Radical Green Policies Impact Farmers The Most

Author and environmental policy expert Michael Shellenberger says we can’t power a “high-energy civilization on preindustrial technologies”.

“It sounds so obvious when you say it,” he told Sky News host Rita Panahi.

“Nobody knows more about farming than farmers and yet you’ve got these bureaucrats telling them they’ve got to radically reduce the amount of fertilizer they use.”

Mr. Shellenberger said radical green policies are being rebelled against in parts of the world. “We’re seeing a really lovely rebellion I hope it continues.” WATCH:

h/t Rúnar O.

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Comments (3)

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    Carbon Bigfoot


    This is the same guy that started this bullshit and then wrote a mea cupa book about his failings—and know we give this asshole air time.


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    no farmers no food, hunger is real.


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