems to a form of Bottom Up government. Where can we see how this works? Try Switzerland.
    The Swiss have had stable government for hundreds of years without going to war, but surviving/prospering under the limitations of a land locked country. My thoughts on how this could work, and be applied universally, are at https://bosmin.com/HOME/Bottom-UpGovernment.pdf
    Your thoughts on this approach are welcome.


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      Jerry Krause


      Hi Robert and PSI Readers,

      “autocratic styles of government”. I believe you have answered a question I have asked several; times about my GREAT GRANDFATHER who moved his family to the USA in 1860 from NORTHERN GERMANY!!! And I know he was not the only one who moved their families from Europe to North America in this TIME FRAME and maybe to other continents (whose history I do not know as well as that of North America).

      “The Swiss have had stable government for hundreds of years without going to war, but surviving/prospering under the limitations of a land locked country.” Have you considered that maybe that Switzerland was the place in Europe where like-minded people, who could not tolerate “autocratic styles of government” fled at some earlier time??? And it more a matter of geography than politics.

      But Switzerland would be become the biggest CITY in the WORLD if all like minded people fled there. And I am not sure that the government already there would allow that to happen!!!

      By 1860 some people of the USA decided that SLAVERY was evil and a CIVIILWAR was fought to correct that PROBLEM.

      I still believe that BASICALLY GOOD PEOPLE greatly outnumber the EVIL PEOPLE who attempt to “autocratically” control the LIVES of GOOD PEOPLE. So I hope these GOOD PEOPLE will again stand UNITED and FIGHT.

      Have a good day, Jerry


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    Robert Beatty


    Hi Jerry,
    My reading of history tells me both the US and Swiss constitutions developed after civil wars. The difference was the US settled on a Top Down (TD) method of government while the Swiss chose the alternate, but much rarer, Bottom Up (BU) form.
    The geography was not consequential, but the geology was. Geology allows great wealth to accumulate in the hands of a few who can use that wealth to disproportionately influence a TD government. At this point the idea of ‘for the people’ takes second place to ‘for the most influential’.
    In Australia, our constitution developed through negotiation between the states in the realisation that a national government made sense for a country that was bounded by natural sea barriers. While the Swiss system was briefly considered by our founding fathers, it was abandoned, partly due to perceived communication difficulties. A TD style of constitution was introduced, which is now experiencing great trauma. The opportunity to develop under a BU style of government was lost, but surprisingly could be introduced with a relatively small change to our constitution.
    “So I hope these GOOD PEOPLE will again stand UNITED and FIGHT.” This sounds like a call for a civil war which is anything but civil. The concept of ‘Good people’ is very much in the eye of the beholder, and can lead to a form of tribalism. The basic community understanding is that most people want to live in a safe and prosperous way without undue outside influence. A BU system of government is the only method to offer that opportunity for the long term.


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