Further proof El Niños are fueled by deep-sea geological heat flow
Figure 1.) One of the hundreds just discovered (May 1, 2016) deep-sea hydrothermal vents located along the Marianas Trench, a “deep-sea trench in the floor of the western North Pacific Ocean.” These specific deep-sea floor vents and others in western North Pacific emit huge amounts of chemically charged and super-heated water (700 degrees Fahrenheit) into the overlying ocean column. (credit NOAA)
El Niño intensity and date of initial ocean warming data was gathered from several reliable published data sources. This cross plot/comparison process yielded an excellent correlation, specifically that all historical and modern data confirm the onset of El Niño ocean warming occurs a few months after the beginning of very high magnitude earthquake swarms located in the greater Solomon Island area.
This proven correlation supports the idea, as per the Plate Climatology Theory, that these earthquake swarms are an excellent proxy for the beginning of massive pulses of geological heat and heated fluid flow from deep-sea geological features located in the Solomon Island area. These anomalous heat flow pulses act to warm the overlying ocean, thereby generating an El Niño.
If proven correct, this would revolutionize climatology and key aspects of many interrelated sciences such as oceanography, marine biology, glaciology, biogeochemistry, and most importantly meteorology. Information supporting a geological origin of El Niños is diverse, reliable, and can be placed into five general categories as follows:
- “Smoking Gun” Earthquake Swarms and Associated Heat Flow
- “Eruptive” Nature of El Niño Ocean Warming
- Unique Shape and Non-Moving Character of El Niño Warm Blobs
- Consistent Failure of Atmospherically Based Climate Models
- Atmospheric Bias of Consensus Climate Scientists
First up is a discussion of data, research and general geological observations that explain the relevance of, and provide substance to the “Smoking Gun” Earthquake Swarms and Associated Heat Flow category. This is the most important category because it demonstrates just-released earthquake research results and several Solomon Island geological observations strongly support a geological origin to all El Niños. Here are the details:
A cross plot/comparison of very high-magnitude, far-western Pacific seafloor earthquake swarms versus onset of El Niño ocean warming was generated. Historical and modern earthquake data from the greater Solomon Island Area was utilized because it is the known origin point of all El Niños (see here).
El Niño intensity and date of initial ocean warming data was gathered from several reliable published data sources. This cross plot/comparison process yielded an excellent correlation, specifically that all historical and modern data confirm the onset of El Niño ocean warming occurs a few months after the beginning of very high magnitude earthquake swarms located in the greater Solomon Island area.
This proven correlation supports the idea, as per the Plate Climatology Theory, that these earthquake swarms are an excellent proxy for the beginning of massive pulses of geological heat and heated fluid flow from deep-sea geological features located in the Solomon Island area. These anomalous heat flow pulses act to warm the overlying ocean, thereby generating an El Niño.
Read more at climatechangedispatch.com
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