Proof Netflix Faked Plunging Walrus Climate Deaths
In a new GWPF video, Dr. Susan Crockford, a Canadian wildlife expert, provides new evidence that the 2019 Netflix documentary film series, ‘Our Planet’, withheld facts behind the controversial walrus story it promoted as evidence of climate change.
If there was ever any doubt that polar bears, not climate change, were the cause of walrus falling to their deaths from a rocky cliff in Siberia a few years ago, new evidence presented here seals the deal.
A Russian photographer has released an independent video of the event that clearly shows polar bears driving walrus over the cliff to their deaths.

In 2019, a sequence in the Netflix documentary ‘Our Planet’ showed a highly disturbing piece of footage of several walrus bouncing off sharp rocks as they fell from a high cliff to their deaths.
It transpired this event happened in late September 2017 at a well-known walrus haulout at Cape Schmidt on the Chukchi Sea.
Narrator Sir David Attenborough blamed the tragedy on climate change, insisting that lack of summer sea ice due to climate change was to blame for the walrus falling to their deaths without provocation.
A few months later, however, using some of the same walrus footage, Attenborough’s BBC series called Seven Worlds, One Planet featured a number of polar bears driving walrus off the very same cliff.
It was damning evidence that the ‘Our Planet’ account of walrus deaths had been a false narrative constructed to elicit an emotional response from the public.
New independent video footage of the same event shot by Russian photographer Yevgeny Basov corroborates the BBC evidence that polar bears drove the walrus over the cliff.
Basov is a friend of Netflix ‘science advisor’ Anatoly Kochnev and was apparently invited to observe the commercial filming.
Like the original Netflix footage, this scene is not for the faint of heart. It captures a raw but natural encounter between predator and prey.
Walrus hauling out on land during the summer are natural events that happen even when sea ice is available.
Polar bears are known to stalk such herds until they stampede, leaving the weak or unwary crushed in their wake. Cliffs are not essential to this polar bear hunting strategy but are especially efficient.
This brutal film footage of nature in action is not evidence of climate change or species on the brink of extinction.
It does prove, however, that the walrus narrative promoted by Sir David Attenborough in the Netflix documentary ‘Our Planet’ is a manipulative sham with no resemblance to reality.

Note: Although the location is not specified in the video, which is simply entitled “Walruses and polar bears of Chukotka” (posted 17 May 2020), it is clear that the location seen early in the film footage (up to the 4:00 mark) is of the cliff and walrus haulout at Cape Schmidt, which the author described in a photo essay published in November 2017, see it here:
See also: The truth about Attenborough’s falling walruses
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The common factor in this is Attenborough. He might not have checked the background to these videos, but it suits his purpose to use them to promote his own agenda and he knows he will be believed by millions of people.
T.C. Clark
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It will be forever known as the Great Walrus Slaughter…..caused by a few bears and Netflix. Those walrus were minding their own business and trying to catch a few rays….and along comes Sir David and the bears…causing panic. Disgusting and despicable. Shame on Sir David.
K Kaiser
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