Raising a Generation of Indoctrinated Australian Children
Australian schoolkids get multiple forms of green indoctrination (for a partial list click here). Conservative state and federal governments do nothing about this and even promote it. But how well are kids actually absorbing the green narrative?
Very well indeed, is my guess. Judging from copious material I’ve been sifting, schools are training a generation of horrid little eco-tyrants hot to embark on the mightiest state planning and control makeover since Stalin destroyed private agriculture and re-introduced mass slavery.
“Young Australians’ Plans for the Planet” — an astounding trove — involves myriad pages of kids’ takes on social issues.
They were organised by local climate zealots to support the United Nation’s 17 “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs) for 2030.
The UN’s eight “Millennium Development Goals” for 2000-15 did great work reducing indicators like childbirth mortality and extreme poverty.
But the 17 SDGs are a joke on “inclusiveness”, involving 169 sub-targets and no prioritisations (“End poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all”).
Indeed the UN’s original SDG draft involved 1400 indiscriminate goals proposed by 120 organisations.
Our locals organised about 240 kids from Year 10, drawn from [1]
20 high schools nationally, to flesh out kids’ own plans for Australia out to 2050. The kids and supervising teachers did the eight months’ extra-curricular work during 2016-19, stopping when COVID-19 intervened.
The superstructure was bigger than Ben Hur.
The exercise went international with kids from Mauritius (10 schools, 120 kids) and Singapore endorsing the template. Asia, Africa and North America wait in the wings.
The local organisers were: Questacon and Inspiring Australia (the National Science and Technology Centre run within the Department of Industry), the green Academy of Science and its affiliate Future Earth, UN Youth Australia, six universities led by the ANU’s woke vice-chancellor and Nobelist Brian Schmidt, and green fanatics such as Beyond Zero Emissions and OnePlanet Partnership.
The 240 kid volunteers are probably a green-biased sample (if you know of any free-market warming-sceptic school groups out there somewhere, please let me know).
Actually some of the kids taking part occasionally went off-message: an outlier even urged debate and polling on nuclear power, and some others were gung-ho for a gas pipeline from PNG and a gas-powered electricity plant to help North Queensland’s industry – climate Armageddon be damned.
The mainstream want a green socialist nirvana where governments dictate how we live and work, and ensure we think only proper thoughts about renewables.
See more here: saltbushclub.com
Header image: ABC
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It isn’t the children we should be concerned about; it is the zealots in the government and teaching profession that should concern us. Perhaps more importantly, why aren’t the parents concerned about it? We are in a period of mass psychosis.
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Good points Alan, but if this continues, we will be concerned about these children when they grow up into fully-fledged hardline Eco-Fascists.
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The thing I find most of the more misguided sort of “greens” don’t seem to recognize is that you can’t stop industrial excess with additional and compounding industrial excess as “solutions”.
The methodologies and reasoning is very similar to the situation of misattribution in the pasteur problem. The PRS cycle.
I mean, I’d consider myself a “naturalist” for the most part and it seems like industrial excess is quite obviously the biggest problem in the world.
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What is my troubling point in this: I was there, I tried to bring my kids to open mind stance avoiding any indoctrination. They have even thanked me for that. But now, I sort of regret it — they were both “convinced” by the establishment to take the jab. And they do not “trust the old man” any more on AGW etc. Perhaps a good old classical Christian indoctrination wouldn’t be as bad as I imagined then…
Cheers, JaKo