Professor Gloria Moss on TNT Radio’s Sky Dragon Slaying … Live!

Saturday 13th January 2024: Professor Gloria Moss, a UK leading education expert appears live on TNT Radio’s Sky Dragon Slaying to explain why ‘A new education system will mend a broken world,’

Principia Scientific International publishes a new essay by Professor Moss titled ‘A new education system will mend a broken world,‘  which dissects, explains and suggests a remedy for the malaise in modern western higher education.

A regular guest on TNT Radio valued for her expert take on the decline into wokeism of universities and colleges in English speaking nations, Dr Moss observes that the decay is multi-faceted and extends beyond academia. She writes:

“Growing numbers of people have awakened to the deceit underpinning modern life, whether it be in Judicial systems the police, governments, the medical system, the media or education. Of course much of the past is also questionable, with Voltaire famously describing History as ‘the lie commonly agreed upon’.”

Particularly, in the field of education Professor Moss notes:

“,,, the sad turn that Universities is revealed in this article from October 2023 highlighting censorship of books at Cambridge University, questionable methodologies behind university league tables and Gates funding at a little under 500 universities;  a newsletter from Truth University in July 2023 featured the President of Stanford University stepping down because of failure to respond to calls to correct mistakes in some of his peer reviewed papers, and features also the case of a Harvard Professor who had doctored datasets in articles concerning honesty!”

The dissatisfaction felt by parents has fuelled a growing trend to home-school with the number of young people being homeschooled in Britain in 2023, 82,000, being slightly over 150% more than the figure for 2018-2019.  A similar increase has been found in the US, with the number being home-schooled increasing from 2.5million in 2018 to 3.7million in 2023.


A total of 14.5% of parents supported the move to home-schooling on account of concerns over academic quality.  That term was not defined but may refer to low standards of mastery, the content of courses in school and /or the lack of a Critical Thinking approach to topics.

Listen/watch live between 9am to 10am on Saturday 13, January 2024, or catch up with the podcast later at

About Professor Moss:

Professor Gloria Moss Ph.D. FCIPD is the author of over 70 peer review journals and conference papers. She is the author of eight books, many published by Routledge and Palgrave Macmillan. Her latest book, written with Katherine Armitage, is ‘Light Bulb Moments and the Power of Critical Thinking’ (2023), published by Truth University Press, the publisher also of ‘The Dark Side of Academia: How Truth is Suppressed’.

Copies of both books can be obtained from the publisher, Truth University, by emailing: [email protected].  Alternatively, you can purchase it direct from Amazon. 

Note that Truth University’s exciting next ‘Questioning History’ conferences is taking place on 2-3 March in Berkshire, Britain. Speakers include Mark Devlin, Matt Sergiou and Gloria Moss and Early Bird rates are available until the end of January 2023.  For details, just email [email protected].

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